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WanderLUST - Hotel Management Project

WanderLUST is a comprehensive hotel management system built using the MERN stack (MongoDB, Express.js, React.js, Node.js). It provides hotel owners with a platform to manage their properties and customers with the ability to view hotel listings, leave reviews, and make bookings.

Below Here Are Some Photographs Of The Website

  • Here is the main page of the website , shows the listing items (hotels) and the navbar design .Added feature -> An advanced Search Engine Bar , where you can search hotels/rooms based on your own desired requirements .

Screenshot (281)

  • When a listing item is clicked , it pop out the overall features it provide and its descripton .

Screenshot (285)

  • Here I have added a mapping feature using mapbox api to provide a approx near about destination of any listing item .

Screenshot (286)

  • Here i centralised the user to add their reviews based on their experience .

Screenshot (287)

  • Shows a page on website how the reviews of users are presented , and added feature -> The creater of the review can edit or delete their reviews if needed .

Screenshot (288)

  • At the end , here it is the footer which contains the owner's profiles and privacy , terms and conditions and company's encrypted details .

Screenshot (284)

Key Features

  • User Authentication and Authorization: Secure authentication and authorization using JSON Web Tokens (JWT) and bcrypt for password hashing.

  • Hotel Listing View: Dynamic and interactive user interface to browse through available hotels, view detailed information, including images, descriptions, amenities, and pricing.

  • Review System: Integration of a review system allowing authenticated users to leave feedback and ratings for hotels they have stayed at.

  • Location Services: Utilization of geolocation services to display hotel locations on a map interface, helping users make informed decisions.

  • Listing Management: Functionality for hotel owners to add new listings, edit existing ones, and manage their properties through an intuitive dashboard.

Technology Stack

  • MongoDB: Database management system to store hotel listings, user information, reviews, and authentication tokens.

  • Express.js: Backend server framework to handle HTTP requests, manage routes, and interact with the MongoDB database.

  • React.js: Frontend library for building dynamic and responsive user interfaces, providing an engaging user experience.

  • Node.js: Runtime environment for the backend server, enabling efficient handling of I/O operations and concurrent requests.

  • JWT Authentication: Implementation of JSON Web Token (JWT) authentication to secure routes and validate user access based on authentication status and user roles.

Getting Started

Follow these steps to set up and run the Wanderliust project locally:

  1. Clone the Repository: Clone the Wanderliust repository to your local machine using the following command:

    1st : Download zip file
    2nd : Right click on zip folder then click Extract all
    3rd : Open Deploy folder in vscode

  2. Install Dependencies: Navigate to the project directory and install backend and frontend dependencies:

    4th : Install all packages - Type command in terminal -> npm i

  3. Environment Variables: Create a .env file in the backend directory and add the required environment variables, including database connection string, JWT secret, etc

    5th : Data initialize - Type command in terminal -> node init/index.js

  4. Run the Development Server: Start the backend and frontend development servers:

    6th : Run server - Type command in terminal -> node app.js

  5. Access the Application: Open your web browser and navigate to http://localhost:3000 to access the Wanderliust application.


Contributions are welcome! Feel free to open issues for any bugs or feature requests. Pull requests are also appreciated.


  • This project was inspired by the need for a comprehensive hotel management system.
  • Special thanks to the MERN stack community for their valuable resources and documentation.