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Test case UC3

Anton Strand edited this page Oct 21, 2018 · 1 revision

Test case 3.1, Set todo to complete

Complete todo should be grayed out and the button should disappear.



  1. Press the complete button on todo Todo 2


  • The Todo 2 todo is grayed out
  • The Todo 2 todo's complete button is gone
  • Todo 1 and Todo 3 are unaltered

Test case 3.2, Completed are saved between sessions

Complete todo should be grayed out and the button should disappear.



  1. Press the logout button
  2. Log in using the user credentials from the previous test


  • The Todo 2 todo is still grayed out
  • The Todo 2 todo's complete button is still gone
  • Todo 1 and Todo 3 are unaltered