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8.3.0-alpha.4 for Forge on Minecraft 1.16.5

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@shartte shartte released this 17 Apr 21:12

See previous releases about additional features, changes, or bugfixes


Feature #5135: Added recipes for the new and larger portable cells.

The recipe for them were not added previously as their properties were not fully set in stone.
To avoid potential issues, no recipes did exists in case these would change again.

Various changes and bugfixes

Fixes #5132: Rare crash in crafting status screen when data for CPU arrived late on the client
A high latency could cause the name of a crafting cpu to not be present yet and crash.

Fixes #5137: Quartz ore and skystone did not require a tool
These blocks could be incorrectly broken by hand and still drop the matching blocks or items. Albeitly very slowly.

Fixes #5147: Improved compatibility with mods that would chunk-load during the world-load event (i.e. fluxnetworks)

Known issues

#5158: There is a rare crash during auto-crafting related to crafting CPUs injecting items back into grids when they complete.
This alpha adds more debugging checks to track the root cause down.