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Use BigInt in library code, whether native or polyfilled

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Use BigInt in library code, whether native or polyfilled.


npm install --save bigint-lib


If polyfilling, polyfill BigInt first.


import {bigIntLib} from "bigint-lib";

 * `true` if natively supported; `false` otherwise

 * `true` if considered a `BigInt`

 * Creates a `BigInt` instance

See API for more details

Since this library is meant for library authors, reading the source code to understand how it works internally is recommended.


Not all browsers support BigInt natively.

Application code can use polyfills for BigInt easily.

However, libraries cannot assume that BigInt is natively supported, or polyfilled.

A library has to check.

If it is natively supported, we can use BigInt and all built-in operations directly.

If it is polyfilled, we cannot assume the shape of the exposed API for built-in operations.

Is addition done with x.add(y)? Or Polyfill.add(x, y)? Or Is it even implemented at all?

What about every other operation?

This library provides a unified API for all built-in BigInt operations, regardless of whether BigInt is natively supported, or polyfilled.

How it works

This library's only dependency is jsbi.

We have three cases to handle,

  • BigInt is natively supported

    We use the built-in operations directly.

    This is the most efficient.

    See src/native.ts for more details.

  • BigInt is polyfilled using jsbi

    We use jsbi for built-in operations.

    This is still pretty efficient.

    See src/jsbi-polyfill.ts for more details.

  • BigInt is polyfilled using some other library

    We convert the other library's BigInt to JSBI, use jsbi for built-in operations, and convert the result back to the other libary's BigInt.

    This is the least efficient, but saves us from having to worry about the exposed API of the other library.

    See src/non-jsbi-polyfill.ts for more details.

Expected Polyfill

This library assumes polyfills conform to some minimal API.

Polyfill with JSBI

To polyfill using jsbi,

import JSBI from "jsbi";
global.BigInt = JSBI.BigInt;

At the moment, using jsbi+TypeScript with esModuleInterop:false may cause the import to fail during run-time.

You may set esModuleInterop:true to fix the problem. However, setting esModuleInterop:true may cause other imports to fail.

You may choose to keep esModuleInterop:false and change the import to,

import {JSBI} from "bigint-lib/dist/jsbi";
global.BigInt = JSBI.BigInt;

Polyfill with Other Library

If polyfilling with some other library, the library must, minimally, have the following API,

class MyPolyfill {
    constructor (mixed : any) {

    toString () {
        return //snip base-10 string
global.BigInt = (mixed : any) => new MyPolyfill(mixed);

The polyfill must also satisfy the following properties,

BigInt(0) instanceof MyPolyfill
> true
Object.getPrototypeOf(BigInt(0)).constructor === MyPolyfill
> true


The following are exported by this library,


The interface is mostly the same as jsbi's

Operation native BigInt bigint-lib Note
Creation from String a = BigInt("456") a = biLib.BigInt("456")
Creation from Number a = BigInt(789) a = biLib.BigInt(789)
Creation from BigInt a = BigInt(a) a = biLib.BigInt(a)
Conversion to String a.toString(radix) biLib.toString(a, radix) radix defaults to 10; must be in [2, 36]
Conversion to Number Number(a) biLib.toNumber(a) May result in precision loss
Truncation BigInt.asIntN(width, a) biLib.asIntN(width, a) Throws if width is negative
BigInt.asUintN(width, a) biLib.asUintN(width, a) Throws if width is negative
Type check typeof a === "bigint" biLib.isBigInt(a)
Native BigInt check typeof BigInt(0) === "bigint" biLib.isNativelySupported()

Operation native BigInt bigint-lib Note
Unary minus b = -a b = biLib.unaryMinus(a)
Addition c = a + b c = biLib.add(a, b)
Subtraction c = a - b c = biLib.subtract(a, b)
Multiplication c = a * b c = biLib.multiply(a, b)
Division c = a / b c = biLib.divide(a, b) Throws if b is zero
Remainder c = a % b c = biLib.remainder(a, b) Throws if b is zero
Exponentiation c = a ** b c = biLib.exponentiate(a, b) Throws if b is negative
Left-shift c = a << b c = biLib.leftShift(a, b) Allows negative shift
Signed right-shift c = a >> b c = biLib.signedRightShift(a, b) Allows negative shift
Bitwise NOT b = ~a c = biLib.bitwiseNot(a)
Bitwise AND c = a & b c = biLib.bitwiseAnd(a, b)
Bitwise OR c = a | b c = biLib.bitwiseOr(a, b)
Bitwise XOR c = a ^ b c = biLib.bitwiseXor(a, b)
Comparison a == b biLib.equal(a, b)
a != b biLib.notEqual(a, b)
a < b biLib.lessThan(a, b)
a <= b biLib.lessThanOrEqual(a, b)
a > b biLib.greaterThan(a, b)
a >= b biLib.greaterThanOrEqual(a, b)
Literals a = 123n N/A
Increment a++/++a N/A
a + 1n biLib.add(a, biLib.BigInt(1))
Decrement a--/--a N/A
a - 1n biLib.subtract(a, biLib.BigInt(1))


If global.BigInt is natively supported, returns nativeBigIntLib. Otherwise, returns jsbiPolyfillBigIntLib.

This is useful for libraries that need to perform many complex BigInt operations before returning a result.

import {bigIntLib, nativeOrJsbiLib} from "bigint-lib";

const my1 = nativeOrJsbiLib.BigInt(1);

//Takes native or JSBI polyfilled bigints
//Will return a native or JSBI polyfilled bigint
function myComplexFunctionImpl (m : bigint, n : bigint) : bigint {
    if (nativeOrJsbiLib.equal(m, 0)) {
        return nativeOrJsbiLib.add(n, my1);
    if (nativeOrJsbiLib.equal(n, 0)) {
        return myComplexFunctionImpl(
            nativeOrJsbiLib.subtract(m, my1),
    return myComplexFunctionImpl(
        nativeOrJsbiLib.subtract(m, my1),
        myComplexFunctionImpl(m, nativeOrJsbiLib.subtract(n, 1))

//Takes native, JSBI polyfilled, or other polyfilled bigints
//Must return a `bigint` that may be native, polyfilled with JSBI, or polyfilled with other libraries
function myComplexFunction (m : bigint, n : bigint) : bigint {
    //Will be a native or JSBI polyfilled `bigint`
    const myM = nativeOrJsbiLib.BigInt(m.toString());
    const myN = nativeOrJsbiLib.BigInt(n.toString());
    const myResult = myComplexFunctionImpl(myM, myN);

    //Convert the result to a `bigint` type the same as its input
    return bigIntLib.BigInt(myResult.toString());

Using nativeOrJsbiLib saves the time needed to convert between JSBI and other polyfill libraries, if other polyfill libraries are used.

Polyfilling with node

  1. Have your polyfill code in a .js file.
  2. node -r my-polyfill.js my-entry-point.js

Polyfilling with ts-node

  1. Have your polyfill code in a .ts file.
  2. ts-node -r my-polyfill.ts my-entry-point.ts


  1. git clone
  2. npm install
  3. npm run sanity-check to build and run tests.
  4. npm run to see a list of commands.


Use BigInt in library code, whether native or polyfilled






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