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utekai edited this page Oct 20, 2015 · 1 revision

This sample is poorly done.

  1. Re tenantId. Offers links that are fairly useless. Why not just show where/how to get the tenantId as it's not straightforward. Once you know it's easy, but if you don't know it's a pain to find.

  2. The readme states to put tenant id in the 'realm' configuration field. Of course, in going with the sample, there is no field titled 'realm'. So which field? If you search the code base on 'realm' this is found: "realm: config.creds.realm," Again, the config file contains not realm field. So which field is it, and perhaps it would be good to fix the app.js file to refer to the correct field.

  3. After login doesn't redirect back to the application. Not sure why.

  4. No explanation on why bunyan is used except some cryptic comment about server output hard to use.

This is not all ... everything can be fixed via a good Readme file. Why not offer a good one?

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