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Create a connector type bundle

Vicki Cove edited this page Apr 21, 2021 · 6 revisions

Note: A connector type bundle is not required for Google BigQuery, Microsoft SQL Server, Oracle, PostgreSQL, SAP HANA, or Snowflake. For these databases, only the vendor files (for example, JDBC driver) are required. For more information, see Required vendor files.

A connector type bundle is used to add a connector type for additional database platforms. A connector type bundle includes the following components:

  • A JDBC driver
  • A SQL dialect file (dialect.yml)
  • A properties file (properties.yml)

Complete the following steps to create a connector type bundle:

  1. Download the required JDBC driver for your database and version. For information on which driver to download, reference the database help documentation or contact your database account manager.
  2. Download the properties.yml file and dialect.yml file.

    Note: If you are adding a DB2, Amazon Redshift, or MySQL database connector, download the sample files for that database. Otherwise, download the properties.yml and dialect.yml templates.

  3. Configure the properties.yml file and dialect.yml file for your database type using the inline instructions.
  4. Save all three files in a folder.
  5. Compress the folder into a .zip format.

The connector type bundle can now be used to add a connector type.

SQL dialect file

The SQL dialect file (dialect.yml) defines the supported functions, capabilities, and expressions used for the database.

Properties file

The properties file (properties.yml) defines the connection properties for the database, which are used when a member of your organization creates a connection to the database.

Tips for configuring the YAML files

The properties.yml and dialect.yml file must be configured for the database connector you are adding. Use the following tips to help you configure the YAML files:

  • Not all database functions use the same syntax. You must replace the function syntax in the files with the correct syntax for the database connector you're adding. For example, the DATEPART(month) function in the template is replaced with MONTH(date_column) for MySQL databases.
  • Replace all placeholders ($0, $1, $2, $3, $4, or $5) with the appropriate variables (for example, table or column) as described in the inline comments.
  • Test the function syntax by running queries against your database. If the query is successful, then the syntax is correct.