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Releases: Argoneum/argoneum

Release v1.4.1.0

25 Apr 12:57
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What's new

This release includes the following minor changes:

  • BIP44 coin code changed to a registered one for Argoneum
  • added natural sort of masternode list by IP address
  • renamed distributed Linux binary releases

This release is a recommended update for HD wallet owners (see below) and is optional for others.

BIP44 coin type changes the HD wallet address chain. Now the same mnemonic phrase will generate another chain of addresses. Old HD wallets will continue working, but cannot be recreated again using the same seed phrase.

This only makes sense for those who explicitly enabled HD wallet in configuration (usehd=1) and saved a seed phrase. If you did not enable this, you don't have to worry or upgrade to this version.

Masternodes can be sorted in the list by their IP in a numerical order, not a lexical one. So address will follow, not vice versa.

Finally, this version renames binary releases using proper architecture dependant names for linux.

HD wallet owners: update your wallets

If you use HD wallet, it is recommended to save old wallet.dat, then recreate a new one with version 1.4.1 using same or another seed phrase, then send all coins to new addresses and reinstall existing masternodes (since collaterals were moved). This was a necessary step to submit few changes to payment server repositories to support Argoneum.

Release v1.4.0.0

26 Jan 06:43
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This release based on Dash version It provides LLMQ and DKG. It also supposed to fix MN payments issue after enabling DKG.

This release is not compatible with past releases older than 1.3.x.x and refuses to connect to them. All nodes and wallets must be updated to this release to stay on the correct chain and be ready for LLMQ-based Dash features like InstantSend by default and ChainLocks.

Long awaited arm builds are also provided.

CAUTION: make backup of whole data directory before upgrade to be safe. This release changes formats of some database files and it cannot be reverted back to 1.3.x.x. In case of blockchain files this will require a full download of blockchain. With wallet just be safe and keep a backup ready. This copy may be deleted after you confirm that the wallet or node works.

Release v1.3.3.1

11 Jan 23:29
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This mandatory update fixes bug with deterministic masternodes (DIP3) registration and processing.
It is only related to coming DIP3 masternodes. Legacy mode still works but will be disabled later.

Release v1.3.3.0

30 Dec 09:44
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Following the announced plans, we are happy to present new Argoneum release v1.3.3.0 based on Dash Core v0.13.3.0. This is another step towards the latest Dash development.

This release is highly recommended for pools and miners. To enable new features, the DIP0003 fork must be activated. To do so, at least 80% of blocks per 4032 blocks window must be mined using this version. That's why pool updates are so much important.

Masternode upgrades

If you use some masternode hosting platform, make sure that it supports DIP3, particularly, masternodeblsprivkey configuration option. Ask your service provider if it supports Dash-style DIP3 masternodes and how to configure them.

If you host your masternodes on own servers, you must generate BLS key pair using bls generate console command (using latest wallet version), save public key for later use, add new line to masternode configuration on VPS: masternodeblsprivkey=<your-private-key>, update masternode binaries to v1.3.3.0 and restart it. This is enough to start masternode in compatibility mode until DIP0003 and SPORK15 are activated. After DIP3 activation you should follow Dash manuals to fully upgrade your masternodes.

More info on masternode upgrades:

Please note that until DIP0003 is activated by miners, you will not be able to register DIP3 masternodes on the blockchain. But you still be able to run it in compatibility mode if masternodeblsprivkey=<your-private-key> option is added, even if nothing else is configured. This is the requirement to run masternodes using this version.

Masternode install script

Updated to install v1.3.3.0. The script will ask you both legacy masternode private key and new BLS private (secret) key. Both keys can be generated for you automatically. If you upgrade an existing masternode, you should copy/paste your masternode private key when asked to preserve the legacy masternode configuration. In this case only BLS key will be generated for you (if not entered). Final info screen will show you BLS public key (if autogenerated). Save it for later to enable DIP3 masternode configuration when activated on blockchain.

What is DIP3

Here is a concise good explanation of DIP3 masternode advantages:

As of mid 2019 the masternodes use DIP-3 protocol which removes the possibility of an operator voting (by splitting up the keys per role). It also gives the operator the freedom to manage the server without requiring the owner to be involved (for things like IP address changes) without requiring the owner to issue a command to start the MN back up. There is now no need for any configuration on the owner's side at all apart from the signing of a message created by the operator. Also, it makes reward payment more flexible by including a mechanism at the protocol level for MN operators to be paid directly from the reward at a rate pre-negotiated with the owner (so the operator receives their fees automatically in a trustless way instead of having to invoice the owner). DIP-3 means also that you don't need the dash-core wallet, you can use anything that can sign, there's also a stand-alone script for signing anyway, so you can now use any wallet like exodus etc for your collateral. Even a full paper wallet can be used now because you only need to use the key if you change your MN operator and the payouts can now be sent automatically at protocol level to your daily spending wallet. And finally the other relevant change is that the randomness has been removed from the top 10% of the payment queue, which means that all nodes will be paid on an exact schedule.

Release v1.2.3.4

24 Nov 21:29
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We are going to follow the Dash development and update to the latest codebase
from Dash. Unfortunately, due to the nature of blockchain and features implemented
by Dash team it is not possible to jump directly to the latest version. So a
series of updates is planned as follows:

  • v1.2.3.4 (based on Dash, latest in 0.12 series)
  • v1.3.3.0 (based on Dash, latest in 0.13 series)
  • v1.4.0.2 (based on Dash or latest)

This is an intermediate beta release of Argoneum software along this way.
This release may (and definitely has) some inaccurate translations, web links
and other minor issues. It also may have invalid copyright strings due to
automated renames. All this will be fixed in the final release.

The original copyrights are held by Bitcoin developers and Dash developers.

What's new in this version

  1. New reward table starting from block 555840:
year block number block reward PoW reward MN reward Superblock (governance) reserved
2019 555840 15 6 7.5 1.5
2020 1051201 5 2 2.5 0.5
2025 3679201 4 1.6 2 0.4
2030 6307201 3 1.05 1.65 0.3
2040 11563201 2 0.8 1 0.2
2060 22075201 1 0.44 0.46 0.1
2080 32587201 0.5 0.175 0.275 0.05
2090 37843201 0.2 0.08 0.1 0.02
  1. Enabled governance. Superblock rewards reserved to 10% of total blocks reward per period.

  2. Disabled developer fee starting from block 555840. Pools should remove the dev fee starting
    from that block. If they don't do that, they still will fund the Argoneum, but it will not be

MD5 checksums:

bdddadc9db5660393d2475eda25c270d  argoneum-1.2.3-linux32.tar.gz
b97e0a1bfaceafc85efbb49412c50e11  argoneum-1.2.3-linux64.tar.gz
9a46d19e727b88cb43b70e5dec59f712  argoneum-1.2.3-osx.dmg
8849c577f73bbbedb99282fefc9f7737  argoneum-1.2.3-win32-setup.exe
1a1805c8d6a0607ff68d31c1d164a396  argoneum-1.2.3-win64-setup.exe

Release v1.1.2.1

31 Oct 09:07
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This is a mandatory release for miners and optional for plain nodes/wallets. It starts BIP9-based softfork to activate some features required for next release. In a window of 2016 blocks at least 1612 (80%) must be mined by this version to enable new features.

Release v1.1.1.0

11 Oct 06:43
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Release v1.1.1.0: the first in series of updates to prepare for new Dash features

We are planning to follow the Dash way and port all new Dash features including LLMQ and ChainLocks. This update is the first in series of planned updates. It fixes some internals to prepare the network for the following updates.

This release is compatible on the network level with the previous version (see masternode notice below). But old version will become incompatible with the next update. So please take your time and update your wallet and masternodes now.

After masternode update you have to restart it using the same wallet version as the masternode. That is, if you had masternode version running and now have it updated to, you must also update the wallet and start your masternode again to make it enabled.

The masternode update script has been updated and will use the latest release. You may install it over the previous one (if you used the same script to install it for the first time). Just use the same private key when asked. You do not have to reinstall Sentinel, it should be compatible with the previous one.

Release mandatory update

11 Nov 12:18
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Mandatory update to v1.1.0.0

On 11.11. at 11:11:11 UTC time the Argoneum blockchain was successfully forked to a new hashing algorithm phi2 to protect the network from ASIC mining and support better decentralisation.

This is a MANDATORY UPDATE for all wallets, nodes and masternodes to stay on the Argoneum chain.

All your coins in wallets are safe. You have to update wallets to the latest version v1.1.0.0 (making a wallet.dat backup is always a good idea). If you have sync issues, you may want to remove peers.dat and retry. After most nodes be updated, it will not be an issue anymore.

Masternode install/upgrade

Masternode install script has been updated for this release.

After you rented a VPS with Ubuntu (versions 16.04, 17.10 or 18.04 are supported), you should have an IP address and root password. Connect to the server (use putty, kitty or other ssh client on Windows) as root@IP with the password given. Then copy/paste the following commands:

wget -N
sudo bash

If you reinstall your masternode over an old installation, make sure you give the same masternode private key (take it from your wallet). Sentinel does not need to be reinstalled, just choose No if you have it already working.

MD5 checksums

5f99d115982311c0f005317c41298285  argoneum-1.1.0-win32-setup.exe
0533072674627aba7b817659220b6762  argoneum-1.1.0-win64-setup.exe
e0b1f5ac346f64e59058bc5b6315ca56  argoneum-1.1.0-osx.dmg
dc2c9c440fe51d19bb310b282e2e1005  argoneum-1.1.0-linux32.tar.gz
42ec579035012f43c3eafa513d425043  argoneum-1.1.0-linux64.tar.gz
66d46c6cefd1d7833698cdca850bdc37  argoneum-1.1.0-rpi2.tar.gz

Argoneum release v1.0.0.0

31 Oct 18:02
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Argoneum Core version is now available from:

It includes binary wallets and command line utilities for 6 platforms:

  • Windows 32/64 bits (both setup and zip versions)
  • Linux 32/64 bits
  • Mac OS X
  • Raspberry PI

Official site:
Blockchain explorer:
Source repository:
Official mining pool:

This release also provides a script to install Linux VPS masternode. If you need a Linux VPS, we recommend Vultr VPS provider. It allows you to rent a VPS for masternode for as low as $3.5/month ($2.5 version is IPv6 only and it won't work as an Argoneum masternode). You may choose a nearest to you server location. Also you may try it without payment having credit until the 1st of next month.

This is the install, not update script. It assumes that you have no installed/running Argoneum daemon/wallet on this VPS. If the script finds the daemon running, it will refuse to install anything. You can stop existing daemon to overwrite installation. But if that old installation was not done with this script, your results may vary. So for best results please don't run this script on a system with already preinstalled Argoneum.

After you added a VPS with Ubuntu (versions 16.04, 17.10 or 18.04 are supported), you should have an IP address and root password. Connect to the server (use putty, kitty or other ssh client on Windows) as root@IP with the password given. Then copy/paste the following commands:

wget -N
sudo bash

It will update your system, install necessary libraries, install Argoneum Core software and/or Sentinel, configure it as a cold masternode daemon, generate masternode private key for you and provide instructions to configure your cold masternode controlling wallet. It also installs and configures ufw firewall and daemon log rotation:

The script was tested on Ubuntu 16.04, 17.10 and 18.04 only and will refuse to run on other Ubuntu versions.

Here is an example of what you get in the end of setup process:

Follow the instructions given and finish the masternode setup using your local wallet.

MD5 checksums of this release:

4f2e4e79e257dedc6ac3e0af041b3ccb  argoneum-1.0.0-linux32.tar.gz
931d4817a95c3329a8f82f2dbd83e9a8  argoneum-1.0.0-linux64.tar.gz
c5fa1a388b9a14cbfc7351c433338a26  argoneum-1.0.0-osx.dmg
5df40544d2fd9774ed79625e13ba65d8  argoneum-1.0.0-rpi2.tar.gz
3c7fa79c310d8c2de4b2c6c8b24d2147  argoneum-1.0.0-win32-setup.exe
8bc03b9636590c77a32f149242ba7bbe  argoneum-1.0.0-win64-setup.exe