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Ashthos edited this page Sep 11, 2016 · 1 revision

Skutter (scutter)

ˈskʌtə BRITISH verb 1. (especially of a small animal) move hurriedly with short steps. "a little dog scuttered up from the cabin"

Skutter is a web page test automation tool. It is highly opinionated in how it expects you to layout your test projects, but in return it provides a large amount of functionality out of the box.

What it does

Skutter enables developers, QA, architects, BA and possibly even management, to write tests for websites in simple english. A huge number of scenarios can be covered without having to write any supporting code.

Skutter leans on a number of existing technologies to provide a holistic testing platform, think of it as the glue between protractor, selenium and BDD (yadda).

As it has its roots in large enterprise application testing, Skutter provides a consistent set of reports/extension points/commands that were all born of necessity when testing large systems. A large investment bank has paid for the knowledge of what is required. You, luckily, get this all for free.

Getting started

Getting up and running with Skutter should be quick and easy, it is opinionated in how it expects you to provide it with configuration, but you should be able to do a great deal without doing much more than the initial configuration.

See the full Getting started guide for a step by step in getting your testing going.

Step Reference

There are a large number of phrases that you can utilise in your tests that Skutter provides for you. The Step Reference provides a list of those available and examples on their usage.

Developing with Skutter

Skutter is developed in pure Typescript/Javascript, and you are encouraged to write steps that are specific to your test scenarios. All the standard steps provided by Skutter utilise a few core concepts, which are available for use in your own steps.

See the Step Development pages for details on how to go about extending Skutter for your own needs.

Skutter, what's in a name?

As intimated above, Skutter is Scutter. However, it was initially conceived in a large investment bank, where the projects were named after Red Dwarf characters/props. Some of the Red Dwarf characters are 'Skutters'. During its complete rewrite for the wider community its name has stuck.

Contributing to Skutter

Great, so you have used Skutter and you have a suggestion or bug. Post to the issues to let us know!

Where's the code?

Right now, as of version 1.0.0, the code isn't yet published to the repository. It will be, but first we need tidy up the tests and improve the coverage in some places, so that when people start forking it, the unit and bdd tests can provide enough of a safety net that they don't break anything.