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Rails Engine

About The Project

This repo was written as part of the Turing School of Software Design's solo project requirements for Mod 3. I was tasked with building an API from data dumped from a previous project, Little Esty Shop. Using service-oriented architecture, I built a ready to consume API capable of executing several actions from the original project. The project was intended to develop and evaluate my skill in:

  • Exposing an API.
  • Using serializers to format JSON responses.
  • Testing API exposure.
  • Using SQL and AR to gather data.

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  • must use Rails 5.2.x
  • must use PostgreSQL
  • must be tested using both PostMan and RSpec, including sad paths and edge cases
  • must adhere to git workflow norms
  • must submit 10-12 minute presentation of the project
  • must include a thorough README to describe the project

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Getting Started

This project requires Ruby 2.7.4.

  • Fork this repository
  • Clone your fork
  • From the command line, install gems and set up your DB:
    • bundle
    • rails db:{drop,create,migrate,seed}
    • rails db:schema:dump
  • Run the test suite with bundle exec rspec.
  • Run your development server with rails s to see the app in action.

Database Schema


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Evaluation Criteria


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Self Evaluation

This project was a useful way to become acquainted with service-oriented architecture. I was able to successfully complete all project requirements before the deadline, then expand my learning by code sharing with my peers. While I saw opportunities to improve the project with more robust testing and some unaddressed edge cases not noted by the project (I.E. when searching by a range of prices, a max should not be able to be less than a min) I decided that I could get more immediate value out of my time doing some other practice rather than expand into these areas. Regardless, I believe this project was a strong pass overall, and I can speak to areas of improvement that I will add to my next project.

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  • Austin Moore - -
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