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AppDynamics Cluster Agent Lab for MicroK8s

The goal of this lab is to deploy the AppDynamics Cluster Agent into a MicroK8s Kubernetes cluster in under five minutes.

Access to an AppDynamics SaaS Controller is required.


MicroK8s provides a simple and fast installation of a fully-conformant Kubernetes cluster. Read more about MicroK8s and Kubernetes at: MicroK8s and Kubernetes

Getting started

This lab is designed to run on Ubuntu, using MicroK8s and Docker CE. Clone this repository using:

git clone

cd AppD-Cluster-Agent-Microk8s

AppDynamics Cluster agent

Download the AppDynamics Ubuntu cluster agent from: AppDynamics Downloads into the directory AppD-Cluster-Agent-Microk8s

This will download the zip archive or a higher version.

Install the AppDynamics Cluster Agent

From the directory AppD-Cluster-Agent-Microk8s unzip the Cluster Agent into the directory cluster-agent using:

unzip -d cluster-agent

Configure the Cluster Agent

From the AppDynamics SaaS controller obtain the following configuration parameters: controllerUrl, Account Name and Access Key

In the cluster agent directory cluster-agent edit the resource definition cluster-agent.yaml:

Modify the fields:

appName: "<app-name>"
controllerUrl: "http://<appdynamics-controller-host>:8080"
account: "<account-name>"
image: ""

Choose a unique <app-name> to represent this cluster. The above configuration uses the Cluster Agent image provided by AppDynamics for Ubuntu. This ok for this lab, however you can Build the Cluster Agent Container Image and source from a private respository.

This lab deploys pods into the namespace test. Include additional namespaces to monitor by adding the field nsToMonitor, add the following namespaces:

    - test
    - default
    - appdynamics
    - kube-system

For additional configuration options review Configure The Cluster Agent

Update Ubuntu, install and configure MicroK8s Kubernetes Cluster:

In the directory AppD-Cluster-Agent-Microk8s run the following commands using the script

Update Ubuntu

./ ubuntu-update

Install Docker Community Edition

./ docker-install

Install MicroK8s

./ k8s-install

The docker-install and k8s-install commands require the current ssh/shell session to be restarted, for the usermod command to work successfully. Exit the current ssh/shell session and re-enter before continuing.

Start the MicroK8s Kubernetes Cluster

./ k8s-start

Review the pods and services running in the cluster using:

microk8s.kubectl get pods,services --all-namespaces

NAMESPACE     NAME                                        READY   STATUS    RESTARTS   AGE
kube-system   pod/coredns-7b67f9f8c-8s6zq                 1/1     Running   1          113s
kube-system   pod/metrics-server-v0.2.1-598c8978c-c2vjf   2/2     Running   0          107s

NAMESPACE     NAME                     TYPE        CLUSTER-IP       EXTERNAL-IP   PORT(S)                  AGE
default       service/kubernetes       ClusterIP     <none>        443/TCP                  2m52s
kube-system   service/kube-dns         ClusterIP    <none>        53/UDP,53/TCP,9153/TCP   113s
kube-system   service/metrics-server   ClusterIP   <none>        443/TCP                  107s

The kube-dbs and metrics-server should be running in the cluster.

Deploy Pods to the MicroK8s Kubernetes Cluster

In the directory AppD-Cluster-Agent-Microk8s run the following commands using the script

./ pods-create

The above command will create a namespace called "test" and deploy two pods (alpine1, alpine2) with single containers, and two services (busyboxes1, busyboxes2) each with two containers.

Review the K8s resource definitions in the directory pods for details of these resources.

Review what pods and namespaces are running in the cluster using the command:

microk8s.kubectl get pods --all-namespaces

The output should show two alpine pods and four busybox pods running:

NAMESPACE     NAME                                    READY   STATUS    RESTARTS   AGE
kube-system   coredns-7b67f9f8c-8s6zq                 1/1     Running   1          5m30s
kube-system   metrics-server-v0.2.1-598c8978c-c2vjf   2/2     Running   0          5m24s
test          alpine1                                 1/1     Running   0          20s
test          alpine2                                 1/1     Running   0          20s
test          busybox1a                               1/1     Running   0          20s
test          busybox1b                               1/1     Running   0          20s
test          busybox2a                               1/1     Running   0          19s
test          busybox2b                               1/1     Running   0          19s

Deploy the AppDynamics Cluster Agent

Obtain the Account Access Key from the AppDynamics SaaS controller and configure the enviroment variable:


In the directory AppD-Cluster-Agent-Microk8s

Deploy and start the AppDynamics Cluster Agent using the command:

./ appd-create-cluster-agent

Please note the above command will look for the Cluster Agent resources in the sub-directory cluster-agent

Check that the AppDynamics Cluster Agent and Operator are in the Running state, using the command:

microk8s.kubectl get pods,services --all-namespaces

If errors are reported, check the resource defintion file cluster-agent.yaml. Additonal steps are required for SSL and proxy services. See Proxy and SSL Configuration

The Cluster Agent resources: agent, operator, secret and namespace, can be deleted using:

./ appd-delete-cluster-agent

Then restarted using:

./ appd-create-cluster-agent

AppDynamics Cluster Agent Visibilty

Login into the AppDynamics Conroller and click through the Servers tab to the Cluster view. The cluster named by the field appName: "<app-name>" should be visible.

Click into this cluster to see the visibility AppDynamics provides into Kubernetes.

Details of how to use the AppDynamics Cluster Agent Visibility are provided here: Use the Cluster Agent

Next Steps

Review the automation script for exact details of how this deployment was performed and configured.

Thank you for using this lab please provide feedback. Please fork, improve and submit pull requests.


AppDynamics Cluster Agent Lab for MicroK8s Kubernetes






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