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Asymptotic Monogame Framework

A framework for video game creation that has everything already implemented, except for the gameplay. This framework includes menues, controls, settings, and more. All you need to do to make a complete, release-ready game is to implement the gameplay.

This framework is built upon MonoGame 3.6 and is currently supported on Windows & Mac.

This is under CC by 3.0 license. You can use and modify any of this code, even commercially, under the condition that you give Asymptotic Games appropriate credit.

If you do use this framework, I'd love to see what you create with it. Just let me know and I'll feature it on my site and in this readme.

Installation Instructions


  1. Download and install Visual Studio 2015 Community Edition from Microsoft Website here (Direct Download Link)
  2. Download and install MonoGame 3.6 for Visual Studio from MonoGame Website here (Direct Download Link)
  3. Download and unzip this project to the desired location on your computer (You can also pull this repo from GitHub)
  4. Open Visual Studio 2015, Click File->Open->Project/Solution, Navigate to the location where you unzipped this project, and open asymptotic-monogame-framework/Windows/AsymptoticMonoGameFramework.sln

What it does

Framework Example

Splash Screen

Shows company logo screen on game boot up. Can easily be set to any image.

Main Menu

3 buttons on main menu right now. Start Game, Settings, and Exit Game. Buttons are simple to add to any menu.

Start Game

Opens the Game Settings Menu, where you can select a difficulty for the game. I just used difficulty as an example. It's easy to put anything in this screen and have the buttons on this screen affect the variables you will use for gameplay.


Settings Example

Graphical Settings
  • Resolution

Any resolution is supported. You can keep the default options or manually enter new options. The game will only show the user resolution options that are supported with their monitor size.

  • Full Screen

Setting the game to full screen automatically sets the resolution to the window size and makes the game full screen.

Another thing to note: The first time a user boots it up, it will open in windowed mode and automatically set the resolution to the 2nd largest option that is supported by their monitor size.

Audio Settings
  • Music Volume
  • Sound Effect Volume

Any music or sound effects you play are just multiplied by their respective values.

*Current music is by Maximalism

  • Player X Gamepad Controls

You can set if you want to support gamepad or not, or how many gamepads you want to support if you are doing multiplayer. Each player has their own set of gamepad controls, which can be set individually or you can apply one gamepad's controls to all gamepads. Buttons, Joysticks, and boolean values are supported for gamepad controls.

  • Keyboard/Mouse Controls (Keyboard keys, Mouse Clicks, and boolean values supported)

Keyboard Keys, Mouse Clicks, and boolean values are supported for keyboard/mouse controls

Exit Game

Exits to desktop


No gameplay implemented (This is where you come in!)

Pause Menu
  • Back to Gameplay
  • Same settings as Main Menu
  • Exit to Main Menu

Settings/Save Games

Saves any variables you want to an xml document to the local machine. Loads those variables into your game when you boot it up.

Saved Settings already implemented for you

  • Resolution
  • Full Screen
  • Sound Effect Volume
  • Music Volume
  • All Gamepad Controls
  • All Keyboard/Mouse Controls

Any of these settings that you set in the Game Settings Menu will stay set that way the next time you load the game.

Anything you want can be saved via these saved settings as long as it's a string, int, or arrays of one of those.

Sprite Animations

Easy to animate sprites when using sprite sheets.

Coming Soon

  • Preset Controls
  • Mac Support
  • Linux Support
  • Improving the look and layout of everything

Mac and Linux support might be very close to working right now. I just have no way of testing them at the moment.

Games Created with the Asymptotic MonoGame Framework

Cavern Crumblers

Contact Links

If you have any questions on how to do anything with the framework, or anything else really, I'd be happy to answer. Just remember I'm not an expert and I'm only one guy doing my best.



Tips For Using it

Drawing things to the screen

Everything in the game "pretends" it's running at 1920x1080 (This can be changed in ResolutionConfig.cs if you want by changing the virtual resolution). Then, when the objects are drawn to the screen, everything is scaled to the resolution of the window. So when you are programming, the top left of the window will always be (0,0) and the bottom right of the window will always be (1920, 1080), even if the window resolution is only 1280x720.

For example, if you call

spriteBatch.Draw(background, new Rectangle(0, 0, 1920, 1080), Color.White);

This code will draw the background to fill the entire gameplay window, no matter what the resolution of the window.

Another way to call this code would be to use the virtual resolution variable if you don't want things hard-coded for the future. Like so:

spriteBatch.Draw(background, new Rectangle(0, 0, ResolutionConfig.virtualResolution.Item1, ResolutionConfig.virtualResolution.Item2), Color.White);


See LoadingScreenManager.cs for an example of how animations work. I think that's the only animation I have in the entire project right now. Sorry for the lack of examples in this department.

An AnimatedEntity can have multiple Animations. Then call animatedEntityVariable.PlayAnimation("animationName") to play the animation that you want.

If an Animation is set to not loop, you can call animatedEntityVariable.CurrentAnimation.IsComplete to check if the current animation is complete.

Changing the Name of your Game

In Visual Studio

  • SettingsManager.cs
    • Change folderName variable from "AsymptoticMonoGameFramework" to "GameName"
    • Change fileName variable from "asymptotic-monogame-framework-settings.dat" to "game-name-settings.dat"
  • Right-click Solution 'AsymptoticMonoGameFramework' -> Rename -> "GameName"
  • Right-click AsymptoticMonoGameFramework project -> Rename -> "GameName"
  • Right-click GameName project (same as previous step, but now renamed) -> Properties -> Application
    • Assembly name -> "GameName"
    • Default namespace -> "GameName"
    • Click Assembly Information
      • Change all values here to whatever you want them to be
    • You can also change the icon for the game here by uploading a new icon.ico image
    • In Publish tab, you can change the publishing folder location if you'd like
  • Edit -> Find and Replace -> Find in Files -> Replace in Files tab
    • Find what: "namespace AsymptoticMonoGameFramework"
    • Replace with: "namespace GameName"

Close Visual Studio

In File Explorer (after doing all steps in Visual Studio)

  • Change folder name from asymptotic-monogame-framework to game-name
  • Change folder name in game-name/Windows from AsymptoticMonoGameFramework to GameName
  • In game-name/Windows/GameName
    • You can delete the obj folder completely to clean up old build files
    • You can delete the bin folder completely to clean up old build files
    • If there is a AsymptoticMonoGameFramework_TemporaryKey, you can delete that as well

Open up Visual Studio again, and open GameName.sln

  • Right-click GameName project and remove
  • Right-click Solution 'GameName' -> Add -> Existing Project -> game-name/Windows/GameName/GameName.csproj -> Open

Possible Errors

"An error occurred while signing": Right-click on the project in Visual Studio -> Properties -> Signing -> Create Test Certificate -> Ok (No password is required)


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