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Project Managerment App

Project Manager built on Laravel 10 and Filament 3.


There are 3 user groups:

  • Employee
  • Project manager
  • Administrator

The administrator and project manager have access to the admin panel. Other users have access to the employee panel.

  • View their projects and teams
  • Create and modify their tasks
  • Update your profile
  • View dashboard to summarize information
Project manager:
  • Create, read and update their projects
  • CRUD resource on all teams and tasks from their projects, assign tasks to employees
  • View all users
  • Update your profile
  • View dashboard to summarize information
  • CRUD resource on all projects, tasks, teams and users
  • View dashboard to summarize information


  1. Clone repository:

    git clone
  2. Install dependencies, setup enviroment:

    composer install
    npm install
    cp .env.example .env
  3. Then create the necessary database (if TTY mode is not supported on your machine, create the database manually):

    php artisan db
    create database project_management
  4. Run the initial migrations and seeders:

    php artisan migrate --seed
  5. Finaly, link the file storage:

    php artisan storage:link

Addtitonal information:

Password 1234 is set for all users. Of course, it can be updated, but you need to come up with a more complex one, because a password like this one will not pass validation 😊.