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E-commerce fully functional website created as part of Code Institute Milestone 4 project for Full Stack Diploma Course.

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Fashionista has been built as the 4th milestone project as part of Code Institute's Full Stack Software Development course. Fashionista is a virtual 'E-commerce Website’It provides the user with a list of the various products available for purchase in the store. For the convenience of online shopping, a shopping cart is provided to the user. After the selection of the goods, it is sent for the order confirmation process. The system is implemented using Python’s web framework Django.

The scope of the project will be limited to some functions of the e-commerce website.

  • customers can register for an account that way thye may log , make purchases and view their order history.
  • The project provides security with the use of login ID and passwords, so that no unauthorized users can access your account.
  • It will display products,
  • customers can select categories and select products, and can remove products from their cart specifying the quantity of each item. Selected items will be collected in a cart. At checkout, the item on the card will be presented as an order. Customers can pay for the items in the cart to complete an order. - * stripe credit card payment is real but reamisn in test mode so no payments can be taken, * DO NOT USE YOUR REAL CREDIT CARD DETAILS*
  • Please usee the following details to make a stripe payment.
    • Card: Number 4242 4242 4242 4242
    • Date: Any future date
    • CVC : Any 3 numbers


The three basic parts of our database will be a: user, product, and order.

Building the user

The user is the first foundational piece. The user interacts with the THE online store. In the online store you have products. As the user clicks through the products, they eventually decide to purchase a few of those products. When a user selects a product they add that to their order. The basic foundational pieces of a user is a: name, password and email address. I create a user to save their information so they can keep track of their purchases and payment options. In our database, we don’t directly save a product to a user. We do that through an order. The order is what keeps track of the products. Therefore, a user has many products through and order.

Building the Product

The product is the second foundational piece. The online store has many products. Each product needs a few important pieces of information such as: name, description, price ,rating and category. As more products are added to the store, information is registered based on these characters. As a user selects products to purchase, that information is saved through an order and not directly to the user. The reason being is that a product can belong to many users, not just one user. If there would be no order, there would be no way to allow other users to buy the product. Therefore, a product has many users through an order. This will allow the products to be easily sorted through in the store for users.

Building the Order

The order is the last foundational piece. an order is the main transactional piece that allows users to interact with products through the store. The main foundational pieces of an order are: User ID foreign key, Product ID foreign key and the total amount of all the products. As a user checks out of the store, this is what will allow the database to process the user and the products that, that user will be purchasing. By storing all the necessary information in an order, the database saves an instance of an interaction of a user with the stores products. The order item can have product details that allows the product to be customized by size and/or color.


      • Attractive and accessible website that is responsive on all devices.
      • Products on the website can be easily modified(add,update,delete) by the admin.
      • Users can easily register an account
      • Payments via the website are fully secure.
      • The website is accessible also by non registered users.
      • Hold and secure information from all current and new customers so they may login to place orders.
    • As a Shopper:

      1. As a shopper, i want to view a list of products so i can select some to purchase.
      2. As a shopper, i would like view individual product details so i can identify the price and product description.
      3. As a shopper , i would like to easily identify deals and offers so i can take advantage and save money shopping.
      4. As a shopper, i would like to the total of my purchases to avoid going over my budget.
      5. As a shopper, i would like to sort through a list of available products.
      6. As a shopper, i would like to sort through a specific category of product.
      7. A a shopper, i would like to search for a product using name or description.
      8. As a shopper, i would like to easily see the results of my search queries.
      9. As a shopper, i would like to easily select the size, quantity and color of product i wish to purchase.
      10. A a shopper, i would like to be able to view items in my cart to be purchased so i can see the total cost and what i will be receiving.
      11. As a shopper, i would like to easily adjust the quantity of the items in my cart so i can easily make changes to my purchase before checkout.
      12. As a shopper , i would like to easily enter my payment information so i can checkout without hassles.
      13. As a shopper, i would like to be able to fill in my payment information in a secure and safe way.
      14. As a shopper, i would like to view my order confirmation before checkout to verify that i havent made any mistakes.
      15. As a shopper, i would like to receive an email confirmation after checkout so that i can keep the confirmation of what I've purchased for my records.
      16. As a shopper, i would like to products that i like to my wishlist.
      17. As a shopper, i would like read reviews drom other shoppers about cetrain products that i am interested in.
      18. As a shopper, i would like to able to write reviews on a product i purchased.
    • As a site user:

      1. As a site user, i would like to easily register for an account so i can have a personalised account and can access my profile.
      2. As a site user, i would like to easily login and logout to access my personal account info.
      3. As a site user, i would like to easily recover my password incase i forget it so that i can recover access to my account.
      4. As a site user, i would like to receive an email confirmation after registering to be able to verify that registration was successfull.
      5. A site user, i would like to have a personalised user profile so that i can view my order history, order confirmation and save my payment information.
    • As a Store Owner:

      1. As a store owner , i would like to be able to add new products to the store.
      2. As a store Owner , i would like to be able to edit and update a product from the store.
      3. As a store owner , i would like to be able to delete a product from the store.

The key features of the website is developed based on the user stories:

For any site user:

  • Homepage with a revealing bg-image to easily help users understand the purpose of the site.
  • Products page where users can view all items based on their query searches as well.
  • Product Detail page with detailed information about the particular product, here users can choose size and quantity before adding item to cart.
  • Shopping cart page , where the user can view what product they added to their cart.
  • Checkout page, allowing users to purchase products.
  • Confirmation page , allowing users to see a confirmation message of their order
  • Contact page , where the users can contact the company with any questions .
  • Newsletter subscribe form that can allow users to sign up and get updates from the company.
  • sign up page where users can register to be able to veiw purchase history and have a customer account
  • About us page , where users can find out more information about the company

For registered users:

  • Profile page, where users can update the default delivery information allowing ease of checkout.
  • Order History, Users can see their previous order they made from the profile page
  • wishlist page , where users can store their favourite items in the wishlist.
  • product reviews, on the product detail page , where the users can leave a reating and message about a product they bought.
  • Log out page, where users can securely log out of their page.

For Store Owner:

  1. As a store owner , i would like to be able to add new products to the store.
  2. As a store Owner , i would like to be able to edit and update a product from the store.
  3. As a store owner , i would like to be able to delete a product from the store.
  4. as a store owner, i would like to be able to delete reviews from users who have left reviews

Existing Features

Allauth features

The sign up, register, password reset, email confirmation pages etc, have all been provided by Django allauth and formatted to suit the needs of the site.

Admin Features

  • Admin will have access to additional features across the site. Firstly admin members will have an additional icon in the delivery banner (on larger devices) or link in the burger menu (on smaller devices) to take the user to the site admin page. Here the admin user will have access to:
  • Add a product page link - This will take the admin user to the add product page. Here the user can fill in the form to add a product to the site. Once added the admin user will be taken to the product detail page for the product added.
  • Manage Contact Messages - This will take the admin user to the contact management page. Here admin users will be displayed with all the queries that have been submitted by other users. Admin users can view details of these messages by clicking on the name in the table. On both the contact management page and the contact detail page admin users can delete the messages once they have responded to the user. This will trigger a modal to make sure the user is happy to delete the message.
  • On the product page and product detail page admin users will have access to the edit and delete product icons. The edit icon will take the user to the edit product form, where they can make changes to a product (i.e put in the women's category). The delete icon will trigger a modal to make sure the user wishes to delete the product and avoid accidental deletions.

Base Template

  • Delivery Banner - The delivery banner contains information about free delivery and the free delivery threshold. It is fixed to the top of the screen to allow for ease of access and improved user navigation. The links take users to different parts of the site which are as follows:
  • Unregistered user:
    • Login link
    • Register link
  • Registered user:
    • Wishlist
    • My Account - Profile, Logout
    • Cart
  • Admin/ superuser
    • Wishlist
    • My Account - Product Management, Profile, Logout


The navbar has all product category links,

  • All Products - here products may be sorted and selected based on price, name, rating or category
  • women - has several categories
  • Men - has several categories
  • Kids - has several categories
  • Shoes and accesories - has several categories
  • Homeware - has several categories


The footer has all the important shop links .


The home page hs a background the navigation links, logo, hero image, call to action button,deals categorised men,women children section and the footer.

Product page

The product page displays all products in the store. The number of products is display right above. The sorting range button is also displayed here to allow the users sort products based on price, rating, name and category.

product detail page

The product details page includes, name of the product, price , category, rating and product description. The user may choose size and quantity they wish to purchase. There are also two button links one to keep shopping that leads to the all products page and the other add to cart button that adds the product to the user's cart. Admin/ superuser has two links to delete or modify product .

Toasts Messages

  • Toast message boxes have been used through out the site to display the feedback to the user when they have made interactions with the site. These messages are color coded to transmit different kinds of information:
    • Green: Success
    • Red : Errors
    • Blue : Information
    • Yellow : Warning

shopping cart page

The shopping cartg page can be broken into 5 parts for each product added to their cart:

  • Product - which displays an image of the product the user has added to their bag.
  • Product info - displays the name of the product, product sku and the product size (if applicable).
  • Price - displays the individual product price.
  • Quantity - Users are able to update their order using the quantity selectors and the update button. Users can also remove that product from their shopping cart entirely by clicking the remove button.
  • Subtotal - displays the subtotal for each product (product price * quantity). Underneath the products that are in the user's cart, there is information for cart total, delivery and grand total. If a user does not meet the free delivery threshold a helpful message will be displayed to let them know what they need to spend in order to qualify for free delivery.
  • There is a button to take the users back to the all product page, and a "Secure Checkout" button to take the user to the checkout page.
  • If the user has no items in the shopping cart, a message is displayed to the user to let them know this and a button to take the user to the all products page is displayed.

Checkout page

The Checkout page is split into two columns on larger devices, and 2 rows on smaller devices:

  • Order Summary - Gives a nice overview of each of the products that they are purchasing. Images are links that will take the user back to the product details page for that product. Users can also see a breakdown of the order total, delivery and grand total.
  • Checkout Form - split into 3 sections:
    • Details - where users are invited to fill out their full name and email address. Email address will be auto populated if a user has logged in and saved this information to their profile.
    • Delivery - Users can fill in where they wish their products to be delivered to. These fields will be auto populated if a user has logged in and saved this information to their profile.
    • Payment - Users can enter their card details here in order to make payments and purchase their chosen products.
  • Below the checkout form, users can click the "Adjust cart" button to make adjustments to their shopping cart, or click the "Complete Order" button to make their purchases. Users are informed exactly how much they will be charged with a helpful message directly underneath the "Complete Order" button.

Checkout success page

  • When a user successfully checks out a success toast will be shown to the user with the order number and a confirmation email will be sent to the user with some of the details of their order.
  • The checkout success page itself is split into two sections:
    • Order information which details the order info, delivery details and billing info.
    • Order Summary - Gives a nice overview of each of the products that they are purchasing. Images are links that will take the user back to the product details page for that product.
  • More products link which will take the user back to the all products page encouraging the user to make more purchases.

review page

  • users can leave a review on a product by filling the review form below the product detal.

  • users have to be registered and signed in to access this feature

  • users may udate / edit their review

  • admin can mark the review inactive if it its not displayed

Profile page

  • Here users can update their default information by filling in the form and clicking update info button allowing them to ease purchases at checkout.
  • Regarding information aboutuser's past orders, users can click the order number to take them to the checkout success page .


  • The wishlists app allows signed-in users to create one or more wishlists. A user can add a product to their wishlist from the product detail page and manage their lists in the account section.
  • When the used has added products to their wishlist ; they will be displayed here in the same format as the products page.

Features left to implement

  • image variations for a particular item
  • footer links
  • wishlist icon changes color and updates quantity of products in the wishlist bag


  • Users can use the coupons to apply for discounts on their orders. The coupons will be valid for users in a certain time frame.
  • The coupons will not have any limitations in terms of the number of times they can be redeemed and they will be applied to the total value of the shopping cart.

review form

  • users can write a review

Below you may find the links for my wireframs , showing how i wish the pages to be structured and how th esite will appear on different screen sizes. The wireframes have been created using balsamique and show for desktop , ipad and iphone.

Customer Interface:

 1. Customer shops for a product
 2. Customer changes quantity
 3. The customer adds an item to the cart
 4. Customer views cart
 5. Customer checks out
 6. Customer sends order

Database schema multiproduct database

  • Use-Case diagram for customer use-case diagram for customer

Admin Interface:

1. Admin logs in
2. Admin inserts item
3. Admin removes item
4. Admin modifies item
  • ER diagram for admin ER diagram for customer

  • Use-Case diagram for Admin use-case diagram for customer


  • This is a one to one relationship that links the customer to the products.
  • users can add their favourite items to the wishlist by clicking the heart icon below the product

design- I decided to choose a colour that are easy on the eyes and let the user focus more on the products. Black is used on most of the buttons and main text color yellow is used as cta button in the trends area. bg-light or light gray has been used as on the navigation. white has been used for body background purple was used on the logo icon to blend in with the homapge photo (trumpet)

  • Django

  • SQlite3

    • SQLite is a C-language library that implements a small, fast, self-contained, high-reliability, full-featured, SQL database engine. SQLite is the most used database engine in the world.
  • PostgreSQL

  • Gitpod

    • Gitpod is a cloud-based integrated development environment (IDE) that has been used to write, run, and debug the code used for the web-app.
  • Github

    • GitHub has been used for version control of the code by using Git functions in the control panel. Github was utilised frequently during the development of the web-app.
  • Heroku

    • This is a cloud based application platform that allows deployment of an application to the web and connection to the database.
  • AWS S3

    • Amazon Simple Storage Service (Amazon S3) is an object storage service that offers industry-leading scalability, data availability, security, and performance.
  • Figma

    • Figma was used to create use-case diagrams

pdf2png site was used to convert pdf files to png pdf2png

Front-End Technologies

  • HTML 5

    • The web-app uses HTML5 as a fundamental basis for building the web-app. Where possible semantic HTML is used to give the user a better understanding.
  • CSS3

    • The web-app uses CSS3 for styling of elements within the website. It is linked from the page to the style.css file.
  • Bootstrap4

    • The open-source Bootstrap framework has been used to implement the layout of the site. Bootstrap is also utilised to accommodate the responsive and mobile first design of the dashboard.
  • Django-forms-bootstrap

  • JavaScript

    • The web-app uses Javascript to provide dynamic interactivity, as it is a full-fledged versatile programming language.
  • JQuery

  • Google Fonts

  • Hover css

Back-End Technologies

  • Python

    • Python emphasises readability, uses English keywords and is highly extensible. The core language itself is quite small, and it is easy to learn for brginners.
  • Gunicorn

    • Gunicorn ‘Green Unicorn’ is a Python WSGI HTTP Server for UNIX. The Gunicorn server is broadly compatible with various web frameworks, simply implemented, light on server resources, and fairly speedy.
  • Pillow

  • Psycopg

    • Psycopg is the most popular PostgreSQL database adapter for the Python programming language. Its main features are the complete implementation of the Python DB API 2.0 specification and the thread safety.
  • boto3

  • Jinja

  • Stripe

    • Checkout creates a secure, Stripe-hosted payment page that lets you collect payments quickly. It works across devices and is designed to increase conversion. Checkout makes it easy to build a first-class payments experience.


Code validation

  • W3C Markup Validation Service for HTML.
  • W3C CSS Validation Service was used for validating the code.
  • jslint
  • - For Validation Python Code.
  • Slack - Peer Code Review Forum.

Testing User Stories

  • Admin(superuser) can log in, add categories, add products, delete categories, delete products, modify products,delete orders .
  • Non registered users can use the site but at checkout need to fillout their email and adress deatails.
  • users can log in and out of the site
  • users can register for an acount
  • both unregistered and registered users can browse through all products
  • clicking on any individual categories takes us to the specific categories
  • users can browse through deals in different categories, women, men and kids.
  • users can sort items by price, rating,category and name
  • users can choose specific product sizes and quantity.
  • users may update the product either by chnging sizes or adding the quantiy or even deleting the product from their cart.
  • dropdown box updates when a criteria is chosen from the navbar
  • search funtionality works and returns the query result searched for
  • users can proceed with payment and recieve a confirmation message.
  • after purchase users can click the link for latest deals to take them to the latest deals page or to the user's profile page.
  • an error is thrown when the wrong postcode ,card digits and card expiry date are entered i the checkout payment form.
  • success toast confirmation message pops up after an order is passed,with a specific order number and informing buyer of which email the order details shall be sent to.
  • profile details are saved, making it easier for a registered user to complete their purchase without prefilling the adress details.
  • when a non test card is used for stripe payment, wronf postal code and not a future date is used, an error message is receieved clearly informing you of the error and how to fix it.
  • admin can add products to the store
  • admin cn edit/modify products in the store
  • alert message warning admin about editing a product.
  • When a user who is not a superuser tries to access add,edit,delete page via url, a message is displayed informing the user that "only store owners can do that"

Responsive and Campartibility Testing

Testing Performance

Testing Accessibility

known bugs

  • btt-link hidden not showing once on the bottom of the page - solved with a z-index on btt-button and border color change.
  • footer doesnt stick to bottom on empty pages. solved with class of stickiy
  • email confirmation bug - i checked the endpoint urls both in stripe and gitpod , modified sign in stripe secret as stripe_wh_secret in gitpod workspace variable.refresh the page,restarted workspace.checked the webhook file, fixed
  • 401 stripe webhook error - changed port 8000 to public
  • ProgrammingError: relation "django_session" does not exist error ,from stackflow - i ran "python3 migrate sessions" reviewform does not render.
  • 400 error from stripe, from cli unbound local variable intent referenced before assignment.
  • 'client_secret': intent.client_secret, bug at checkout in line 137. i supposed it has something to do with creating a new endpoint for deployed heroku site. so when tested on local environment i get an error. i could nott fix it.


Live Website Link

fashionista2 live site

Repository Link

github link

Running Code Locally

To deploy the project the following is required:-

  • Github account
  • Heroku Account
  • AWS Account

To create a clone follow the below steps:-


  1. Login to github and find the repository.
  2. Click Code and open with Github Desktop.
  3. Follow the prompts in the GitHub Desktop Application.

Heroku Deployment with AWS

  1. Install gunicorn, psycopg2-binary and dj-database-url using the PIP Install command.
  2. Freeze all the requirements for the project into a requirements.txt file using the pip3 freeze > requirements.txt command.
  3. Create a procfile, with the following inside it: web: gunicorn pjc_plant_services_ms4.wsgi:application
  4. Push these changes to GitHub, using git add . git commit -m and git push commands.
  5. Navigate to Heroku, and login or create an account.
  6. Once logged in, click on 'resources'.
  7. From the add-ons search bar, add the Heroku Postgres DB, select the free account, and then submit order form to add it to the project.
  8. From the app's dashboard, click on 'settings', and then 'reveal config vars' in order to set the necessary configuration variables for the project. It should look like this:
Key Value
EMAIL_HOST_PASS Your Email Password
EMAIL_HOST_USER Your Email Address
SECRET_KEY Your Secret Key
STRIPE_PUBLIC_KEY Your Stripe Public Key
STRIPE_SECRET_KEY Your Stripe Secret Key
  1. Back on the main dashboard, click on 'deploy', and then under the 'Deployment' method section, select GitHub and 'Automatic Deploys'.

  2. Ensure that in, the following code is commented out:


and the following code is added:

DATABASES = { 'default': dj_database_url.parse(os.environ.get('DATABASE_URL')) } 11. Make migrations using the following command: python3 makemigrations and migrate the database models to the Postgres database using the following command: python3 migrate

  1. New products can be entered via the Django Admin panel or the SQLLite Database can be imported by using the following command python3 loaddata

  2. Create a new superuser with the following command: python3 createsuperuser and then enter chosen email, username and password.

  3. In, contain the previously entered database setting in an if statement, and add an else condition, so that different databases are used depending on the environment.

if 'DATABASE_URL' in os.environ: DATABASES = { 'default': dj_database_url.parse(os.environ.get('DATABASE_URL')) } else: DATABASES = { 'default': { 'ENGINE': 'django.db.backends.sqlite3', 'NAME': BASE_DIR / 'db.sqlite3', } }

  1. Disable 'COLLECTSTATIC' with the fillowing code: heroku config:set DISABLE_COLLECTSTATIC=1 so that Heroku doesn't attempt to collect the static files.
  2. Add ALLOWED_HOSTS = ['', 'localhost', '8000'] to
  3. Add Stripe environment variables to
  4. Push to Heroku using the following command: git push heroku main

Amazon Web Services:

All Static and media files for the deployed version of the site are hosted in a Amazon Web Services(AWS) S3 bucket. In order to create your own bucket, please follow the instructions on the AWS website Here

  1. In the gitpod terminal, install boto3 and django-storages using the following commands: pip3 install boto3 and pip3 install django-storages
  2. Freeze the new requirements into the 'requirements.txt' file using the pip3 freeze > requirements.txt command
  3. Add 'storages' to INSTALLED_APPS in
  4. Add the following code to in order to link the AWS bucket to the website:

if 'USE_AWS' in os.environ: # Cache control AWS_S3_OBJECT_PARAMETERS = { 'Expires': 'Thu, 31 Dec 2099 20:00:00 GMT', 'CacheControl': 'max-age=94608000', }

# Bucket Config
AWS_STORAGE_BUCKET_NAME = 'fashionista2'
AWS_S3_REGION_NAME = 'eu-central-1'

# Static and media files
STATICFILES_STORAGE = 'custom_storages.StaticStorage'
DEFAULT_FILE_STORAGE = 'custom_storages.MediaStorage'

# Override static and media URLs in production
  1. Create a file in the root level of the project. Inside it, include the locations of the Static Storage and Media Storage.
  2. Delete DISABLE_COLLECTSTATIC from the Heroku Config Variables.
  3. Finally, push to GitHub, and all changes should be automatically pushed to Heroku too.

Making a Local Clone: In order to make a local clone of the fashionista website, enter git clone into the terminal.

Next, create an file in the root directory of the project, and add it to the .gitignore file. The following code needs to be added to the file:

import os
os.environ["DEVELOPMENT"] = "True"
os.environ["SECRET_KEY"] = "" os.environ["STRIPE_PUBLIC_KEY"] = ""
os.environ["STRIPE_SECRET_KEY"] = ""
os.environ["STRIPE_WH_SECRET"] = ""

Then make sure that the required packages are installed by running the following command: pip install -r requirements.txt

Make migrations and then migrate in order to create a database, by running the following commands: python3 makemigrations and python3 migrate.

New products can be entered via the Django Admin panel or the SQLLite Database can be imported by using the following command python3 loaddata

Create a superuser with the following command: python3 createsuperuser and entering your email, username and password.

Run the app by entering the following command: python3 runserver



I used the following links to help my coding:-


This file is based on the Code Institute template.


some images used are from the boutique ado project although they have been full catergorised. some images are from google with a licence "all creative commons" trends-area images are from freepik -free usage licence.


Many Thanks to the below for the help and guidances throughout my project:-

  • My Mentor
  • Code institute tutor support for helping me troubleshoot and fix bugs
  • The peercode channel on slack for feedback on my website.
  • Student care for offerind me more time when i requested it.
  • Code Institute and the Boutique-Ado Project
  • Fullstack Wattsapp group for helping me identify bugs and also encouragement.


E-commerce fully functional website created as part of Code Institute Milestone 4 project for Full Stack Diploma Course.







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