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Asynchronously Create, Update and Delete Configuration Setting With Labels

This sample demonstrates how to send requests to the Azure App Configuration service asynchronously. It also shows how to create and retrieve configuration settings with labels, and provides an example scenario where labels are used to group configuration settings for "beta" and "production" application instances. To get started, you'll need a connection string to Azure App Configuration. See the README for links and instructions.

Create a ConfigurationClient

To interact with Azure App Configuration, you need to instantiate a ConfigurationClient. You can use either an endpoint URL and a TokenCredential or a connection string.

For the sample below, you can set connectionString in an environment variable, a configuration setting, or any way that works for your application. The connection string is available from the App Configuration Access Keys view in the Azure Portal.

var client = new ConfigurationClient(connectionString);

Asynchronously create configuration settings

First, you need to create several instances of ConfigurationSetting with different keys, values and labels.

var betaEndpoint = new ConfigurationSetting("endpoint", "", "beta");
var betaInstances = new ConfigurationSetting("instances", "1", "beta");
var productionEndpoint = new ConfigurationSetting("endpoint", "", "production");
var productionInstances = new ConfigurationSetting("instances", "1", "production");

There are two ways to create a Configuration Setting asynchronously:

  • AddConfigurationSettingAsync creates a setting only if the setting does not already exist in the store.
  • SetConfigurationSettingAsync creates a setting if it doesn't exist or overrides an existing setting with the same key and label.
await client.AddConfigurationSettingAsync(betaEndpoint);
await client.AddConfigurationSettingAsync(betaInstances);
await client.AddConfigurationSettingAsync(productionEndpoint);
await client.AddConfigurationSettingAsync(productionInstances);

Asynchronously update a configuration setting

To retrieve a previously stored configuration setting, call GetConfigurationSettingAsync.

ConfigurationSetting instancesToUpdate = await client.GetConfigurationSettingAsync(productionInstances.Key, productionInstances.Label);

To increase production instances from 1 to 5, change the value and use SetConfigurationSettingAsync to override existing setting.

instancesToUpdate.Value = "5";
await client.SetConfigurationSettingAsync(instancesToUpdate);

Search by label filter

To gather all the information available for the "production" environment, call GetConfigurationSettingsAsync with a setting selector that filters for settings with the "production" label. This will retrieve all the Configuration Settings in the store that satisfy that condition. See App Configuration REST API for more information about filtering.

var selector = new SettingSelector { LabelFilter = "production" };

Console.WriteLine("Settings for Production environment:");
await foreach (ConfigurationSetting setting in client.GetConfigurationSettingsAsync(selector))

Retrieve labels

To gather all the labels whose names start with the "production" environment, call GetLabelsAsync with a label selector that filters for labels that start with the "production" label name. This will retrieve all the labels in the store that satisfy that condition. See App Configuration REST API for more information about filtering.

var labelsSelector = new SettingLabelSelector { NameFilter = "production*" };

Console.WriteLine("Labels for Production environment:");
await foreach (SettingLabel label in client.GetLabelsAsync(labelsSelector))

Asynchronously delete configuration settings

To delete configuration settings that are no longer needed you can call DeleteConfigurationSettingAsync.

await client.DeleteConfigurationSettingAsync(betaEndpoint.Key, betaEndpoint.Label);
await client.DeleteConfigurationSettingAsync(betaInstances.Key, betaInstances.Label);
await client.DeleteConfigurationSettingAsync(productionEndpoint.Key, productionEndpoint.Label);
await client.DeleteConfigurationSettingAsync(productionInstances.Key, productionInstances.Label);