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2016 03 14 Meeting Notes

UO237542 edited this page Mar 14, 2016 · 1 revision

2016/03/14 Meeting notes

List of participants

  • Fabio Martínez
  • Andrea Vega
  • Pablo Menendez
  • Roberto Fernandez

Decisions taken

Today we presented our documentation for the Voting Counting Architecture.

The documentation itself can't be used for the final presentation as we need to explain the most important parts. For the final presentation, we need to show the whole architecture and not just our part. We need to show the whole system before we start talking about our part. The context of our module.

Regarding the document, we identified this parts that should be improved:

  • Fix the index
  • Specify the middleware for the DB (Hibernate, DAO...) that we are going to share with the team
  • Check all the artifacts
  • Views part

Views part

Our division with 2 views is not enough and we may need another view for the first quality attributes regarding the public availability of the data as it is not clear enough now. We can call it "Presentation"


The context part must show that the VotingCounting is explained below.

The rationale of the views is needed to relate quality Attributes with the parts of our system. In the form of a table with the scenarios, quality attributes and a justification.

The Visual Case drawings need to be improved


This part is not clear enough as we don't know if the VoteCounting is the same as in context, or the whole view is the context's "VoteCounting"

The Visual Case drawings as they are, can't generate code and the option to create the ports is not the correct one. We need to improved that a bit.

As before, we need the rationale part to link quality attributes and justification.

Finally, a small fix could be moving the contents of the views description table, to each view. So we don't need to scroll to see them as we go down in the document. We should put in each view the resume of it's quality attributes

After all, the document was pretty good and we just need some minor fixes. The next week we are going to start with our implementation.

Written by: Pablo Menendez