The name is inspired from this lex tool that generates lexical analyzers.
Here, lex
is a 30 lines program that identifies langage elements in a text.
- First, define the lexical and the dictionary, using regular expressions, on the definition part.
- Then call
with a text, and that dictionary.lex
returns the list of langage elements matching the dictionary.
There are two examples further down, one for a mathematical langage, and one for a markdown langage.
- works for the dictionary you define, i.e. the langage you define.
- Swift's syntax allows to do this in a simple and short way.
More description
In other words, lex
is a 'tokenizer' that works with regular expressions. 'Tokenisation' is the first step for lexical analysis. lex
is only around 30 lines of code, but it's a template code. That means it should be isolated for reuse because
After lex
, a following step could apply an algebra to the identified langage elements. An algebra defines operators. Operators have a priority, a number of operands, and can be postfix/prefix/infix with its operands. We should identify operators within our langage elements, and reorder the elements according to the operators characteristics, in order to obtain a 'Reverse Polish Notation' : operands followed by operator ... . After this 'RPN' transformation, our original text could be used as a program in a state machine ...
Here is an example, for some markdown langage. We're trying to find the langage elements in this markdown text :
# Title {.flyer}
## SubTitle
### Paragraph title
#### Paragraph subTitle
- Define the langage elements
// langage elements
public enum MdLexem {
case Level1 // # level 1
case Level2 // ## level 2
case Level3 // ### level 3
case Level4 // #### level 4
case Text(String) // some text
case BracketOpen // {
case BracketClose // }
case Class(String) // .fooClass
case Other(String) // unknown
- Write the definitions
// dictionary
public let md_dict: [Def<MdLexem>] = [
Def<MdLexem>(regex: "[\r\n]" , funct: { _ in nil } ),
Def<MdLexem>(regex: "[ \ta-zA-Z0-9]+" , funct: { .Text($0) } ),
Def<MdLexem>(regex: "#[ \t]+" , funct: { _ in .Level1 } ),
Def<MdLexem>(regex: "##[ \t]+" , funct: { _ in .Level2 } ),
Def<MdLexem>(regex: "###[ \t]+" , funct: { _ in .Level3 } ),
Def<MdLexem>(regex: "####[ \t]+" , funct: { _ in .Level4 } ),
Def<MdLexem>(regex: "\\{" , funct: { _ in .BracketOpen } ),
Def<MdLexem>(regex: "\\}" , funct: { _ in .BracketClose } ),
Def<MdLexem>(regex: "\\.[a-zA-Z0-9]+" , funct: { .Class(String($0.dropFirst())) } )
- Then call
on a text :
let text = """
# Title {.flyer}
## SubTitle
### Paragraph title
#### Paragraph subTitle
let elements = lex(text, md_dict)
- `lex' returns identified elements :
lex.MdLexem.Level1, lex.MdLexem.Text("Title "), lex.MdLexem.BracketOpen,
lex.MdLexem.Class("flyer"), lex.MdLexem.BracketClose, lex.MdLexem.Level2,
lex.MdLexem.Text("SubTitle"), lex.MdLexem.Level3, lex.MdLexem.Text("Paragraph title"),
lex.MdLexem.Level4, lex.MdLexem.Text("Paragraph subTitle"),lex.MdLexem.Text("notes")
Here is an example, for some mathematical langage. We're trying to find the langage elements in this markdown text :
bar(x, y) inf
x + y * 8 + (4 - 1) / 7
foo(8, 2)
- Define the langage elements
// langage elements
public enum MathLexem {
case Infinite
case Identifier(String)
case Number(Float)
case ParensOpen
case ParensClose
case Comma
case BinaryOp(String)
- Write the definitions
// dictionary
public let math_dict: [Def<MathLexem>] = [
Def<MathLexem>(regex: "[ \t\n]" , funct: { _ in nil } ),
Def<MathLexem>(regex: "[a-zA-Z][a-zA-Z0-9]*" , funct: { $0 == "inf" ? .Infinite : .Identifier($0) } ),
Def<MathLexem>(regex: "#[0-9.]+" , funct: {(r: String) in .Number((r as NSString).floatValue) } ),
Def<MathLexem>(regex: "\\(" , funct: { _ in .ParensOpen } ),
Def<MathLexem>(regex: "\\)" , funct: { _ in .ParensClose } ),
Def<MathLexem>(regex: "," , funct: { _ in .Comma } ),
Def<MathLexem>(regex: "[+\\-*/]" , funct: { .BinaryOp($0) } )
- Then call
on a text :
let math_text =
bar(x, y) inf
x + y * 8 + (4 - 1) / 7
foo(8, 2)
let math_elements = lex(math_text, math_dict)
- `lex' returns identified elements :
lex.MathLexem.Identifier("bar"), lex.MathLexem.ParensOpen, lex.MathLexem.Identifier("x"),
lex.MathLexem.Comma, lex.MathLexem.Identifier("y"), lex.MathLexem.ParensClose,
lex.MathLexem.Infinite, lex.MathLexem.Identifier("x"), lex.MathLexem.BinaryOp("+"),
lex.MathLexem.Identifier("y"), lex.MathLexem.BinaryOp("*"), lex.MathLexem.BinaryOp("+"),
lex.MathLexem.ParensOpen, lex.MathLexem.BinaryOp("-"), lex.MathLexem.ParensClose,
lex.MathLexem.BinaryOp("/"), lex.MathLexem.Identifier("foo"), lex.MathLexem.ParensOpen,
lex.MathLexem.Comma, lex.MathLexem.ParensClose