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223 lines (183 loc) · 13 KB

File metadata and controls

223 lines (183 loc) · 13 KB

Release History

12.10.0 (2021-09-08)

  • Includes all features from 12.10.0-beta.1 and 12.10.0-beta.2.

12.10.0-beta.2 (2021-07-23)

  • This release contains bug fixes to improve quality.

12.10.0-beta.1 (2021-07-22)

  • Added support for service version 2020-10-02.
  • Added support for Immutable Storage with Versioning
    • Added BlobBaseClient.SetImmutibilityPolicy()
    • Added BlobBaseClient.DeleteImmutabilityPolicy()
    • Added BlobBaseClient.SetLegalHold()
  • Added support for listing deleted root blobs with versions to BlobContainerClient.GetBlobs() and .GetBlobsByHierarchy()
  • Added support for OAuth copy sources for synchronous copy operations.
  • Added support for Parquet as an input format in BlockBlobClient.Query().
  • Added optimization to unwrap encryption key once for DownloadTo and OpenRead when Client Side Encryption is enabled.
  • Added support for RequestConditions parameter validation. If a request condition is set for an API that doesn't support it, and ArguementException will be thrown.
    • This feature can be disabled with the environment variable "AZURE_STORAGE_DISABLE_REQUEST_CONDITIONS_VALIDATION" or the App Context switch "Azure.Storage.DisableRequestConditionsValidation".
  • Fixed bug where BlobBaseClient.DownloadStreamingAsync() won't correctly parse the LeaseStatus header.
  • Fixed bug where BlobBaseClient.DownloadContentAsync() fails on 304 response.

12.9.1 (2021-06-23)

  • Added optimization to unwrap encryption key once for DownloadTo and OpenRead when Client Side Encryption is enabled.

12.9.0 (2021-06-08)

  • Includes all features from 12.9.0-beta.4.

  • Fixed bug where BlobClient.DownloadStreaming or BlobClient.DownloadData could corrupt data on retry.

  • Fixed bug where specifying "*" as IfMatch condition could lead to inconsistend read in BlobClient.DownloadTo.

  • Fixed bug where specifying conditions in BlobBaseClient.OpenRead could override allowModifications flag in BlobOpenReadOptions leading to inconsistent read.

  • Fixed bug where BlobProperties.IsLatestVersion from BlobBaseClient.GetProperties did not set the value (defaulted to false).

  • Fixed bug where reading blob with Client Side Encryption enabled results in high CPU.

  • TenantId can now be discovered through the service challenge response, when using a TokenCredential for authorization.

    • A new property is now available on the ClientOptions called EnableTenantDiscovery. If set to true, the client will attempt an initial unauthorized request to the service to prompt a challenge containing the tenantId hint.

12.8.4 (2021-05-20)

  • Fixed bug where Client Side Encryption during large transactions (greater than max int value) would throw an exception.

12.9.0-beta.4 (2021-05-12)

  • Added support for service version 2020-08-04.
  • Added WithCustomerProvidedKey() and WithEncryptionScope() to BlobClient, BlobBaseClient, AppendBlobClient, and PageBlobClient.
  • BlobLeaseClient now remembers the Lease ID after a lease change.
  • Fixed bug where clients would sometimes throw a NullReferenceException when calling GenerateSas() with a BlobSasBuilder parameter.
  • Fixed bug where BlobBaseClient.Exists() would not function correctly on blobs encrypted with CPK.
  • Includes all updates and fixes from 12.8.2 and 12.8.3

12.8.3 (2021-04-27)

  • Fixed bug where Stream returned by BlockBlobClient.OpenWrite could corrupt blocks if flushed between writes.

12.8.2 (2021-04-27)

  • This release contains bug fixes to improve quality.

12.9.0-beta.3 (2021-04-09)

  • This release contains bug fixes to improve quality.

12.8.1 (2021-03-29)

  • Fixed bug where ClientDiagnostics's DiagnosticListener was leaking resources.

12.9.0-beta.2 (2021-03-09)

  • Fixed a bug where BlockBlobClient.GetBlockList threw when dealing with extremely large blocks.
  • Fixed bug where Stream returned by BlockBlobClient.OpenWrite could corrupt blocks if flushed between writes.
  • Added BlobBaseClient.DownloadContent and BlobClient.Upload overloads that work with BinaryData.
  • Added BlobBaseClient.DownloadStreaming that replaces BlobBaseClient.Download.

12.9.0-beta.1 (2021-02-09)

  • Added support for service version 2020-06-12.
  • Fixed bug where BlobBaseClient.CanGenerateSasUri, BlobContainerClient.CanGenerateSasUri, BlobServiceClient.CanGenerateSasUri was not mockable

12.8.0 (2021-01-12)

  • Includes all features from 12.8.0-beta.1
  • Fixed bug where the Stream returned by BlobBaseClient.OpenRead() would return a different Length after calls to Seek().
  • Fixed bug where BlobBaseClient.Exists() did not function correctly for blob encrypted with Customer Provided Key or Encryption Scope.
  • Added support for AzureSasCredential. That allows SAS rotation for long living clients.

12.8.0-beta.1 (2020-12-07)

  • Added support for service version 2020-04-08.
  • Added BlockBlobClient.SyncUploadFromUri().
  • Added support for LeaseId parameter for BlobBaseClient.Get/SetTags().
  • Added Tags to BlobTaggedItem
  • Fixed bug where BlobContainerClient.GetBlobClient(), BlobContainerClient.GetParentServiceClient(), BlobServiceClient.GetBlobContainerClient(), BlobBaseClient.WithClientSideEncryptionOptions(), BlobBaseClient.GetParentBlobContainerClient(), BlobBaseClient.WithSnapshot() and BlobBaseClient.WithVersion() created clients that could not generate a SAS from clients that could generate a SAS
  • Added IsHierarchicalNamespaceEnabled to AccountInfo.

12.7.0 (2020-11-10)

  • Includes all features from 12.7.0-preview.1
  • Fixed bug where BlobContainerClient.SetAccessPolicy() would throw an exception if signed identifier permissions were not in the correct order.
  • Added seekability to BaseBlobClient.OpenRead().
  • Added additional info to exception messages.
  • Fixed bug where Blobs SDK coudn't handle SASs with start and expiry time in format other than yyyy-MM-ddTHH:mm:ssZ.
  • Added ability to set Position on streams created with BlobBaseClient.OpenRead().
  • Added CanGenerateSasUri property, GenerateSasUri() to BlobBaseClient, BlobClient, BlockBlobClient, AppendBlobClient, PageBlobClient and BlobContainerClient.
  • Added CanAccountGenerateSasUri property, GenerateAccountSasUri() to BlobServiceClient.
  • Deprecated property BlobSasBuilder.Version, so when generating SAS will always use the latest Storage Service SAS version.
  • Added ability to get parent BlobContainerClient from BlobBaseClient and to get parent BlobServiceClient from BlobContainerClient.
  • Restored single upload threshold for parallel uploads from 5 TB to 256 MB.

12.7.0-preview.1 (2020-09-30)

  • Added support for service version 2020-02-10.
  • Added support for Blob Query Arrow output format.
  • Added support for Blob Last Access Time tracking.
  • Added support for Container Soft Delete.
  • Fixed bug where Stream returned from AppendBlobClient.OpenWrite(), BlockBlobClient.OpenWrite() and PageBlobClient.OpenWrite() did not flush while disposing preventing compatibility with using keyword.
  • Fixed bug where Listing Blobs with BlobTraits.Metadata would return BlobItems with null metadata instead of an empty dictionary if no metadata was present.
  • Fixed bug where BlobAccessPolicy.StartsOn and .ExpiresOn would cause the process to crash.
  • Added seekability to BlobBaseClient.OpenRead().

12.6.0 (2020-08-31)

  • Fixed bug where BlobClient.Upload(), BlockBlobClient.Upload(), AppendBlobClient.AppendBlock(), and PageBlobClient.UploadPages() would deadlock if the content stream's position was not 0.
  • Fixed bug in BlobBaseClient.OpenRead() causing us to do more download called than necessary.
  • Fixed bug where PageBlobWriteStream would advance Position 2x the number of written bytes.

12.5.1 (2020-08-18)

  • Fixed bug in TaskExtensions.EnsureCompleted method that causes it to unconditionally throw an exception in the environments with synchronization context

12.5.0 (2020-08-13)

  • Includes all features from 12.5.0-preview.1 through 12.5.0-preview.6.
  • Added support for custom local emulator hostname for blob storage endpoints.
  • Fixed bug where BlobContainerClient.SetAccessPolicy() sends DateTimeOffset.MinValue when StartsOn and ExpiresOn when not set in BlobAccessPolicy
  • Added nullable properties, PolicyStartsOn and PolicyExpiresOn to BlobAccessPolicy
  • Added BlockBlobClient.OpenWrite(), AppendBlobClient.OpenWrite(), and PageBlobClient.OpenWrite()

12.5.0-preview.6 (2020-07-27)

  • Fixed bug where BlockBlobClient and PageBlobClient would throw NullReferenceExceptions when using Uri constructor.
  • Fixed bug where .WithSnapshot() and .WithVersion() would URL-encode the name of the new clients.
  • Updated BlobSasBuilder to correctly order raw string permissions and make the permissions lowercase.
  • Fixed bug where BlockBlobClient.Query() failed when query response was > ~200 MB.
  • Added BlobBaseClient.OpenRead().
  • Fixed bug where BlockBlobClient.Query() would buffer the query response before parsing the Avro contents.

12.5.0-preview.5 (2020-07-03)

  • Added support for service version 2019-12-12.
  • Added support for Blob Tags.
  • Added support for Blob Version.
  • Added support for Object Replication Service.
  • Added support for Append Seal.
  • Added support for Jumbo Blobs.
  • Added support for setting Access Tier on Blob Snapshots and Versions.
  • Added support for BlobServiceProperties.StaticWebsite.DefaultIndexDocumentPath.
  • Added RehydratePriority to BlobProperties and BlobItemProperties.
  • Fixed bug where BlobBaseClient.DownloadTo() was throwing an exception when downloading blobs of size 0.
  • Fixed bug where BlobBaseClient.DownloadTo() was not disposing the network stream.
  • Fixed bug where all BlobModelFactory.BlobProperties() parameters were required.
  • Fixed bug where BlobBaseClient.BlobName was encoded, affecting SAS generation.
  • Fixed bug where AccountType enum was missing BlockBlobStorage and FileStorage


  • This preview contains bug fixes to improve quality.


  • This preview adds support for client-side encryption, compatible with data uploaded in previous major versions.


  • This release contains bug fixes to improve quality.


  • Fixed bug where copy from URL did not handle non-ASCII characters correctly
  • Fixed bug where download could hang indefinietly on .NET Framework


  • Fixed bug where blob, file and directory names were not URL encoded.
  • Fixed bug where BlobBaseClient.DownloadAsync() could download data incorrectly if intermittent network failure occurs.


  • Fixed bug where BlobContainerClient.DeleteIfExistsAsync() would throw an exception if hierarchical namespace was enabled, and the underlying container didn't exist.
  • Fixed bug where BlobBaseClient.DownloadAsync() would throw an exception when download an empty Blob.
  • Fixed bug where BlockBlobClient.CommitBlockListAsync() would throw an exception when commiting previously committed blocks.


  • Fixed bug in BlobBaseClient.Download() and BlobClient.Upload() where TransferOptions.MaximumTransferLength was ignored.


  • Added support for service version 2019-07-07.
  • Added support for Encryption Scopes.
  • Modified BlockBlobClient.Upload() and .UploadAsync() to support parallel and multi-part uploads.
  • Fixed issue where SAS didn't work with signed identifiers.
  • Sanitized header values in exceptions.


  • Added Exists API to BlobBaseClient and BlobContainerClient
  • Fixed issue where SAS content headers were not URL encoded when using BlobSasBuilder.
  • Fixed progress reporting issue for parallel uploads
  • Fixed bug where using SAS connection string from portal would throw an exception if it included table endpoint.


  • Added check to enforce TokenCredential is used only over HTTPS
  • Support using SAS token from connection string
  • Fixed issue where AccountName on BlobUriBuilder would not be populated for non-IP style Uris.


  • Renamed a number of operations and models to better align with other client libraries and the .NET Framework Design Guidelines
  • Parallel upload/download performance improvements


  • Added support for Customer Provided Key server side encryption
  • Verification of echoed client request IDs
  • Support for geo-redundant read from secondary location on failure
  • Added CreateIfNotExists and DeleteIfNotExists convenience methods for Blobs
  • Added convenient resource Name properties on all clients


  • New Storage features for service version 2019-02-02 (including Customer Provided Key, expanded Set Tier support, the ability to set rehydration priority, etc.)
  • Parallel upload/download
  • Added BlobUriBuilder for addressing Azure Storage resources

For more information, please visit:


  • Distributed Tracing
  • Bug fixes


This preview is the first release of a ground-up rewrite of our client libraries to ensure consistency, idiomatic design, productivity, and an excellent developer experience. It was created following the Azure SDK Design Guidelines for .NET at

For more information, please visit: