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CanaryApp Opertaor

CanaryApp is an operator to handle canary deployments.

  • Handle component update
  • Slowly send traffic to new deployment
  • Cleanup old deployment if new deployment is ok
  • Rollback if errors happen based on prometheus query

Not yet ready for production. It is still restricted in configuration


CanaryApp is based on the Kuberbuilder (v3) operator framework. It creates a deployment based on the image you provide.


  • Kubernetes cluster 1.16 or higher
  • Istio
  • Prometheus


The operator will try to get the requested state into the actual state. If you update an image it will

  • Deploy a secondary deployment with the new image
  • Send some traffic to the secondary deployment using Istio
  • Check with a prometheus query if the secondary deployment is ok
  • Update weight a few times to give new image more load
  • If no errors and weight on new server > 50%
    • Update primary deployment
    • Send all traffic to primary deployment
    • Delete secondary deployment
  • If errors
    • Send all traffic to primary deployment
    • Delete secondary deployment
    • Register failed image

For a more detailed view of the reconcile loop check this Miro board

Deploying in a demo environment


This demo is based on a k3s Kubernetes cluster using k3d

k3d cluster create canaryapp-demo \
  --port "8090:80@loadbalancer" \
  --agents 2 \
  --k3s-server-arg --disable=traefik

k3d kubeconfig merge  canaryapp-demo --kubeconfig-switch-context

kubectl get nodes


Then we are going to install istio using istioctl

istioctl install --set profile=demo -y

From the install directory of istio install prometheus

kubectl apply -f samples/addons/prometheus.yaml


Deploy the CanaryApp operator

kubectl kustomize config/default/ | kubectl apply -f -


We are now ready to install our app. Here is an example manifest

kind: CanaryApp
  name: canaryapp-sample
  image: atzedevries/go-status-code-server:v1
  imageListenPort: 8088
  replicas: 2
  testReplicas: 1
  prometheusQuery: "increase(istio_requests_total{destination_service_name=\"canaryapp-sample\",response_code=~\"5.*\"}[20s]) > 2"
  prometheusURL: "http://prometheus.istio-system.svc:9090"

I've created a simple go web server which has two paths

  • /hello which returns a status 200
  • /nothello which returns a status 500

There are three versions available, v1, v2 and v3. The sourcecode of this app will be in the appendix.

Apply the canaryapp-sample manifest and check if the pods are started.

It is insightful to follow the logs of the operator, do this by

kubectl -n canaryop-system logs  deployments/canaryop-controller-manager -c manager -f

Update to a new version by

kubectl patch canaryapp canaryapp-sample \
  --patch '{"spec": {"image": "atzedevries/go-status-code-server:v2" }}' \

You can inspect the VirualService by. You see the weights being updated

kubectl get virtualservice canaryapp-sample -o yaml

You can also check the respone of the status-code server via

curl localhost:8090/hello

It should return 'Hello! v1 (or v2 or v3)'

Introduce failure

Update to a new image using

kubectl patch canaryapp canaryapp-sample \
  --patch '{"spec": {"image": "atzedevries/go-status-code-server:v3" }}' \

Wait until the deployment is ready request this url a few times

curl localhost:8090/nothello

This will generate a 500 http status. The operator will notice this via a prometheus query and start the rollback.

Example Application

Limit users only to allow using this resources using kuberntes rbac

We simulate this by making use of a service account.

kubectl create serviceaccount limited-user

Create a role, rolebinding via

kubectl apply -f examples/limited-user/

Now using the service account you can see that the user is only limited to CRUD in this namespace via

kubectl \
  --as=system:serviceaccount:default:limited-user \
  get canaryapps canaryapp-sample

But not allowed

kubectl \
  --as=system:serviceaccount:default:limited-user \
  get pods

Manage Resources via ArgoCD (GitOps)

Using this method the user only interfaces via git.

First cleanup current CanaryApp instance in the default namespace

kubectl delete canaryapps canaryapp-sample

First we need to setup ArgoCD

kubectl create namespace argocd
kubectl apply -n argocd -f

Readme about ArgoCD here

Wait until all pods are started via checking

kubectl get pods -n argocd

Once all pods are started get the initial password

kubectl -n argocd get secret argocd-initial-admin-secret -o jsonpath="{.data.password}" | base64 -d && echo

Create a port-foward to argocd interface

kubectl port-forward svc/argocd-server -n argocd 8091:443

Go to https://localhost:8091 and login with admin and the password to inspect the argocd interface.

Adding an app

Patch the this (or other) repository to argocd configmap

if you want another repository, edit examples/argocd-app/project.yaml and add the repo

kubectl patch configmap/argocd-cm \
  -n argocd \
  --type merge \
  -p '{"data":{"repositories": "- name: canaryapp-demo\n  type: git\n  url:"}}'

Apply an Argocd Project and App to sync

kubectl apply -f examples/argocd-app

Changes to the git repository are synced to the ArgoCD app and the canaryapp is updated to reflect the changes. The user is only interacting with git and cannot modify or destroy resources. This is limited by the app project. You can try to change the namespace in examples/argocd/canaryapp.yaml and see what happens


Cleanup the cluster

 k3d cluster delete canaryapp-demo

Developing on CanaryApp operator

Files to check are

  • api/v1/canaryapp_types.go for api description (run make and make manifests to apply update)
  • controllers/canaryapp_controller.go for the reconcile loop.

To run the operator locally run make install run

To learn more about kubebuilder follow the CronJob Tutorial


Go status server source code

package main

import (

func helloHandler(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
	fmt.Fprintf(w, "Hello! v3")

func notHelloHandler(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
	fmt.Fprintf(w, "NotHello! v3")

func main() {
	http.HandleFunc("/hello", helloHandler)
	http.HandleFunc("/nothello", notHelloHandler)

	fmt.Printf("Starting server at port 8088\n")
	if err := http.ListenAndServe(":8088", nil); err != nil {


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