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AttilaTheHun edited this page May 23, 2024 · 26 revisions

TODO List (Desktop)

Planned Features

  • When saving remotely, notify about remote data overwrite
  • When loading remotely, notify about local data overwrite

Bugs Under Supervision


  • Implement unit tests
  • Test Exporting using Chromium browser
  • Test exporting on Linux
  • Actually test the whole thing on Linux
  • Fill more pages in the wiki
  • Take care of licensing stuff
  • addSongDialog() input verification
  • save settings more often
  • fix plugin loading
  • something like a plugin where you can have song-title<hr>song-author all these centered for an alternative look, should be doable with CSS manipulation (a class maybe?)
  • implement NodeJS and Puppeteer stuff for last-resort exporting
  • make it so that DynamicSonglist does not generate so often, simply Environment.refresh() when its source collection cahnges
  • implement some kind of secure token vault and figure out which class handles the tokens and stuff
  • document CollectionInitialisationError (what is it, why does it happen)
  • remove the unnecessary files from the repository
  • the installer may install puppeteer automatically so the user does not have to wait right before exporting (assuming it is the desired export option)


  • Plugin Manager window
  • Setting Manager Window
  • Scripts are marked for removal as the Export will be done in Java once again, but maybe we could save the infrastructure, improve it and in the future for example have a simple script manager that will manage some handy Python scripts or idk
  • Markdown and Tex support alongside HTML?

TODO (Server)

  • when preview (pageview) disabled, homepage should not display the "Browse songbook" button
  • implement the strings.xml architecture so that homepage and pageview can be easily edited/localized without the need to alter the source code
  • when homepage is disabled, the URL should redirect to pageview (if enabled)
  • eventually implement token hashing so we enhance the security a little
  • implement the action log
  • implement the backup/restore architecture, enable full/differential/incremental?
  • maybe create an administration page where you can backup/restore & manage tokens (maybe just create necessary API routes and then imlplement this as a Master VCS Editor where you can do these from the client with comfort (+ it will work cuz it is Java)
  • preview Frontpage and DynamicSonglist
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