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Advertisement Storage contract

Tiago Rosado edited this page Oct 15, 2018 · 2 revisions



Advertisement Storage contract is part of Advertisement contract, as explain in the contract Architecture of Advertisement contract. All operations with intent to change internal contract state are restricted to a list of authorized addresses which usually includes the main Advertisement contract and the Advertisement Storage contract's owner.

Advertisement Storage contract stores every campaign registered for user acquisition by its developer. A campaign is registered in the Storage contract with the following information, bidId (which uniquely identifies the campaign), price which the campaign owner is willing to pay for each app instalation, the start and end dates of the campaign and finally the owner of the campaign. An additional field is registered for each campaign detailing if a campaign is still valid.

Creating a campaign

To create a campaign on Storage contract, an authorized address needs to issue a setCampaign function. Using this function, a new campaign will be created if none with the same bidId exists. When creating a campaign it is mandatory to provide all the information described earlier in this page. Thus, setCampaign function requires the bidId, price, budget, start and End date of the campaign, as well as a boolean issuing if a campaign is still valid and the campaign's owner address.

When creating a campaign, a CampaignCreated event will be issued. A CampaignCreated will include every information passed as argument on the setCampaign function.

Updating a campaign information

In order to update a campaign information it is possible to issue an update through two alternative methods. The first method to update an existing campaign is to issue a setCampaign function. Thus, the same arguments described in the create campaign section will be needed. The bidId of the campaign will be used to identify the campaign which will be updated.

When updating a campaign using setCampaign function, a CampaignUpdated event will be issued. A CampaignUpdated will include every information passed as argument on the setCampaign function.

The second method used to update a campaign is specific to each information field stored for a campaign. Thus, the following functions are avaliable:

  • setCampaignPriceById
  • setCampaignBudgetById
  • setCampaignStartDateById
  • setCampaignEndDateById
  • setCampaignValidById
  • setCampaignOwnerById

Each of those functions emit a CampaignUpdated event. This event will include every information stored by the contract regarding the specific campaign which was updated.

Reading campaign informations

In order to read camapaign information it is necessary to provide the bidId of the corresponding campaign. To read campaign information it is not necessary to have special permissions, anyone can read this information. The list of functions available is as following:

  • getCampaignPriceById
  • getCampaignBudgetById
  • getCampaignStartDateById
  • getCampaignEndDateById
  • getCampaignValidById
  • getCampaignOwnerById

How to test