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Strategy Common Parameters

Arsen Abazian edited this page Jun 20, 2019 · 3 revisions

Strategy Configuration Window

The Common tab page contains settings which are common for all strategies. Well almost for all strategies :). These settings include:

  • Name of newly created strategy. This name will be displayed in the list of strategies in Strategies Collection Window.
  • Max Allowed Deposit - the amount of your deposit, which the strategy has the right to spend on open positions. As you can create several strategies, you can split your deposit between them. For example, your deposit is $1000. You have two strategies. You specify $300 for one strategy and $700 for another. Or you have one strategy but you do not want to use all your deposit but 10%. So you specify $100 for strategy.
  • Trading Account - account, i.e. API Key and Secret, which will be used for trade and for calling account/private functions. This account can be added in Accouns Window.
  • Enabled - specifies whether a strategy is enabled for working in real-time. Note that you can change this value in Strategies Collection Window on the fly.
  • Demo Mode - specifies whether the strategy should simulate trading operations, or should make real trading. This value can be changed in Strategies Collection Window on the fly as well.
  • Description - specifies additional description text. Just for your needs.
  • Telegram Chat Id - specifies chat channel ID, which will be used for sending notifications to the specified telegram channel. The easiest way to do this - is to press Register button and follow the instructions.
  • Enable Telegram Notifications - disables or enables telegram notifications for specified strategy. Can also be changed on the fly in Strategies Collection Window