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Classic Arbitrage Window

Arsen Abazian edited this page Feb 9, 2022 · 7 revisions

For those who still believe in classical arbitrage



The application allows you to check crypto exchanges for classic arbitrage possibilities. You can do it, by clicking the Show button in Arbitrage TabPage, located in the upper left.

Show Arbitrage

After clicking the button, the classic arbitrage tab page will open. There are standard New, Open, Save & Save As buttons. There is nothing new with these commands. Just press New for creating a new classic arbitrage configuration file... To check classic arbitrage possibilities one should select which exchanges to monitor, and which markets. Select Exchanges button should be used for this. After clicking it Exchanges form will appear in which the user can check exchanges to monitor (on the left side). On the right side, there is a list, displaying common currency markets, that exists on all selected/checked exchanges. For example, you selected Poloniex and Bittrex, they both have different markets, but also have the same USDT, BTC, ETH, currency markets. And only these markets will be allowed to be checked.

Exchange Selector

After selecting desired exchanges and markets, you press the OK button, and a list of available tickers will be displayed on the screen:


You can remove unneeded tickers in two ways:

  1. Select tickers and click Remove Selected button
  2. Select tickers and click Remove Unselected button


Now you can click Save or Save As button to save the final configuration.

To start monitoring exchanges for classic arbitrage click Run button. Press Stop button to stop monitoring.

Tickers List

Tickers list displays classic arbitrage information:

  • Last Update Time - a time when another order book change was received.
  • Base Currency
  • Market Currency
  • Buy On - displays exchange where ticker should be bought, actually, exchange with the lowest ask
  • Sell On - displays exchange where tickers should be sold, actually, exchange with the highest bid
  • Lowest Ask - lowest ask among all monitoring exchanges
  • Highest Bid - highest bid among all monitoring exchanges
  • Spread - Highest Bid - Lowers Ask :)
  • Amount - Shows, how much amount of currency you should/can buy for maximum profit. Based on what we have in the order book, and deposits on specified exchanges.
  • Buy Total - how much you will spend in base currency
  • Max Profit - how much profit you will get, after the operation and of course - fee.
  • Max Profit in USD - the same, displayed in USD

If there is no classic arbitrage possibility for the ticker, most of this information will equal zero. Sometimes when there is a possibility, Max Profit can be less than zero. That's also ok. But sometimes happen when MaxProfit is positive :). In this case, you will get telegram notifications with links on exchanges. After that, you can manually make arbitrate operations. i.e. buy on one exchange and at the same time sell on another. To do this press Try Arbitrage button. Or you can buy on one exchange, then transfer this currency on another and then sell. This is right when you do not have a deposit on both exchanges (most probably). To do this, use commands from the Manual Arbitrage group.

Manual Arbitrage PageGroup


  1. Click Buy Lowest Ask, wait for the operation to be completed.
  2. Click Send To Highest Bid Market, also wait :)
  3. Click Sell on Highest Bid
  4. Return money to previous exchanges for the next cycle, click Send To Lowest Ask

Or, if you have a deposit on the highest bid exchange, do the following:

  1. Click Sell on Highest Bid
  2. Click Send To Lowest Ask
  3. Click Buy Lowest Ask
  4. Click Send To Highest Bid Market

View and Filtration Commands

Ticker Context Menu

For each ticker, the context menu allowed with following items:

  1. Show Ticker Chart On: list of exchange
  2. Show History On: list of exchange

Just right-click on the table row for showing this context menu. These two commands are also allowed from the View / Filter group on the toolbar panel.

Ticker Chart

Ticker Chart Form displayed lowest ask/highest bid charts for every exchange.

Ticker Chart

Ticker History

Ticker History Form displayed the lowest ask/highest bid information for arbitrage.

Show Positive Profits

This command filters table rows for showing only rows which have positive profit. Most time it will be an empty list :)

Monitor Only Selected

At any time you can select tickers and click this button. In this case, only selected tickers will be monitored. Other tickers will be ignored.

Open Marktes in Web

For selected ticker, you can show in web browser pages displaying a chart, order book, and trade history for every exchange.

Show Only Selected and Show Non-Zero Amount

This commands to just what declared in their caption :)

Minimal Profit Spread

For the selected ticker, you can calculate the spread needed to get minimal profit.


Update Bot

Update Telegram Bot. Click this button if you do not receive a notification for some reason.

Show Log

Show Log :)