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ArthurPERE committed Sep 3, 2018
1 parent 4d9fa10 commit ef4265c
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Showing 53 changed files with 3,447 additions and 0 deletions.
13 changes: 13 additions & 0 deletions DESCRIPTION
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@@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
Package: BIOMASS
Type: Package
Title: Estimating Aboveground Biomass and Its Uncertainty in Tropical Forests
Version: 1.1
Date: 2017-01-03
Author: Maxime REJOU-MECHAIN, Ariane TANGUY, Camille PIPONIOT, Jerome CHAVE, Bruno HERAULT
Maintainer: Maxime REJOU-MECHAIN <>
Description: Contains functions to estimate aboveground biomass/carbon and its uncertainty in tropical forests. These functions allow to (1) retrieve and to correct taxonomy, (2) estimate wood density and its uncertainty, (3) construct height-diameter models, (4) estimate the above-ground biomass/carbon at the stand level with associated uncertainty. To cite BIOMASS, please use citation("BIOMASS").
License: GPL-2
Depends: R(>= 2.10.0)
Imports: minpack.lm, raster, msm, httr, jsonlite, methods, graphics, stats, utils
VignetteBuilder: knitr
Suggests: knitr, rmarkdown
10 changes: 10 additions & 0 deletions NAMESPACE
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@@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
importFrom("minpack.lm","nlsLM", "nls.lm.control")
importFrom("raster","raster", "getData", "extract")
importFrom("httr","content", "GET", "upload_file", "POST", "config")
importFrom("graphics", "legend", "lines", "par", "plot")
importFrom("stats", "SSmicmen", "lm", "median", "na.omit", "quantile", "rnorm", "sd")
importFrom("utils", "data", "download.file", "unzip", "write.table")
importFrom("methods", "is")
13 changes: 13 additions & 0 deletions NEWS
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
* version 1.2
- Duplicated genera from the plantList have been fixed in the "genusFamily" dataset (e.g. The family Jungermanniaceae was given for the genus Massularia, now the dataset gives the Rubiaceae family)

* version 1.1
- The NouraguesHD dataset has now taxonomic information
- The warning message from the computeAGB function has been removed
- The correctTaxo function have been slightly modified to handle species names not recognized by TNRS
- The getWoodDensity function has been slightly modified to deal with NA values in addWoodDensityData, which is now a data.frame of three colums and not four (the family column is now internaly built).
- The computeAGB and AGBmonteCarlo functions have an additional argument: Dlim (see help).
- The AGBmonteCarlo function has now an option to propagate error up to the carbon estimate (see the argument Carbon).

* version 1.0
Initial version of BIOMASS
179 changes: 179 additions & 0 deletions R/AGBmonteCarlo.R
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,179 @@
AGBmonteCarlo <- function(D, WD = NULL, errWD = NULL, H = NULL, errH = NULL,
HDmodel = NULL, coord = NULL, Dpropag = NULL, n = 1000, Carbon = FALSE, Dlim = NULL)
if(n > 1000 | n < 50)
stop("n cannot be smaller than 50 or larger than 1000")

### Propagate error with Markov Chain Monte Carlo approach

# --------------------- D ---------------------

D_simu <- replicate(n, D)

if(length(Dpropag) == 1 && Dpropag == "chave2004")
# Propagation of the measurement error on D: based on Chave et al. 2004 (p.412) Phil. Trans. R. Soc. Lond. B.
fivePercent <- round(length(D) * 5 / 100)
chaveError <- function(x)
## Assigning large errors on 5% of the trees
largeErrSample <- sample(length(x), fivePercent)
x[largeErrSample] <- msm::rtnorm(n = fivePercent, mean = x[largeErrSample], sd = 4.64, lower = 0.1, upper = 500)
## Assigning small errors on the remaining 95% trees
D_sd <- 0.0062 * x[-largeErrSample] + 0.0904
x[-largeErrSample] <- msm::rtnorm(n =length(D_sd), mean = x[-largeErrSample], sd = D_sd, lower = 0.1, upper = 500)
D_simu <- apply(D_simu, 2, chaveError)

if(!is.numeric(Dpropag) | !length(Dpropag)%in%c(1,length(D)))
stop("Dpropag should be set to one of these options:
- \"chave2004\"
- a single sd value that will be applied to all trees
- a vector of sd values of the same length as D")
D_simu <- apply(D_simu, 2, function(x) msm::rtnorm(n = length(x), mean = x, sd = Dpropag, lower = 0.1, upper = 500))

# --------------------- WD ---------------------

if(!is.null(WD) & !is.null(errWD)){
### Propagation of the error on WD
WD_simu <- replicate(n, WD)

if(length(errWD) == 1)
errWD = rep(errWD, length(WD))
if(length(errWD) != length(WD))
stop("Your wood density vector (WD) and the vector of the associated errors (errWD) don't have the same length")

#### Below 0.08 and 1.39 are the minimum and the Maximum WD value from the global wood density database respectively
WD_simu <- apply(WD_simu, 2, function(x) msm::rtnorm(n = length(x), mean = x, sd = errWD, lower = 0.08, upper = 1.39))
stop("The WD and errWD arguments must be not NULL")

# --------------------- H ---------------------

if(is.null(HDmodel) & is.null(coord) & is.null(H))
stop("Input missing, you need to provide one of the following arguments:
- H
- HDmodel
- coord")

# if there is data for H
if(!is.null(HDmodel) | !is.null(H))
# Propagation of the error thanks to the local model of H
H_simu <- apply(D_simu,2,function(x) predictHeight(x, model = HDmodel, err = TRUE))
stop("Cannot propagate height errors without information on associated errors (errH is null), if you do not want to propagate H errors please set errH to 0")
# Propagation of the error using the errH value(s)
H_simu <- replicate(n, H)
H_simu <- apply(H_simu, 2, function(x) msm::rtnorm(x, mean = x, sd = errH, lower = 1.3, upper = max(x) + 15))

# --------------------- AGB

param_4 <- NULL
data(param_4, envir = environment()) # posterior parameters from MCMC algorithm
selec <- sample(1:nrow(param_4), n)
RSE <- param_4[selec,"sd"]

# Construct a matrix where each column contains random errors taken from N(0,RSEi) with i varying between 1 and n
matRSE <- mapply(function(x,y){rnorm(mean = x, sd = y, n = length(D))}, x = 0, y = RSE)

# Posterior model parameters
Ealpha <- param_4[selec,"intercept"]
Ebeta <- param_4[selec,"logagbt"]

# Propagation of the error using simulated parameters
Comp <- log(WD_simu * H_simu * D_simu^2)
Comp <- sweep(Comp, MARGIN = 2, Ebeta, "*")
Comp <- sweep(Comp, MARGIN = 2, Ealpha, "+")
Comp <- Comp + matRSE

# Backtransformation
AGB_simu <- exp(Comp)/1000

# --------------------- Coordinates ---------------------

# If there is no data for H, but site coordinates
coord <- as.matrix(t(coord))
if(nrow(coord) == 1)
coord <- cbind(rep(coord[1], length(D)), rep(coord[2], length(D)))
if(nrow(coord) != length(D))
stop("coord should be either
- a vector (e.g. c(longitude, latitude))
- a matrix with two columns (longitude and latitude)
having the same number of rows as the number of trees (length(D))")

# Equ 7
# Log(agb) = -1.803 - 0.976 (0.178TS - 0.938CWD - 6.61PS) + 0.976log(WD) + 2.673log(D) -0.0299log(D2)
param_7 <- NULL
data(param_7, envir = environment()) # posterior parameters from MCMC algorithm
selec <- sample(1:nrow(param_7), n)

bioclimParams <- getBioclimParam(coord) # get bioclim variables corresponding to the coordinates

# Posterior model parameters
intercept <- param_7[selec, "intercept"] # vector of simulated intercept
coeffWD <- param_7[selec, "logwsg"] # vector of simulated parameter associated to ln(WD)
coefflnD <- param_7[selec, "logdbh"] # vector of simulated parameter associated to ln(D)
coefflnD2 <- param_7[selec, "logdbh2"] # vector of simulated parameter associated to ln(D)^2
coeffE <- -param_7[selec, "E"] # vector of simulated parameter associated to E
coeffTmp <- param_7[selec, "temp"] # vector of of simulated parameter associated to tempsea coeff
coeffCWD <- param_7[selec, "cwd"] # vector of of simulated parameter associated to CWD coeff
coeffPS <- param_7[selec, "prec"] # vector of of simulated parameter associated to precSeas coeff
RSE <- param_7[selec,"sd"] # vector of simulated RSE values

# Recalculating n E values based on posterior parameters associated with the bioclimatic variables
Tmp <- replicate(n, bioclimParams$tempSeas)
CWD <- replicate(n, bioclimParams$CWD)
PS <- replicate(n, bioclimParams$precSeas)

Esim <- sweep(Tmp, MARGIN = 2, coeffTmp, "*") + sweep(CWD, MARGIN = 2, coeffCWD, "*") +
sweep(PS, MARGIN = 2, coeffPS, "*")

# Applying AGB formula over simulated matrices and vectors
AGB_simu <- sweep(sweep(log(WD_simu), MARGIN = 2, coeffWD, "*") +
sweep(log(D_simu), MARGIN = 2, coefflnD, "*") +
sweep(log(D_simu)^2, MARGIN = 2, coefflnD2, "*")+
sweep(Esim, MARGIN = 2, coeffE, "*"),
MARGIN = 2, intercept, '+')
# Construct a matrix where each column contains random errors taken from N(0,RSEi) with i varying between 1 and n
matRSE <- mapply(function(x,y){rnorm(mean = x, sd = y, n = length(D))}, x = 0, y = RSE)
AGB_simu <- AGB_simu + matRSE
AGB_simu <- exp(AGB_simu)/1000

if(!is.null(Dlim)) AGB_simu[D<Dlim,] <- 0

if(Carbon == FALSE){
res <- list(meanAGB = mean(apply(AGB_simu, 2, sum, na.rm = T)),
medAGB = median(apply(AGB_simu, 2, sum, na.rm = T)),
sdAGB = sd(apply(AGB_simu, 2, sum, na.rm = T)),
credibilityAGB = quantile(apply(AGB_simu, 2, sum, na.rm = T), probs = c(0.025,0.975)),
AGB_simu = AGB_simu)
AGC_simu <- AGB_simu*rnorm(mean = 47.13, sd = 2.06,n = n*length(D))/100 # Biomass to carbon ratio calculated from Thomas and Martin 2012 forests data stored in DRYAD (tropical angiosperm stems carbon content)
res <- list(meanAGC = mean(apply(AGC_simu, 2, sum, na.rm = T)),
medAGC = median(apply(AGC_simu, 2, sum, na.rm = T)),
sdAGC = sd(apply(AGC_simu, 2, sum, na.rm = T)),
credibilityAGC = quantile(apply(AGC_simu, 2, sum, na.rm = T), probs = c(0.025,0.975)),
AGC_simu = AGC_simu)
126 changes: 126 additions & 0 deletions R/BIOMASS-internal.R
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,126 @@
.Random.seed <-
c(403L, 10L, 1419428254L, -146196392L, -1530329669L, 1952344921L,
-1140016920L, 666147094L, -1765152111L, 1222281027L, 1086820946L,
-2038778652L, -1993507033L, 1387920253L, 1248132724L, -2067267494L,
-1881810779L, 611191487L, -1742753466L, 614508496L, 1509380595L,
-1772831471L, -2120009408L, -720910050L, 570142185L, -451797221L,
-1095775958L, 2076639820L, -988791281L, 1484230981L, -1967334660L,
1426452818L, -1951361331L, -915960185L, -1291683474L, 1326216008L,
-2126026933L, 1461956265L, -1141091336L, 638946086L, 772119617L,
-690442797L, 1949056898L, 577401780L, 985402167L, -844756435L,
541584196L, -925892502L, 491068117L, 1105314927L, -602636938L,
-2115000672L, -519756957L, 2118043649L, 1727001456L, -679249138L,
208647545L, 1256411403L, 1241256506L, 1776339260L, -1278736769L,
-2144449067L, 1526055916L, -509160126L, -1350432099L, 1067149079L,
-2051864962L, 396371512L, 641491227L, 464766585L, 1124205256L,
-1378037002L, 326687537L, -860247197L, 599572786L, -271891836L,
106327751L, -247712355L, -134078188L, 979996602L, -1555183099L,
-120325153L, 1477030502L, -1031918096L, 1374108435L, -1699724111L,
-919546016L, -1271646978L, 1439601801L, 1965298619L, -2100134518L,
374512748L, 1501263343L, 1332530725L, 292866780L, -1841618766L,
-855559251L, -2025822361L, 248485006L, 1045041512L, -1172139669L,
1486349065L, 373200280L, 156574918L, 1901911585L, -1912783181L,
-1299946462L, 1743052308L, 1733120663L, 1866206349L, -1618869852L,
919563146L, 1552041973L, 106350159L, -1554022058L, 369675264L,
372098371L, -1323341599L, 1728299600L, 1157619374L, -1126561191L,
-747597205L, -1775355942L, -560187236L, -804554081L, -1144514315L,
-2120941172L, 193408098L, -1020838851L, 839126711L, -90018466L,
95810712L, 1769545723L, 1939735961L, 1947801128L, -334672170L,
706177873L, 1409920515L, 1567773074L, -471068892L, 84894183L,
-525496771L, 197515444L, 296906522L, 943899749L, 798199039L,
-1670873722L, 2002678544L, -567244877L, 1711844433L, -1814884352L,
-1098465058L, -20432087L, -829176101L, -1766656534L, 582950284L,
-1645342001L, -1741762939L, -640094916L, -1055117294L, 656342797L,
860404807L, -503329234L, -1057876088L, -1393696117L, -641444759L,
-1191028680L, 1340395750L, -369969023L, -1889492973L, 1889068994L,
-1497382796L, -398592393L, 185722733L, -1255420L, 1331876650L,
473098389L, -88852689L, 522444342L, -1747498400L, 1695307939L,
-1056064575L, -1919289424L, 571613902L, -1826340807L, 1247393355L,
-1348125702L, 72091388L, -894547137L, -1653980139L, -1440882900L,
497759234L, 1644328669L, 1707886039L, 1474015422L, -493829384L,
653117659L, -427934919L, 1892241032L, -107627978L, 1996395121L,
1009387683L, 780386802L, 1854886212L, 1220037127L, -1316079651L,
-753962796L, 1315598330L, -1994594491L, -1184857185L, -513783514L,
1389074864L, 1303130707L, -385876623L, 1573538976L, -798897090L,
-914291895L, -709553669L, 1839756746L, -232178900L, 719762223L,
-1491572251L, -488590180L, 83640562L, -1898456723L, -1775757657L,
581671118L, -650594776L, -1607352789L, -1112741088L, -1659687988L,
762676448L, 1275955906L, 440369192L, 385975212L, 31097532L, 127471090L,
-1474482640L, -621942876L, 2005018040L, 1613080410L, -949581680L,
-635092100L, 89185044L, 711835970L, 930362112L, 758806460L, -1660583088L,
-1935078110L, 937436744L, -228161524L, -1028515748L, -1647304238L,
673317376L, 1256339796L, 1710228712L, 537107706L, 1960107728L,
865154348L, 1696700660L, -1697538670L, 1892716896L, 1059139596L,
1000507104L, 1954679394L, 7251624L, 1991571020L, -1256922244L,
-658189006L, -1695173008L, 1777724228L, -516615208L, -1305956486L,
-239498704L, -819520580L, -1922268588L, 1729717314L, 1887125664L,
-755938628L, 902950352L, 1951922018L, -1845130520L, -610782004L,
-1312113156L, 590408178L, -417569152L, 841164276L, 829584008L,
-2039746758L, -234492080L, -506520468L, 1267848596L, 1021809746L,
1242954208L, 1165847756L, -1648117600L, 577649026L, -2033579800L,
-418845972L, -527149764L, -1569663886L, -882119568L, -2023427036L,
-1463451592L, -126962918L, 259720400L, 1892401980L, 1948610452L,
-2121828478L, -1053614656L, -1857293764L, -157148784L, -61267422L,
2040003848L, -754613620L, -750598372L, 1427855506L, 1332971904L,
1051912724L, -1740033240L, 346168890L, -1657716272L, -1534261908L,
1638865844L, -2085581806L, -1953408544L, 756825036L, 635721952L,
1883443234L, -113455832L, 900492812L, -278705348L, -198466574L,
2140532464L, 2111271492L, -113971624L, 269480762L, 1188930032L,
886423228L, -1542681324L, 561338050L, 201971808L, 331573116L,
-395514928L, -531280606L, -66759000L, 95398796L, 2102410428L,
-1797232846L, 801405504L, -2021990220L, 1207888456L, -1064071750L,
480715280L, 1680013036L, 1951970644L, 1327101202L, 1371814304L,
1832261324L, -165728672L, 2009889730L, -1983550680L, -1229849684L,
-1060020420L, 700874098L, -455020752L, -1619299036L, -1401330888L,
-690839846L, -95540336L, 1312742140L, -1080417388L, 937566274L,
15278336L, 1804745788L, 972330320L, 912248994L, 243385672L, -2019210484L,
1017260764L, -1614319278L, 1779148928L, 83627092L, 429122536L,
-1793508102L, 525139792L, -428288212L, -320922252L, 1683529618L,
358939744L, -6265460L, 1664537440L, -538511902L, 762348456L,
573483212L, 1536971772L, -1071545934L, -823243280L, -2064064572L,
1584728408L, 560881018L, 406210480L, 625032636L, -985402284L,
-2114005054L, -278640608L, -671842116L, -992577968L, -774842398L,
2137069672L, 1631901772L, 466470140L, 2135894002L, 1285528832L,
2133665140L, 213491720L, -1027234886L, 89785808L, 766803948L,
-1865276012L, 1713316306L, -21800608L, -667083956L, -719584992L,
-1469094014L, -1416216856L, -1403311892L, -1454602180L, 1956417394L,
-244699536L, 2099366948L, -1350492360L, -854602598L, 51909328L,
828772540L, 1319775892L, -86266238L, 1394761920L, 1601537852L,
-739045232L, -1923609054L, -420549624L, -84472564L, 1395887260L,
-438857198L, -136334464L, -1903938028L, -560370136L, -2145968838L,
1053224400L, 1996310636L, 926844212L, -1403278702L, -1865265312L,
-1430606004L, 182806496L, -599374645L, 1205032252L, 620790122L,
-377336929L, 277055017L, -455677762L, 1323528620L, -882979075L,
-607323577L, 2024634672L, 653279822L, -688412037L, -324527651L,
1614131210L, 483889448L, -1456337007L, 821502339L, -1973698940L,
-1836360526L, 1124629511L, 1898227793L, 534263766L, -1054812492L,
455206597L, 360749071L, -453138296L, 1321605542L, -836026029L,
1126822581L, -1208276974L, 496675296L, 1671527497L, 497683067L,
-1509944500L, 1791710938L, -872281393L, 1001601689L, -1574316370L,
-1136540740L, 1834523693L, -414256169L, -2015749600L, -1951089794L,
589981003L, -2111273139L, 1618709882L, -1610100808L, -1579174559L,
625051923L, 1308451124L, 1564130114L, -1556808873L, -741524831L,
1281448806L, -290138780L, -166125419L, -2069286465L, -1882225320L,
513342326L, 246626691L, -1921098811L, 706183394L, 1154807120L,
-131722119L, 1217980331L, -1885090532L, -1885648310L, -753078721L,
-831700343L, 152970910L, -1929874612L, 1300632349L, -1495162201L,
318065104L, -1046232722L, 2028973083L, 779462013L, -245812374L,
1030964744L, 456653489L, -760740573L, 605697572L, -168149806L,
1777188135L, 158144369L, 1799607734L, -2036785836L, -1988584475L,
819996143L, -221516504L, -234652282L, -7898701L, -2067131115L,
1540380530L, 1403319232L, 1282618409L, -746626917L, -46215828L,
654980474L, -1957480785L, -627450439L, -1858961458L, -1215803620L,
178585229L, 1126113015L, -1650044416L, -92742562L, -40689877L,
110029869L, -430203750L, -2025893800L, -2006124607L, 561633395L,
-670051948L, -1444044766L, 671803191L, -1780323839L, -1806814458L,
1598496580L, 280736373L, 843965407L, 602818360L, 1568637206L,
787479843L, 1244606181L, -1113221374L, 631455088L, -1570202343L,
531485963L, -1396926980L, -959877590L, -1814301089L, -861436439L,
715175678L, -1511201044L, -1637640643L, -286669305L, 802621936L,
-1356457586L, 1220325307L, -651871843L, -914131126L, -647345304L,
-1572975279L, 1936481859L, -96812220L, 635854834L, -693166649L,
1184392081L, 1852922646L, 155086708L, 1704627717L, 99137103L,
-1647603128L, 254280678L, 317762835L, 358687349L, 661229650L,
-115285344L, -528380023L, 866700219L, 1318128652L, 1552595354L,
10754319L, 1092380505L, -991786514L, 1179391100L, 1673785581L,
-708921449L, -290078965L)

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