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Kruskal's Minimum Spanning Tree

author: Aparajith Sridharan
date : 11.10.2020


This project implements the Kruskal's minimum spanning tree algorithm.


CMake - recommended latest version, minimum version 2.8
C++ min version 11
Windows x64 compiler : VC100(minimum) tested on VC142(VS 2019)
currently not tested on linux, since the concepts used are made to compile with C++11 standard, it should compile on gcc > 4.6

Build the Project

This is a CMake project built to work with MS Visual Studio 2010 onwards.
If you do not own a copy of Visual Studio you can download a community version for free here :
If you do not have Cmake installed get the latest version over here:

  1. Clone the project from git from here or download it to your PC.

  2. open cmd from the root folder of this project and type in the following commands

     mkdir build  
     cmake -B build  

This should generate the visual studio .sln solution file in \build folder.
Open it in VS and right click the project MinimumSpanningTree on the solution explorer and click set as Startup project.
Clicking on Debug -> run without Debug will now run the project and display the output.


The project builds the library MSTree.lib and it contains three main classes Graph class under undirected_graph.h which accepts a filename to a text file that follows the specific description of a graph, it's vertices and edges.
see to the end under the text file contents for more context.

MinimumSpanningTree class declared in minimum_spanning_tree.h file uses Graph class to construct a graph from a given filename.

  • The std::vector<Edge> ComputeKruskalMST() member function will compute the minimum spanning tree for the given graph in file and return all selected edges.

KruskalSimulation class declared in kruskal_simulation.h file uses MinimumSpanningTree class to initialize a object of Graph and execute kruskals algorithm.

  • The member function void runKruskal() will run the algorithm and save the selected edges list in the object.
  • The member function void printGraph() will print the input graph
  • The member function void printResult() will print the list of edges that form the Minimum Spanning Tree and the cost of the tree.

Text file contents

the text file shall contain only numbers and delimiter used shall be a single space or carriage return.

the first line denotes the number of vertices in the graph. the second line onwards shall contain the following

e.g. for edge between node 1 and 2 with cost of 3:
0 1 3
1 0 3
and so on..

Troubleshooting problems

Application displays "ERROR! File not found". Make sure the input text file is available at the project root directory and named exactly as the filename given in the main.cpp file.
Once this is solved, run the cmake build as described in Build the Project section.
If the error still persists, copy the .txt file and paste it both in the \build folder and in the folder where MinimumSpanningTree.exe is present and run the .exe from the command prompt.