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Auto Apply Predefined Preferences

Menny Even Danan edited this page Oct 12, 2021 · 1 revision

In uses cases where the keyboard is mass-installed on many devices, there is also a need to preconfigure it to a specific state. This can be done by providing a preferences backup file at a specific path.


  1. Install the keyboard on a device.
  2. Set it up as you wish.
  3. Back up all the preferences using the backup functionality in the Settings app. Note: at this time, only App Settings is supported.
  4. Ensure you have adb connection to the device.
  5. Pull the backup file from the device to your current working folder as STARTUP_PREFS_APPLY.xml:
adb pull /sdcard/Android/data/ STARTUP_PREFS_APPLY.xml

This file will be used in the next step.

Auto-apply process

  1. Connect a target device to your computer.
  2. Install AnySoftKeyboard using your preferred method.
  3. Push the backup file to the target device:
adb push STARTUP_PREFS_APPLY.xml /sdcard/Android/data/
  1. Ensure AnySoftKeyboard is not running:
adb shell am kill --user all
  1. Give it write permission
adb shell pm grant android.permission.WRITE_EXTERNAL_STORAGE

At this state, AnySoftKeyboard is ready to apply the backup file on startup. Once the file is applied, it will be renamed to STARTUP_PREFS_APPLIED_[apply-time].xml.

You may want to follow the process using logcat:

adb logcat | grep ASK_Cfg_auto_apply_pref

Expect something similar to:

10-12 12:51:43.401  9597  9597 I ASK_Cfg_auto_apply_pref: Applying prefs file '/storage/emulated/0/Android/data/'...
10-12 12:51:43.401  9597  9597 D ASKApp  : Starting prefsAutoRestoreFunction for '/storage/emulated/0/Android/data/'
10-12 12:51:43.457  9597  9597 D ASK_Cfg : Checking if configuration upgrade is needed.
10-12 12:51:43.457  9597  9597 I ASKApp  : Restored prefs for 'App Settings'
10-12 12:51:43.457  9597  9597 I ASK_Cfg_auto_apply_pref: Prefs from file '/storage/emulated/0/Android/data/' were applied!
10-12 12:51:43.506  9597  9597 I ASK_Cfg_auto_apply_pref: Renaming applied prefs file from '/storage/emulated/0/Android/data/' to '/storage/emulated/0/Android/data/'...