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Identifying Facial Emotions by detecting faces in real time using web cam.

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Identifying Facial Emotions by detecting faces in real time using web cam.

Aim of the Project

  1. To identify different faces in the frame
  2. Identify their expressions
  3. Apply ML and DL Models to predict their emotions

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Table of contents

  • About Project
  • Languages or Frameworks Used
  • Setup

About Project

Facial Emotion Detection is the process of detecting human emotion from facial expressions. The human brain detects emotions automatically, and software has now been developed that can recognize emotions as well.

The Dataset used is already present in Kaggle you can download the dataset from here - , It contains 48*48 px grayscale images. There are 7 classes/categories in this dataset (0=angry, 1=disgust, 2=fear, 3=happy, 4=sad, 5=surprise, 6=neutral). Then, I Build the model with three convolution layers. And used Opencv to detect emotions in Real Time.

Languages or Frameworks Used

  • Python: language
  • NumPy: library for numerical calculations
  • Pandas: library for data manipulation and analysis
  • Tensorflow: library for large numerical computations without keeping deep learning in mind
  • Keras: neural network library


  1. First Clone the repository.
  2. Create and activate the virtual environment for the project.
    $ python -m venv Project_emotion
    $ Project_emotion\Scripts\activate.bat
  3. Install the required packages using requirements.txt inside the environemnt using pip.
    $ pip install -r requirements.txt
  4. run the Emotion_Detection_1.ipynb in google colab (make sure GPU/TPU is enabled).
  5. then, run on your local machine.

Refer this for detailed explaination: 👁
