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Blog app microservices

This is a small application in microservices. A user can create a post and other users can comment.

Initial goal is create the logic of microservices and after host in Kubernetes. If you want to read how to deploy the application in Kubernetes (I use GKE - Coogle Kubernetes Engine) with Terraform the follow then link

Build With

React Node.JS Express.JS HTML Css MongoDB Mongo-Express Kafka Nginx Docker



Project Structure

├── client/
├── nginx/
├── comments/
├── posts/
├── query-posts-service/
├── kafka/
├── files/  ## images etc.
├── k8s-yamls/ ## for Kubernetes

For every service created a specific image in docker hub. Expect nginx. There is a .env file where exist all configuration for ports, hosts etc. Use your specific values or let defaults.

If you want to learn more about application read the Documentation below

Getting Started


  1. Clone repository

    $ git clone
    $ cd Blog-microservices
    # Remove current origin repo
    $ git remote remove origin  
  2. Start Application using Docker 🐋

    $ docker-compose up -d
    # wait 30seconds
  3. Open http://localhost:3050/ on broswer and create your posts.


  1. Clone repository

    $ git clone
    $ cd Blog-microservices
    # Remove current origin repo
    $ git remote remove origin  
  2. Start Application using Docker 🐋

    $ docker-compose -f docker-compose-dev.yml up -d
    # wait 30seconds
  3. Open http://localhost:3050/ on broswer and create your posts.


If you want to make changes or learn how my application works read the documentation below

API structure


Client Service

Client is the frontend application in which user can

  1. Create Posts
  2. Display Posts
  3. Comment in Posts
  4. Display Post with comments


In API table there are some environment variables. Check them below.

Action HTTP request URI Folder/file
Create Posts POST ${REACT_APP_POST_HOST}/posts client/src/api/posts-api.js
Get Posts GET ${REACT_APP_POST_HOST}/posts client/src/api/posts-api.js
Create Comments POST ${REACT_APP_COMMENT_HOST}/posts/{post_id}/comments client/src/api/commnets-api.js
Get Comments from Specific Post GET ${REACT_APP_COMMENT_HOST}/posts/{post_id}/comments client/src/api/commnets-api.js
Get Posts & Comments GET ${REACT_APP_QUERY_HOST}/posts client/src/api/post-comments-api.js


All environment variables exist in .env file in root folder.

⚠️ Change Variables: Be very careful here! Recommend don't change Variablies in .env file. But you are free to change them. If you change the Variables then you have to change config file in nginx/ folder. Check below in Section Config NGINX.

Variable Info Folder/file
${REACT_APP_POST_HOST} Container name of Posts Service client/src/config/config.js
${REACT_APP_COMMENT_HOST} Container name of Comments Service client/src/config/config.js
${REACT_APP_QUERY_HOST} Container name of Query Service client/src/config/config.js
${REACT_APP_PORT} Port for Client Exists only in .env file

⚠️ If you change ${REACT_APP_PORT} then you have to edit the default.conf file in path client/nginx/default.conf. Edit the port in line listen 3000; and change 3000 with you port.


Posts Service

Action HTTP request URI Folder/file
Create Posts POST http://localhost:{POST_PORT}/posts posts/index.js
Get Posts GET http://localhost:{POST_PORT}/posts posts/index.js


All environment variables exist in .env file in root folder.

⚠️ Change Variables: Be very careful here! Recommend don't change Variablies in .env file. But you are free to change them. If you change the Variables then you have to change config file in nginx/ folder. Check below in Section Config NGINX.

Variable Info Folder/file
${POST_PORT} The port in which run Posts Service posts/config/index.js
${POST_TOPIC} Kafka Topic in which Posts Service sends the created Post posts/config/index.js
${KAFKA_BROKERS} All Kafka Brokers in Cluster posts/config/index.js

request structure:

    When someone Create a Post the structure is the Following (Example)
    id: 123,  //Post Id
    title: 'FirstTitle' //The Title of Post


ID Title
123 FirstTitle

Comments Service

Action HTTP request URI Folder/file
Create Comments POST http://localhost:${COMMENT_PORT}/posts/:{id of Post}/comments comments/index.js
Get Comments GET http://localhost:${COMMENT_PORT}/posts/:{id of Post}/comments comments/index.js


All environment variables exist in .env file in root folder.

⚠️ Change Variables: Be very careful here! Recommend don't change Variablies in .env file. But you are free to change them. If you change the Variables then you have to change config file in nginx/ folder. Check below in Section Config NGINX.

Variable Info Folder/file
${COMMENT_PORT} The port in which run Comments Service comments/config/index.js
${COMMENT_TOPIC} Kafka Topic in which Comments Service sends created Comments for a specific Post comments/config/index.js
${KAFKA_BROKERS} All Kafka Brokers in Cluster comments/config/index.js

request structure:

    When someone Create a comment the structure is the Following (Example)
    id: j23, //commentId
    comment: 'My first Comment' //here there is the comment


ID Comment
j23 My first Comment

Apache Kafka

Apache Kafka have at least 2 Topis:

PostCreated_topic && CommentCreated_topic

/* When we create a `post/` a message sends to PostCreated_topic (Example) : */

        id: 123, //Post Id
        title: 'FirstTitle' //The Title of Post

/* When we create a `comment/` a message sends to CommentCreated_topic (Example) : */

        id: j23, //commentId
        comment: 'My first Comment'
        postId: 123 //Post Id

Query Service

When we want to fetch a post with all of its comments we query for the post with comments in query-posts-service/ Service.

This service accepts messages from Kafka topics (PostCreated, CommentCreated)

Consumers of Apache Kafka receive all the messages from Topics PostCreated && CommentCreated. So, the table for its database looks like:


Post_ID Title Comments
123 FirstTitle {id: j23, comment: 'My first Comment'}
Action HTTP request URI Folder/file
Get Posts with Comments GET http://localhost:${QUERY_PORT}/posts query-posts-service/index.js

All data store in a MongoDB Database in which we use mongo-express which is admin interface for MongoDB.


All environment variables exist in .env file in root folder.

⚠️ Change Variables: Be very careful here! Recommend don't change Variablies in .env file. But you are free to change them. If you change the Variables then you have to change config file in nginx/ folder. Check below in Section Config NGINX.

Variable Info Folder/file
${QUERY_PORT} The port in which run Comments Service query-posts-service/config/index.js
${POST_TOPIC} Kafka Topic in which Query Service accept the created Posts query-posts-service/config/index.js
${COMMENT_TOPIC} Kafka Topic in which Query Service accept created Comments for a specific Post query-posts-service/config/index.js
${KAFKA_BROKERS} All Kafka Brokers in Cluster query-posts-service/config/index.js

kafka Service

Kafka Service is a Kafka admin client who can create Topics with many partitions and replicas. User can define the name of topics, number of partitions and number of replicas.

In Docker compose we can declare Environment Variables for these values.


All environment variables exist in .env file in root folder.

Variable Info Folder/file
${KAFKA_TOPICS} All topics that we want to create kafka/config/index.js
${KAFKA_REPLICATION_FACTOR} Replication factor for topics ${KAFKA_TOPICS} kafka/config/index.js
${KAFKA_NUM_PARTITIONS} Number of partitions for topics ${KAFKA_TOPICS} kafka/config/index.js
${KAFKA_BROKERS} All Kafka Brokers in Cluster kafka/config/index.js
${KAFKA_APP}: Kafka client id

Config NGINX

With NGINX we


This is a small microservice application for Blog







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