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Releases: AperiodicMethods/AperiodicMethods

pre-release: project update

13 Apr 18:07
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This is a tagged release of the the 'pre-release' (pre-final / pre-preprint) version of the project.

Everything here is approximately final and stable. The goal of this release is to tag a release of the project before reorganizing some of the code (e.g. before moving some of the newly developed code from here into neurodsp).


15 Jul 17:27
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This is a tag for the status of the repo as it was to make poster and analyses for the CCN-2019 poster & paper.

• This tag has some external dependencies of code that was copied into the notebooks folder, that are implementations from other places.


16 Apr 02:23
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This is a tag to lock in a copy of the code that was used at the time to generate the analysis and figures as used in the SfN2017 poster.
• This tag has a dependency on an old version of FOOOF (pre-stable release version), that would need to be used to re-run the code as is. (Release versions of FOOOF should be algorithmically the same, but the API changed).
• This tag will be completely incompatible with future movements of the repo: much of the code will be updated, with also a change in focus: splitting up synthetic testing, and real-data analysis.