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Solution Approach

This solution leverages a event streaming architecture.

Here's a breakdown of the key components:

  • I utilize the Consumers and Partitioning concept from frameworks like Apache Kafka.
  • Each service instance has one network event consumer
  • Each consumer is responsible for processing events based on its assigned partition index or key.
  • This approach allows us to scale by adding additional service instances for more efficient event consumption.

Here's how to determine the partition for each NetworkEvent based on SIM ID hash:

  1. Partitioning Logic within Event Processor: Within the EventProcessor of each consumer: Extract the SIMIdentifier from the NetworkEvent. Calculating the partition index using a hashing function like (SimId.GetHashCode() % partitions).

  2. NetworkEvent Consumers Configuration:

"NetworkEvent": {
    "Consumers": {
        "PartitionIndex": 0,            // Current partition this service instance is consuming from (internal)
        "Partitions": 1,                // Total number of partitions for network events
        "PeriodInMilliseconds": 1000,   // Delay between processing events (milliseconds)
        "ThresholdTimeInHours": 24,     // Maximum time window (hours) to process historical data
        "ProcessLimit": 200             // Maximum number of events to process per consumer execution
  • The usage entity/data can be persisted in non-relational databases, like MongoDB. This specifically configured for read-heavy workloads to optimize performance for retrieving usage reports.

A screenshot of Summary A screenshot of UsageData