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File metadata and controls

261 lines (170 loc) · 6.27 KB

Startup Options

There are no mandatory command line options for MAVProxy. An exception to this is the --master option if there is more than 1 APM connected to the system.

Note that MAVProxy can only connect to 1 vehicle at a time. If control of multiple vehicles is desired, multiple MAVProxy sessions should be used - one session for each vehicle.


Specifies which port (serial, USB or network address/port) the UAV is communicating on.

Multiple --master can be used. MAVProxy will sort the packets into a single stream automatically. This is useful if independent redundant links are being used.

If an IP address is specified, it must be the local computer's IP address, or loopback address. The IP connection type (TCP or UDP) must be prefixed to the IP address.

If a serial port is specified, an optional comma-separated baud rate may also be specified. If present, this overrides the rate given by --baudrate. --master=/dev/ttyUSB0 --master="com14" --master=tcp: --master=udp: --master=/dev/ttyUSB0 --master=/dev/ttyUSB0,57600 --master=udp: --master=tcp:

If connecting to a remote IP address, the udpout or tcpout arguments should be used: --master=udpout: --master=tcpout:


Use quadcopter controls.


Specify baudrate of --master and --out ports. Only applicable for serial links.


Forward the MAVLink packets to a remote device (serial, USB or network address/port). Useful if using multiple ground station computers or relaying the stream through an intermediate node.

MAVlink usually uses port 14550 for IP-based packet forwarding, though other ports can be used if needed.

If a serial port is given (for example a radio device connecting an airborne MAVProxy instance with the GCS), a link-specific baud rate can be given after the device, delimited by a comma. This overrides the global default baudrate specified by --baudrate.

If forwarding to a network address via tcp or udp, this must be prefixed before the IP address.

A UDP broadcast can be made via the udpbcast:<ip>:<port> that starts as UDP broadcast then locks onto the first client that connects. <ip> specifies the valid client range. For example, udpbcast: will connect to the first client in the to range on port 14550. --master=/dev/ttyUSB0 --out=udp: --master=/dev/ttyACM0,115200 --out=/dev/ttyUSB0,57600 --master=/dev/ttyACM0,115200 --out=COM17,57600 --master=/dev/ttyACM0,57600 --out=udpbcast:


Host and port to send simulated RC input for the Software in the loop (SITL) simulator. Usually --sitl=


MAVLink stream rate.


MAVLink source system for this GCS.


MAVLink source component for this GCS.


MAVLink target master system.


MAVLink target master component.


Name of MAVLink master logfile. Default is mav.tlog.


Append to latest log file, rather than creating a new one. Useful if re-connecting mid-flight.


Startup in the APM's command line interface (CLI) mode.


Disable DTR drop on close.


Show MAVLink error packets.


Use text-to-speech. Requires the speechd software on Linux.


Name of the aircraft being flown. If used, logfiles will be stored in /Logs/AircraftName/Date/flightNumber/flight.tlog. Useful for keeping flight logs organised.


Initial commands to run in MAVProxy. Delimited by ; --master=/dev/ttyUSB0 --cmd="param load init.parm; module load map;"


Load the GUI console module on startup.


Load the moving map module on startup.


Load the specified module on startup. Can be used multiple times, or with a comma separated list.


Specify MAVLink version. Can be 1.0 or 2.0. Otherwise MAVProxy will autodetect the MAVLink version


Auto detect MAVLink protocol version.


Continue logs.


Don't wait for HEARTBEAT packets on startup.


MAVLink dialect. Uses the APM dialect by default.


Use RTS/CTS hardware flow control.


Give the current mission a name. If used, the flight log will be stored as :file:`/Logs/aircraftname/missionname` rather than the default :file:`/Logs/aircraftname/currentdatetime`.


Run in daemon mode (as a background process). No interactive shell will be started.


The base directory will logs are stored, if it is not the current directory.


Return version information about MAVProxy.


Controls the level of debugging output displayed on the console. Default is 0 (no debug output). A value of 3 is useful for debugging crashes or errors in MAVProxy and its modules.


A comma separated list of the modules to load on startup by default. The default value of this parameter is log,signing,wp,rally,fence,param,relay,tuneopt,arm,mode,calibration,rc,auxopt,misc,cmdlong, battery,terrain,output,adsb,layout


Do not start interactive shell


Timeout for udp clients in seconds