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MPP & CNN for object detection in remotely sensed images

This code was used to produce the results shown in:

"CNN-based energy learning for MPP object detection in satellite images" Jules Mabon, Mathias Ortner, Josiane Zerubia In Proc. 2022 IEEE International Workshop on Machine Learning for Signal Processing (MLSP) paper

"Point process and CNN for small objects detection in satellite images" Jules Mabon, Mathias Ortner, Josiane Zerubia In Proc. 2022 SPIE Image and Signal Processing for Remote Sensing XXVIII paper

If you use this code please cite our work :

@inproceedings{mabon2022,       author = {Mabon, Jules and Ortner, Mathias and Zerubia, Josiane}       title = {{CNN}-based energy learning for {MPP} object detection in satellite images},       booktitle = {proc. International Workshop on Machine Learning for Signal Processing ({MLSP}), {IEEE}, 2022}       year = {2022} }


  • to compute metrics install dota devkit in data/ (see installation for more info)
cd data/
git clone
cd DOTA_devkit/
swig -c++ -python polyiou.i
python build_ext --inplace
  • configure paths_configs.json as needed
  • conda env is provided env.yml, setup using conda env create -f env.yml

Description and usage

We propose 2 versions of our model :

  • Manual weights model: learns likelihood terms with CNNs, weights of energy terms (likelihood and priors) are set by hand (model_configs/mpp/config_hrcM.json)
  • Learned energy weights: same as previously, but energy terms weights are learned on the dataset


You can skip to 3 for inference as pre-trained models are supplied.

  1. Train the position and marks models
    python -p train -m posnet -c config_pos.json -o
    python -p train -m posnet -c config_pos.json -o
  2. Set energy weights or train For manual weights : set model config in models_storage/mpp/mpp_hrcM/config.json For learned weights:
    python -p train -m mpp -c config_mpp_log.json -o
  3. infer on data
    python -p infer -m mpp -c <model>
    with model either mpp_hrcM or mpp_log

Project structure

├── data - datasets and patch samplers
|   └── translation - translating source datasets to custom format
├── display - generic display methods
|   └── light_display - a custom pixel-perfect display toolset
├── model parts
|   ├── losses - losses for nn
|   └── unet - classical Unet architecture
├── models - see details bellow
|   ├── mpp
|   ├── shape_net
|   └── position_net
├── shapes - points, circles, rectangles
├── utils - misc functions
├── paths_configs.json - configure here the path of the datasets and where to store models
└── - the main thing to run anything


We provide in data_sample/DOTA_gsd50 a limited sample of the data at 0.5 m/pixel, you can download the full DOTA dataset (that contains various sources and resolutions) from

We provide the code to transform the original high resolution DOTA dataset our a 0.50 m/pixel dataset:

  1. setup paths in config file: data/translation/translate_DOTA_config.json
  2. make sure data sorage paths are set as desired in paths_config.json
  3. run
    python -p translate_dota -c data/translation/translate_DOTA_config.json

Data structure

Each file of a dataset folder is name as number.extension (ie 0004.png), files should match between folder with their id. /utils/ provides check_data_match that checks if two files correspond (using the regular expression ([0-9]+)\.[a-zA-z]+)

├── DOTA_gsd50
|   ├── train
|   |   ├── raw_images
|   |   ├── images - png files
|   |   ├── raw_annotations - json files with raw annotations
|   |   ├── annotations - pikled dict, 1 is  where N is the number of objects
|   |   ├── metadata - 
|   |   └── images_w_annotations
│   └── val
|       └── ...
└── inference
   ├── DOTA_gsd50
   |  ├── train
   |  |  ├── model_1 - results on train set for model 1
   |  |  └── ...
   |  └── val
   |     ├── model_1 - results on val set for model 1
   |     └── ...
   └── ...

each annotation is a pickled dict with key :

  • centers: Nx2 array of centers
  • parameters: Nx3 array of parameters (with a,b,w : short, long, angle)
  • categories: array of size N of strings, encoding the category of objects


Thanks to BPI France (LiChiE contract) for funding this research work, and to the OPAL infrastructure from Université Côte d'Azur for providing computational resources and support.


MPP + CNN for object detection is remotely sensed images







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