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Build a machine learning pipeline to train a model to predict drug prices. The output is a packaged application layout that can be deployed to production

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The goal of this project is to show the process of building and deploying a Machine Learning Model with FastAPI and Docker.

The model is pre-trained on drugs_train.csv, we used active_ingredients.csv and drug_label_feature_eng.csv to build new features. We made also other features using different hand made feature engineering techniques (tf-idf/ svd, date transformations...).

The API's main functionality is to provide a price prediction from a drug_id belonging to the test.pkl dataset. To avoid black box mode of the machine learning model, The API provides also scores explainability. We used an advanced technique based on game theory, called SHAP to explain the influence of each variable on unit predictions. For each provided score, we return the top 10 variables that had a positive/negative impact on the score.

To get more information about data explaratory and features engineering steps checkout the following notebooks:

  • notebooks/data-analysis.ipynb : the Data explaratory analysis step : allowing to get interesting insights and ideas of features engineering to apply
  • notebooks/feature-engineering.ipynb : the retained outputs are:
    • data/transformed/train.pkl : transformed training dataset: this dataset is passed to the model to be trained on
    • data/transformed/test.pkl: transformed test dataset: it will be used by the API to get single data inputs from a test drug id, that will be passed to the model to get score prediction
  • notebooks/modeling.ipynb: in this notebook you have all the modeling part (the lightGBM validated with stratified crosss validation technique, and the TreeExplainer used to explain the model) The retained outputs of the notebooks are:
    • models/LGB3.pkl : a pre-trained lightgbm with a Cross-Validation method
    • models/TreeExplainer_LGB3.sav : a TreeExplainer pre-trained on the generated model: it will ba applied directeley by the api to extract the top features

Here's a highlevel overview of the API:

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It contains the following routes:

  • HTTP POST : /single_score : the body request is a single key/value dict (the drug_id to predict): the response is composed of :
    • the input drug_id
    • the related predicted score
    • the top shapley values explaining the score

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  • HTTP POST : /bulk_score: the body request is composed of a list of drug_ids we want to predict, the response is composed of a list of the single_score response, each item is related to a drug_id of the list input

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Develop the app locally

The API route is defined in api/

A Dockerfile is defined to create an image for this API: pretty standard.

A docker-compose to manage services between others (as for now, there's only one service: the API)

$ git clone
$ cd DrugPrice-API
$ docker-compose up --build

To check the API is doc, you can open http://localhost:8000/docs: it would redirect you to the interactive interface where you can try the API from the browser. You get something like this:

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The index page contains the list of the drug_id extracted from test.csv, that you can test with our implemented routes

Other ways to try the API request:

  • Postman
  • Curl cmd :


curl --location --request POST 'http://localhost:8000/bulk_score' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--data-raw '{
    "drug_ids": [

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Build a machine learning pipeline to train a model to predict drug prices. The output is a packaged application layout that can be deployed to production






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