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(DEPRICATED) This repo contains everything necessary to bootstrap developers with a virtual machine that contains the LAMP stack pre installed, apache configured and a database seeded with data required for the capstone project

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You are required to install the following software on your computer prior to running any commands:

  • VirtualBox - Create and manage virtual environments locally
  • git - Version control
  • Vagrant - Install and create virtual machines easily

Mac Instructions

Open up Terminal, copy and paste this entire command, then hit enter

cd ~/Desktop; cd VirtualMachines; vagrant destroy; cd ~/Desktop; rm -rf htdocs; rm -rf VirtualMachines; mkdir VirtualMachines; mkdir htdocs; echo "<?php phpinfo();" > htdocs/index.php; cd VirtualMachines; curl > VagrantFile; vagrant up; vagrant ssh;

Windows Instructions

Open up your command prompt, by pressing the windows key and typing in command

Once you have the command prompt open type in the following commands

cd \
mkdir htdocs
mkdir vm

Open up windows explorer, and navigate to the c:\ drive.

In the htdocs folder, create a file called index.php with the following contents.


Similarly, in the vm folder, create a file called VagrantFile. Note that this file has no extension, and case matters!

Copy and paste the following code in this VagrantFile


Vagrant.configure(VAGRANTFILE_API_VERSION) do |config|
  config.vm.hostname = "aca.vm" = "" "private_network", ip: ""
  config.vm.synced_folder "c:\\htdocs", "/var/www"

  config.vm.provider "virtualbox" do |vb|
    vb.gui = false
    vb.customize ["modifyvm", :id, "--memory", "1024"]
    vb.customize ["modifyvm", :id, "--cpus", "1"]

Save this file, go back to your command prompt and tpe in the following commands.

cd \
cd vm
vagrant up

Post Installation (mac and windows)

Once everything is complete, visit in your browser.

You should see the following output in your mac terminal (colors may vary) Terminal

On windows, you should see the following output. You can issue vagrant ssh from within the c:\vm folder to SSH into the VM. CommandPrompt

On mac or windows, you should see the following page in your browser Browser


(DEPRICATED) This repo contains everything necessary to bootstrap developers with a virtual machine that contains the LAMP stack pre installed, apache configured and a database seeded with data required for the capstone project






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