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Camera Shutter Configuration

ArduPilot allows you to configure a :ref:`servo output<common-servo>` or :ref:`relay<common-relay>` to control a camera trigger from :ref:`an RC transmitter, a ground station or during a mission <common-camera-controls>`.

This article explains in general what connections and settings are required but in most cases the autopilot's servo output or relay voltage will be converted into a format understood by the particular camera used and the setup details will depend upon what hardware is used (infrared, cable, etc). These two pages may provide more details

Servo control connection and configuration

Connect one of the autopilot's PWM output (aka servo outputs) to the camera or the camera control cable that accepts PWM input. As mentioned on the :ref:`servos wiki page <common-servo>` there are some autopilot specific limitations on which PWM outputs may be used:

  • For autopilots with IOMCU (e.g. label outputs as MAIN OUT and AUX OUT), it is easiest to use AUX OUT 1 to 6.
  • For autopilots without an IOMCU any output may be used

Configure the autopilot by setting these parameters:

Relay control connection and configuration

Connect one of the autopilot's GPIO pins to the camera or the camera control cable that accepts high/low voltage input. As mentioned on the :ref:`relay wiki page<common-relay>` the autopilot's servo/motor outputs can normally be used but, in addition, some autopilots have dedicated pins purely for use as relays/GPIOs.

Configure the autopilot by setting these parameters:

  • If using 4.5 (or earlier) only the 1st relay can be used so set RELAY_PIN to the GPIO pin used
  • If using 4.6 (or higher) any relay can be used. Below are settings if the first relay is used.
  • Set SERVOx_FUNCTION = -1 (GPIO) where "x" is the servo output channel used. This is not required in the rare case where an autopilot's dedicated GPIO pins are used.
  • Set :ref:`CAM1_DURATION<CAM1_DURATION>` to the time (in seconds) that the relay is held high
  • Set :ref:`CAM1_RELAY_ON<CAM1_RELAY_ON>` = 0 to swap the relay voltage. E.g. GPIO output would now be normally high by default, and then low to trigger the camera shutter

Camera shutter feedback logging

ArduPilot logs TRIG messages when it triggers the camera. If the camera provides a GPIO output (e.g. camera flash hotshoe) then this can be used to also log CAM messages at the exact moment that pictures are taken.

Connect the camera's GPIO output to one of the autopilot's :ref:`GPIO pins <common-gpios>` (e.g. AUX OUT). As mentioned above there are restrictions on which pins may be used.

Set the following parameters:

See :ref:`digital input pin <common-pixhawk-overview_pixhawk_digital_outputs_and_inputs_virtual_pins_50-55>` for more details.

Consider using the Seagulls SYNC2 Shoe Horn Adapter