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Releases: Assorion/FNF-Assorion-Engine

MAIN - v1.3.1

06 May 01:37
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Assorion's minor 1.3.1 release!

Mostly just fixing / revising small snippets of old code. Here's the quick run down of what's changed between 1.3.0 and 1.3.1:

  • Added Botplay indicator
  • Restructured some parts of code, such as the input system
  • Limited FPS cap to 340 (the game still reaches 500 FPS anyway)
  • Switched characters to using JSON instead of custom text format
  • Fixed Chart-editor bug on the Section tab where button continuity was not kept
  • Fixed issue where the vocals could start out-of-time with the instrumental
  • Fixed Github workflows to produce correct Windows builds
  • Fixed Chart-editor allowing playing as non-existent character

Not many front-end features though some minor bugs where fixed.

MacOS build failed for this release. We will be investigating the issue soon.

BETA - v1.3.0

04 Apr 11:29
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Assorion's 1.3.0 Release!

The great 1.3.0 release is finally here, featuring many back-end changes.

Some long-lasting major bugs have been fixed, as well as code cleanup and major overhauls to:

  • Charting state
  • Options
  • Transitions
  • Text files
  • Negative 10 FPS Problem

Though there has been many fixes for some big bugs, there is bound to be many more! This is an early release for the sake of play testing and ruling out bugs. Any bugs found will be documented in either our Discord or the Github release page.

For changes a user may see for the front end:

  • Some options have been tweaked and/or removed
  • Pausing now features a fade in and out
  • The Charting state UI is completely different
  • ALL transitions can be skipped

As for our Wiki, we will start updating and improving our documentation slowly after this release. If you need a guidance on how to build a mod for this engine The Wiki will try and document this, though is unfinished at this current moment.


These are all workflow builds. These builds are actually UNTESTED.
Windows and Linux builds should be fine, but the MacOS builds are completely untested due to not owning a MacOS machine.
If the MacOS build fails for you, it is impossible for us to fix it, sorry.

Known Bugs (and how to fix them):

  1. Music starts out-of-sync. In Playstate at line ~321 you'll find = vocals.time = 0; move that line above the return; and below the;. It's also recommended that in the closeSubState function at ~357 ( = vocals.time = ...) move that line at the end of the function.
  2. Missing GCC DLLs. Unfortunately due to a lack of testing it appears that MinGW can cause a slight problem where the entire program will not work complaining about a missing DLL. To fix simply use Clang instead and ignore the instructions listed under compiling.

Why the long release gap? Do not worry, the project is not dead. Antivirus is a slow developer, and interest can be lost easily. The project is still being maintained and unless declared otherwise, is not going to be killed.

MAIN - v1.2.2

26 Oct 08:35
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Assorion's 1.2.2 Release.


This build uses a "cheat". The Windows build is compiled with MinGW instead of Clang.
Along side that, I have added some G++ compiler optimizations (mostly -O3 but some others as well).

This build might be a little faster, but might be a tad unstable. Not that I've noticed any thing.
A wiki entry about how to apply these will be made soon.


  • Fixed chart editor bug where it can get stuck at the end of a section, when pressing D to move forward.
  • Fixed input for Web build. Now space and arrow keys work correctly.
  • Fixed fade in for the strumLine arrows. Now the appear more like the base game.
  • Fixed pause bug on countdown. Now pausing on countdown is possible.


  • Added StaticSprite.hx, for sprites that don't need updates. Probably like ~0.000001% faster or something.
  • Stage curtain is now 2 smaller sprites. Rather massive performance increase!
  • Chartingstate UI now has a dark highlighting effect.
  • Builds now compile with optimizations (read above).


There shouldn't be issues with stability but if there is, please report it.
Optimizations ARE NOT IMPORTANT. They are a cheap trick in order to boost the FPS just a little higher.

However the performance increase is hardly noticeable (20 - 40 FPS on my machine). The logic of Assorion is basically perfected, the rendering is the reason why engines are slow. As such, you will only notice huge increase in performance on old or terrible CPUs.

MAIN - v1.2.1

13 Oct 10:19
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Assorion's 1.2.1 Release!

Another minor upgrade. Unlike 1.1.1 or 1.1.2 though, I have a few more changes in store!

Firstly thanks to my friend who has touched up the README even more and has also setup the Github workflows. Now automatic builds can be compiled. Though we have decided to only activate them manually.

Many of these changes are documented the are CHANGELOG but I'll repeat them here as usual:

  1. songTime is now rounded to the song position; Originally this value was set. This basically makes the gameplay feel a little smoother.
  2. FINALLY! Save data has been moved away from the savedata.json file and have been moved to the Flixel save data. The only remains is the default_settings.json file which contains the defaults, and this file is never written to.
  3. Fixed Storymenu tracks / crashing bug. When completing a week, the week's tracks became emtpy and playing it would crash. The songs array is now copied thus fixing this issue.
  4. Mild refactoring, also removing a useless delayed event in GameOverSubstate.
  5. The biggest change is adding an offset wizard. Now determining what your audio offset is is much easier. Press your UI ACCEPT key to enter it.
  6. Web build (HTML5) can now be compiled to. There are few bugs, mainly input. There also seems to be issues with sound and missing the .mp3 variants however the gameplay seems fine.


Windows build is in tar.gz. This is because I forgot to zip it before rebooting to Linux.
Do not worry as 7zip (and I think WinRAR) should be able to extract it. If you get a .tar file from the extraction, extract that to.

If you don't have 7zip or WinRAR, then you will probably have to get it. Windows 10 & 11 might be able to extract these files but I
have no way of checking that.

MAIN - v1.2.0

30 Sep 22:52
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Assorion 1.2.0 Release is here!

Tons of bug fixes a feature improvements are finally here now.

Sorry this release took so long, I am only 1 person working on the source code for this engine. Features can take a long time to implement.

Either way this is a major release so it's time to go over some the changes.

  • Reduced input complexity, along side hopefully fixing bugs with jacks.
  • Bug fixes (primarily for modding) such as crashing before the song ends.
  • Menu navigation has been dramatically improved, being able to skip transitions and skip timers.
  • Pause menu info is finally a thing.
  • MenuTemplate.hx for devs, all menus fall under this file.
  • Text files are cached when they are loaded by default.
  • More options.
  • Changes to rebinding menu.
  • Added input offset.
  • Background menu scrolling effect (it looks cool).
  • Pause menu no longer kills game FPS.
  • Icons are centered correctly
  • Code has been cleaned up in many places making it easier to mod.


PS. There is an experimental screenshot feature. Press F12 during gameplay to take a screenshot. They are saved in a new screenshots folder with the date.

Transparency and other stuff is broken in screenshots so don't expect them to be perfect.

MAIN - v1.1.2

03 Sep 08:50
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Once again another minor update.

So please read the CHANGELOG or release of 1.1.0

Stuff for this version:

  1. Actually Actually fixed the chart editor this time (hopefully).
  2. Fixed bug where you can't delete notes in 1/3 zoom level.
  3. Added navigation improvements.
  4. Linux build



This bug has or at least should've been fixed. Turns out the camera code that changes what
character the camera looks at has 1 LINE that causes the game to crash because of a section
that doesn't exist before the music ends.

For now the fix is to insert more sections at the end of the chart so the song finished before the
game crashes. This will be fixed in 1.2.0 so fear not.

Also another semi-important note for modders using this version.

Dialogue has a bug where it doesn't carry over to the next song in story mode.
So song 1 can have dialogue and then song 2 even though it should have dialogue will end up skipping it.

The fix is to add seenCutscene = false; under the endSong function in PlayState.hx!

MAIN - v1.1.1

02 Sep 14:08
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This is a minor release!

Please read the 1.1.0 for all the changes and notes for this build.

As for this version it fixes the following:

  1. Hopefully not to many more README changes after this.
  2. Fixed a bug in chart editor section tab that could block your input infinitely.
  3. Touched up note assets hopefully fixes all artifacts with them.
  4. Changed the project XML to exclude MDP assets in release build.

MAIN - v1.1.0

01 Sep 09:46
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Finally! Assorion's first "real"release.

Read the CHANGELOG for changes between the BETA version and this version.
Gameplay is fully finished, there is most likely only going to be minor improvements in future versions.

Please do not keep any of the base assets that aren't used. The current assets and songs are for a test to demo the engine.

Notes for this build

  1. No normal or easy charts. Any other charts than hard will crash the game.
  2. There is only 1 week, and it is just a demo week.
  3. FPS cap can be set to 500, but unless you can reach that framerate consistently, set it to your average FPS.
  4. Settings and face icon assets are embedded, they are not in a literal folder.

BETA - v1.0.0

19 Aug 01:32
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MKG Engine's first ever release!
You should read the important notes if you want info.

So far the project is mostly successful but not useful to many.
The engine is now at a bar with all the standard engine features.

Downscroll, Offset, Etc, etc. I intend to add tons more options and visual changes but so far, the game feels like most other engines right now.
The kicker is and always will be the code, the memory, and the framerate, and hopefully be easy to work on. Atleast for me.

Currently the assets only take ~30mb of space (compared to the ~200mb of psych engine). And the game only consumes usually less than 500mb of ram. I would list minimum requirements but I have yet to test. So far I can assume some right here.

  1. A GPU with atleast 256mb of vram (any less and sprites may not load)
  2. A Pentium 4 @2.26ghz or higher.
  3. Windows 7 64-bit or higher, Windows XP Port coming eventually.
  4. 1gb of RAM. (512mb might work, but Windows will take too much of that to count)
  5. ~36mb of free disk space.

Handle with care.
If there is a bug don't feel bad for reporting.