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135 lines (96 loc) · 6.66 KB

File metadata and controls

135 lines (96 loc) · 6.66 KB

Release History

4.1.0 (2020-08-11)


  • Added "import" value to KeyOperation enumeration.
  • Added RecoverableDays property to KeyProperties.


  • Default service version is now 7.1.

4.0.4 (2020-07-09)


  • The "get" permission is no longer required to resolve keys for KeyResolver (#11574)

Minor changes

  • Make public JsonWebKey properties settable (#12084)

4.0.3 (2020-03-18)


  • Fixed concurrency issue in our challenge-based authentication policy (#9737)

4.1.0-preview.1 (2020-03-09)


  • Add "import" value to KeyOperation enumeration.
  • Add RecoverableDays property to KeyProperties.

4.0.2 (2020-03-03)


  • Shorten diagnostic scope names. (#9651)
  • Include resource namespace in diagnostics scope. (#9655)
  • Sanitize header values in exceptions. (#9782)

4.0.1 (2020-01-08)

Minor changes

  • Challenge-based authentication requests are only sent over HTTPS.

4.0.0 (2019-11)

Breaking changes

  • Key has been renamed to KeyVaultKey to avoid ambiguity with other libraries and to yield better search results.
  • Key.KeyMaterial has been renamed to KeyVaultKey.Key.
  • The default JsonWebKey constructor has been removed.
  • JsonWebKey constructors now take an optional collection of key operations.
  • JsonWebKey.KeyOps is now read-only. You must pass a collection of key operations at construction time.
  • Hsm properties and hsm parameters have been renamed to HardwareProtected and hardwareProtected respectively.
  • On the KeyProperties class, Expires, Created, and Updated have been renamed to ExpiresOn, CreatedOn, and UpdatedOn respectively.
  • On the DeletedKey class, DeletedDate has been renamed to DeletedOn.
  • KeyClient.GetKeys and KeyClient.GetKeyVersions have been renamed to KeyClient.GetPropertiesOfKeys and KeyClient.GetPropertiesOfKeyVersions respectively.
  • KeyClient.RestoreKey has been renamed to KeyClient.RestoreKeyBackup to better associate it with KeyClient.BackupKey.
  • KeyClient.DeleteKey has been renamed to KeyClient.StartDeleteKey and now returns a DeleteKeyOperation to track this long-running operation.
  • KeyClient.RecoverDeletedKey has been renamed to KeyClient.StartRecoverDeletedKey and now returns a RecoverDeletedKeyOperation to track this long-running operation.
  • KeyCreateOptions has been renamed to CreateKeyOptions.
  • KeyImportOptions has been renamed to ImportKeyOptions.
  • EcCreateKeyOptions has been renamed to CreateEcKeyOptions.
  • CreateEcKeyOptions.Curve has been renamed to CurveName to be consistent across the library.
  • The curveName optional parameter has been removed from the CreateEcKeyOptions constructor. Set it using the CurveName property instead.
  • RsaKeyCreateOptions has been renamed to CreateRsaKeyOptions.
  • The keySize optional parameter has been removed from the CreateRsaKeyOptions constructor. Set it using the KeySize property instead.

Major changes

  • Updated to work with the 1.0.0 release versions of Azure.Core and Azure.Identity.
  • JsonWebKey.KeyType and JsonWebKey.KeyOps have been exposed as KeyVaultKey.KeyType and KeyVaultKey.KeyOperations respectively.
  • KeyModelFactory added to create mocks of model types for testing.
  • CryptographyModeFactory added to create mocks of model types for testing.
  • Added ETW trace logger "Azure-Security-KeyVault-Keys" with provider ID "{657a121e-762e-50da-b233-05d7cdb24eb8}" for cases in CryptographyClient when the available KeyVaultKey cannot be used for an operation and the service will perform the operation instead.

4.0.0-preview.5 (2019-10-07)

Breaking changes

  • KeyType enumeration values have been changed to match other languages, e.g. KeyType.EllipticCurve is now KeyType.Ec.
  • KeyOperations has been renamed KeyOperation.
  • Enumerations including KeyCurveName, KeyOperation, and KeyType are now structures that define well-known, supported static fields.
  • KeyBase has been renamed to KeyProperties.
  • Key and DeletedKey no longer extend KeyProperties, but instead contain a KeyProperties property named Properties.
  • KeyClient.UpdateKey has been renamed to KeyClient.UpdateKeyProperties.

Major changes

  • KeyClient.UpdateKey and KeyClient.UpdateKeyAsync now allow the keyOperations parameter to be null, resulting in no changes to the allowed key operations.
  • RSA and ECDsa support have been implemented for CryptographyClient to use locally if key operations and key material allow; otherwise, operations will be performed in Azure Key Vault.

4.0.0-preview.1 (2019-06-28)

Version 4.0.0-preview.1 is the first preview of our efforts to create a user-friendly client library for Azure Key Vault. For more information about preview releases of other Azure SDK libraries, please visit

This library is not a direct replacement for Microsoft.Azure.KeyVault. Applications using that library would require code changes to use Azure.Security.KeyVault.Keys. This package's documentation and samples demonstrate the new API.

Major changes from Microsoft.Azure.KeyVault

  • Packages scoped by functionality
    • Azure.Security.KeyVault.Keys contains a client for key operations.
    • Azure.Security.KeyVault.Secrets contains a client for secret operations.
  • Client instances are scoped to vaults (an instance interacts with one vault only).
  • Asynchronous and synchronous APIs in the Azure.Security.KeyVault.Keys package.
  • Authentication using Azure.Identity credentials

Microsoft.Azure.KeyVault features not implemented in this release:

  • Certificate management APIs
  • Cryptographic operations, e.g. sign, un/wrap, verify, en- and decrypt
  • National cloud support. This release supports public global cloud vaults, e.g. https://{vault-name}