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The Hippo library is an attempt at creating a simple DSL to generate and parse HIPAA transaction sets. HIPAA or the Health Insurance Portability Accountability Act is a series of regulations which place restrictions and requirements on the way transaction sets (ie. Claims, Remittances, Eligibility, Claim Status, etc.) must be formatted.

The HIPAA required transactions sets are created by the X12 organization. The current production version (as of 2011/02/05) is 4010A1, but effective 2012/01/01 all organizations must be migrated to using version 5010.

To obtain copies of the implementation guides you must purchase them from the X12 organization. The implementation data is also available in tabular format (CSV). The transaction sets, loops, and segments in Hippo were created from the X12 CSV Table Data.

More information can be found at the following sites:

Sample scripts using Hippo:


gem install hippo


This is very straight forward. Basically, create an instance of the transaction set that you will be working with, and start filling in the loops, segments, and fields. For a complete example from the 222A1 (837-P) implementation guide please review test/test_hipaa_837.rb.

Below is a small sample of how to create a transaction set.

ts =

ts.ST do |st|
  st.TransactionSetControlNumber        = '0021'
  st.ImplementationConventionReference  = '005010X222A1'

ts.BHT do |bht|
  bht.TransactionSetPurposeCode = '00'
  bht.ReferenceIdentification   = '244579'
  bht.Date                      = '20061015'
  bht.Time                      = '1023'
  bht.TransactionTypeCode       = 'CH'

ts.L1000A do |l1000a|
  l1000a.NM1 do |nm1|
    nm1.EntityTypeQualifier        = '2'
    nm1.NameLastOrOrganizationName = 'PREMIER BILLING SERVICE'
    nm1.IdentificationCode         = 'TGJ23'

  l1000a.PER do |per|
    per.Name                            = 'JERRY'
    per.CommunicationNumberQualifier_01 = 'TE'
    per.CommunicationNumber_01          = '3055552222'
    per.CommunicationNumberQualifier_02 = 'EX'
    per.CommunicationNumber_02          = '231'

puts ts.to_s

# Below is the output of ts.to_s (split onto separate lines for readability)
# ST*837*0021*005010X222A1~
# BHT*0019*00*244579*20061015*1023*CH~
# PER*IC*JERRY*TE*3055552222*EX*231~

Transaction Set/Loop and Segment DSL

Transaction Sets/Loops and Segments are defined with a very straight forward DSL.

module Hippo::Segments
  class TestSimpleSegment < Hippo::Segments::Base
    segment_identifier 'TSS'

    field :name => 'Field1'
    field :name => 'Field2'
    field :name => 'Field3'
    field :name => 'Field4'
    field :name => 'CommonName'
    field :name => 'CommonName'
    field :name => 'DateField',     :datatype => :date
    field :name => 'TimeField',     :datatype => :time
    field :name => 'IntegerField',  :datatype => :integer
    field :name => 'DecimalField',  :datatype => :decimal

  class TestCompoundSegment < Hippo::Segments::Base
    segment_identifier 'TCS'

    composite_field 'CompositeField' do
      field :name => 'Field1'
      field :name => 'Field2'
      field :name => 'Field3'
      field :name => 'CompositeCommonName'

    composite_field 'CompositeField' do
      field :name => 'Field4'
      field :name => 'Field5'
      field :name => 'Field6'
      field :name => 'CompositeCommonName'

    field :name => 'Field7'

module Hippo::TransactionSets
  module Test
    class Base < Hippo::TransactionSets::Base

      segment Hippo::Segments::TestSimpleSegment,
                :name           => 'Test Simple Segment #1',
                :minimum        => 1,
                :maximum        => 5,
                :position       => 50,
                :defaults => {
                  'TSS01' => 'Blah'

      segment Hippo::Segments::TestCompoundSegment,
                :name           => 'Test Compound Segment #2',
                :minimum        => 1,
                :maximum        => 1,
                :position       => 100,
                :defaults => {
                  'Field7' => 'Preset Field 7'

      segment Hippo::Segments::TestSimpleSegment,
                :name           => 'Test Simple Segment #3',
                :minimum        => 1,
                :maximum        => 1,
                :position       => 50,
                :defaults => {
                  'TSS01' => 'Last Segment'

Quick Guide to Populating a Transaction Set

Using the simple transaction set and segments defined above, here are a few ways to access the fields.

To create a transaction set simple choose the set you want and call new on it's Base class.

ts =

The segments can be accessed directly from the created transaction set using the segment identifier.


Since the TSS segment can be repeated we must call #build to generate a new instance for each repeat. (You will be returned the first instance each time if you do not call #build.)

tss =

# or do |tss|
  # do something here...

The code above produces the following string output (notice how the values from :defaults are prefilled, and the output is automatically sorted based on the order that the segments were declared):

# ts.to_s => 'TSS*Blah~TCS***Preset Field 7~'

You can set the field values on a given segment a few different ways.

First you must access the segment that the field belongs to. You can either access the fields directly on the segment or use the block syntax.

# this is one way to populate the fields
ts.TCS.Field1 = 'Foo'
ts.TSS.Field2 = 'Bar'

# this is another way
ts.TCS do |tcs|
  tcs.Field1 = 'Foo'

ts.TSS do |tss|
  tss.Field2 = 'Bar'

Once you have access to the segment you can set the field values by either calling the field name or using its relative position in the segment. If the field name is used more than once in a segment or if you are accessing a composite field you can optionally pass the index of the field to access.

ts.TCS do |tcs|
  tcs.Field1    = 'Foo'     # use the field name
  tcs.TCS01_01  = 'Bar'     # use shorthand notation:
                            #   TCS01 refers to the first field within the current segment
                            #   _01 refers to the first field within the composite field

If you read the transaction set declaration from above you will notice that the TSS segment can be set in two different sequences (with different preset values). By default (as you can see from the previous example) when we call TSS we are referring to the first segment, but if you need to access the second instance of TSS in the transaction set you would specify TSS_02 instead.

ts.TCS.Field1     = 'Foo'
ts.TSS.Field2     = 'Bar'
ts.TSS_02.Field2  = 'Baz'

# ts.to_s => 'TSS*Blah*Bar~TCS*Foo**Preset Field 7~TSS*Last Segment*Baz~'

Obviously, this could get somewhat tedious when operating on a TransactionSet with many segments with the same identifier. As an alternative you can also access a particular segment/loop based on the name provided in the TransactionSet definition. You can either pass the actual name or a Regexp to search with.

ts.find_by_name('Test Simple Segment #1') do |tss|
  tss.Field2 = 'Baz'

# which is essentially equivilent (because the search occurs in order of declaration)
ts.find_by_name(/Segment/) do |tss|
  tss.Field2 = 'Baz'

# ts.to_s => 'TSS*Blah*Baz~'

The same technique can be used to reference fields within a segment that have the same name.

ts.TSS.CommonName = 'Value1'
ts.TSS.CommonName_02 = 'Value2'

# ts.to_s => 'TSS*Blah*Bar***Value1*Value2~TCS*Foo**Preset Field 7~TSS*Last Segment*Baz~'

Type Conversion

As of Hippo version 0.2.0 values are stored in the native format, and coverted back to the appropriate string representation when required. This means that you can set and access date, time, integer, and decimal fields without having to convert back and forth between strings.

As part of the type conversion process we are also validating that a fields value is being set with a valid value for that particular data type.

Just a few examples using the type conversion:

seg =    # Please review definition from above.

# Date fields:
seg.DateField =, 01, 20)
seg.DateField = "20120120"
seg.DateField =, 01, 20, 10, 15, 20)

# all of these formats result in the same internal representation
puts seg.DateField.inspect # => #<Date: 2012-01-20 ((2455947j,0s,0n),+0s,2299161j)>

# To set the field back to a blank/empty value simply assign it to nil
seg.DateField = nil

# Time fields:
seg.TimeField = "0120"      # => 1:20 am       (HHMM)
seg.TimeField = "012023"    # => 1:20:23 am    (HHMMSS)
seg.TimeField = "01202322"  # => 1:20:23.22 am (HHMMSSDD)
seg.TimeField =

# Integer fields:
seg.IntegerField = "10"     # => 10
seg.IntegerField = 10       # => 10
seg.IntegerField = "10blah" # => 10

# Decimal fields:
seg.DecimalField = "123.45"   # => #<BigDecimal:7fe83c315750,'0.12345E3',18(18)>
seg.DecimalField = 123.45     # => #<BigDecimal:7fe83c315750,'0.12345E3',18(18)>
seg.DecimalField = 123        # => #<BigDecimal:7fe83b9dd4f8,'0.123E3',9(18)>
seg.DecimalField = 123.0      # => #<BigDecimal:7fe83b9dd4f8,'0.123E3',9(18)>

Please Note: Due to issues with floating point representation of currency values we have chosen to use BigDecimal internally to store all fields with a decimal datatype.

Hierarchy Traversal

There are times with a given transaction set that you may start with a given segment but need to traverse up to a higher level loop/transaction set container. The best example of this is when dealing with 997 or 999 acknowledgments. If there are errors in your original transmission they are reported on the 997 and 999 as the segment number in error. We need to then take that errored segment and figure out more context.

The first thing we have to do is find the segment in error. The 999 contains this in the IK3 segment of the 2100 - AK2/IK3 loop. Then we need to access those segments in the original transmitted file. Finally, we need to access an ancestor that gives enough context to resolve the error.

Here is a quick example:

ts_999 = Hippo::Parser.parse_file('location/to/999/file.999')
ts_837 = Hippo::Parser.parse_file('location/to/837/file.837')

# first lets get the index of all of the errored segments
error_indexes ={|l|{|m| m.IK3.IK303}}.flatten
# or
error_indexes ={|s| s.class.to_s =~ /IK3/}.collect{|s| s.IK303}

# now lets find those segments in the file being confirmed
errored_segments = ts_837.segments.values_at(error_indexes)

# and finally lets find the claim that they belong to
errored_claims  = errored_segments.collect{|s|{|a| a.class.to_s =~ /L2000B/}}.flatten

For more example please review the test suite.


Copyright 2011 by ProMedical, and licensed under the Modified BSD License. See included LICENSE file for details.


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