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278 lines (212 loc) · 18.7 KB

File metadata and controls

278 lines (212 loc) · 18.7 KB

Release History

5.1.0b6 (2021-03-09)

Breaking Changes

  • By default, we now target the service's v3.1-preview.4 endpoint through enum value TextAnalyticsApiVersion.V3_1_PREVIEW
  • Removed property related_entities on HealthcareEntity and added entity_relations onto the document response level for healthcare
  • Renamed properties aspect and opinions to target and assessments respectively in class MinedOpinion.
  • Renamed classes AspectSentiment and OpinionSentiment to TargetSentiment and AssessmentSentiment respectively.

New Features

  • Added RecognizeLinkedEntitiesAction as a supported action type for begin_analyze_batch_actions.
  • Added parameter categories_filter to the recognize_pii_entities client method.
  • Added enum PiiEntityCategoryType.
  • Add property normalized_text to HealthcareEntity. This property is a normalized version of the text property that already exists on the HealthcareEntity
  • Add property assertion onto HealthcareEntity. This contains assertions about the entity itself, i.e. if the entity represents a diagnosis, is this diagnosis conditional on a symptom?

Known Issues

  • begin_analyze_healthcare_entities is currently in gated preview and can not be used with AAD credentials. For more information, see the Text Analytics for Health documentation.
  • At time of this SDK release, the service is not respecting the value passed through model_version to begin_analyze_healthcare_entities, it only uses the latest model.

5.1.0b5 (2021-02-10)

Breaking Changes

  • Rename begin_analyze to begin_analyze_batch_actions.
  • Now instead of separate parameters for all of the different types of actions you can pass to begin_analyze_batch_actions, we accept one parameter actions, which is a list of actions you would like performed. The results of the actions are returned in the same order as when inputted.
  • The response object from begin_analyze_batch_actions has also changed. Now, after the completion of your long running operation, we return a paged iterable of action results, in the same order they've been inputted. The actual document results for each action are included under property document_results of each action result.

New Features

  • Renamed begin_analyze_healthcare to begin_analyze_healthcare_entities.
  • Renamed AnalyzeHealthcareResult to AnalyzeHealthcareEntitiesResult and AnalyzeHealthcareResultItem to AnalyzeHealthcareEntitiesResultItem.
  • Renamed HealthcareEntityLink to HealthcareEntityDataSource and renamed its properties id to entity_id and data_source to name.
  • Removed relations from AnalyzeHealthcareEntitiesResultItem and added related_entities to HealthcareEntity.
  • Moved the cancellation logic for the Analyze Healthcare Entities service from the service client to the poller object returned from begin_analyze_healthcare_entities.
  • Exposed Analyze Healthcare Entities operation metadata on the poller object returned from begin_analyze_healthcare_entities.
  • No longer need to specify api_version=TextAnalyticsApiVersion.V3_1_PREVIEW_3 when calling begin_analyze and begin_analyze_healthcare_entities. begin_analyze_healthcare_entities is still in gated preview though.
  • Added a new parameter string_index_type to the service client methods begin_analyze_healthcare_entities, analyze_sentiment, recognize_entities, recognize_pii_entities, and recognize_linked_entities which tells the service how to interpret string offsets.
  • Added property length to CategorizedEntity, SentenceSentiment, LinkedEntityMatch, AspectSentiment, OpinionSentiment, PiiEntity and HealthcareEntity.

5.1.0b4 (2021-01-12)

Bug Fixes

  • Package requires azure-core version 1.8.2 or greater

5.1.0b3 (2020-11-19)

New Features

  • We have added method begin_analyze, which supports long-running batch process of Named Entity Recognition, Personally identifiable Information, and Key Phrase Extraction. To use, you must specify api_version=TextAnalyticsApiVersion.V3_1_PREVIEW_3 when creating your client.
  • We have added method begin_analyze_healthcare, which supports the service's Health API. Since the Health API is currently only available in a gated preview, you need to have your subscription on the service's allow list, and you must specify api_version=TextAnalyticsApiVersion.V3_1_PREVIEW_3 when creating your client. Note that since this is a gated preview, AAD is not supported. More information here.

5.1.0b2 (2020-10-06)

Breaking changes

  • Removed property length from CategorizedEntity, SentenceSentiment, LinkedEntityMatch, AspectSentiment, OpinionSentiment, and PiiEntity. To get the length of the text in these models, just call len() on the text property.
  • When a parameter or endpoint is not compatible with the API version you specify, we will now return a ValueError instead of a NotImplementedError.
  • Client side validation of input is now disabled by default. This means there will be no ValidationErrors thrown by the client SDK in the case of malformed input. The error will now be thrown by the service through an HttpResponseError.

5.1.0b1 (2020-09-17)

New features

  • We are now targeting the service's v3.1-preview API as the default. If you would like to still use version v3.0 of the service, pass in v3.0 to the kwarg api_version when creating your TextAnalyticsClient
  • We have added an API recognize_pii_entities which returns entities containing personally identifiable information for a batch of documents. Only available for API version v3.1-preview and up.
  • Added offset and length properties for CategorizedEntity, SentenceSentiment, and LinkedEntityMatch. These properties are only available for API versions v3.1-preview and up.
    • length is the number of characters in the text of these models
    • offset is the offset of the text from the start of the document
  • We now have added support for opinion mining. To use this feature, you need to make sure you are using the service's v3.1-preview API. To get this support pass show_opinion_mining as True when calling the analyze_sentiment endpoint
  • Add property bing_entity_search_api_id to the LinkedEntity class. This property is only available for v3.1-preview and up, and it is to be used in conjunction with the Bing Entity Search API to fetch additional relevant information about the returned entity.

5.0.0 (2020-07-27)

  • Re-release of GA version 1.0.0 with an updated version

1.0.0 (2020-06-09)

  • First stable release of the azure-ai-textanalytics package. Targets the service's v3.0 API.

1.0.0b6 (2020-05-27)

New features

  • We now have a warnings property on each document-level response object returned from the endpoints. It is a list of TextAnalyticsWarnings.
  • Added text property to SentenceSentiment

Breaking changes

  • Now targets only the service's v3.0 API, instead of the v3.0-preview.1 API
  • score attribute of DetectedLanguage has been renamed to confidence_score
  • Removed grapheme_offset and grapheme_length from CategorizedEntity, SentenceSentiment, and LinkedEntityMatch
  • TextDocumentStatistics attribute grapheme_count has been renamed to character_count


  • This was a broken release

1.0.0b4 (2020-04-07)

Breaking changes

  • Removed the recognize_pii_entities endpoint and all related models (RecognizePiiEntitiesResult and PiiEntity) from this library.
  • Removed TextAnalyticsApiKeyCredential and now using AzureKeyCredential from azure.core.credentials as key credential
  • score attribute has been renamed to confidence_score for the CategorizedEntity, LinkedEntityMatch, and PiiEntity models
  • All input parameters inputs have been renamed to documents

1.0.0b3 (2020-03-10)

Breaking changes

  • SentimentScorePerLabel has been renamed to SentimentConfidenceScores
  • AnalyzeSentimentResult and SentenceSentiment attribute sentiment_scores has been renamed to confidence_scores
  • TextDocumentStatistics attribute character_count has been renamed to grapheme_count
  • LinkedEntity attribute id has been renamed to data_source_entity_id
  • Parameters country_hint and language are now passed as keyword arguments
  • The keyword argument response_hook has been renamed to raw_response_hook
  • length and offset attributes have been renamed to grapheme_length and grapheme_offset for the SentenceSentiment, CategorizedEntity, PiiEntity, and LinkedEntityMatch models

New features

  • Pass country_hint="none" to not use the default country hint of "US".

Dependency updates

1.0.0b2 (2020-02-11)

Breaking changes

  • The single text, module-level operations single_detect_language(), single_recognize_entities(), single_extract_key_phrases(), single_analyze_sentiment(), single_recognize_pii_entities(), and single_recognize_linked_entities() have been removed from the client library. Use the batching methods for optimal performance in production environments.
  • To use an API key as the credential for authenticating the client, a new credential class TextAnalyticsApiKeyCredential("<api_key>") must be passed in for the credential parameter. Passing the API key as a string is no longer supported.
  • detect_languages() is renamed to detect_language().
  • The TextAnalyticsError model has been simplified to an object with only attributes code, message, and target.
  • NamedEntity has been renamed to CategorizedEntity and its attributes type to category and subtype to subcategory.
  • RecognizePiiEntitiesResult now contains on the object a list of PiiEntity instead of NamedEntity.
  • AnalyzeSentimentResult attribute document_scores has been renamed to sentiment_scores.
  • SentenceSentiment attribute sentence_scores has been renamed to sentiment_scores.
  • SentimentConfidenceScorePerLabel has been renamed to SentimentScorePerLabel.
  • DetectLanguageResult no longer has attribute detected_languages. Use primary_language to access the detected language in text.

New features

  • Credential class TextAnalyticsApiKeyCredential provides an update_key() method which allows you to update the API key for long-lived clients.

Fixes and improvements

  • __repr__ has been added to all of the response objects.
  • If you try to access a result attribute on a DocumentError object, an AttributeError is raised with a custom error message that provides the document ID and error of the invalid document.

1.0.0b1 (2020-01-09)

Version (1.0.0b1) is the first preview of our efforts to create a user-friendly and Pythonic client library for Azure Text Analytics. For more information about this, and preview releases of other Azure SDK libraries, please visit

Breaking changes: New API design

  • New namespace/package name:

    • The namespace/package name for Azure Text Analytics client library has changed from azure.cognitiveservices.language.textanalytics to
  • New operations and naming:

    • detect_language is renamed to detect_languages
    • entities is renamed to recognize_entities
    • key_phrases is renamed to extract_key_phrases
    • sentiment is renamed to analyze_sentiment
    • New operation recognize_pii_entities finds personally identifiable information entities in text
    • New operation recognize_linked_entities provides links from a well-known knowledge base for each recognized entity
    • New module-level operations single_detect_language, single_recognize_entities, single_extract_key_phrases, single_analyze_sentiment, single_recognize_pii_entities, and single_recognize_linked_entities perform function on a single string instead of a batch of text documents and can be imported from the namespace.
    • New client and module-level async APIs added to subnamespace
    • MultiLanguageInput has been renamed to TextDocumentInput
    • LanguageInput has been renamed to DetectLanguageInput
    • DocumentLanguage has been renamed to DetectLanguageResult
    • DocumentEntities has been renamed to RecognizeEntitiesResult
    • DocumentLinkedEntities has been renamed to RecognizeLinkedEntitiesResult
    • DocumentKeyPhrases has been renamed to ExtractKeyPhrasesResult
    • DocumentSentiment has been renamed to AnalyzeSentimentResult
    • DocumentStatistics has been renamed to TextDocumentStatistics
    • RequestStatistics has been renamed to TextDocumentBatchStatistics
    • Entity has been renamed to NamedEntity
    • Match has been renamed to LinkedEntityMatch
    • The batching methods' documents parameter has been renamed inputs
  • New input types:

    • detect_languages can take as input a list[DetectLanguageInput] or a list[str]. A list of dict-like objects in the same shape as DetectLanguageInput is still accepted as input.
    • recognize_entities, recognize_pii_entities, recognize_linked_entities, extract_key_phrases, analyze_sentiment can take as input a list[TextDocumentInput] or list[str]. A list of dict-like objects in the same shape as TextDocumentInput is still accepted as input.
  • New parameters/keyword arguments:

    • All operations now take a keyword argument model_version which allows the user to specify a string referencing the desired model version to be used for analysis. If no string specified, it will default to the latest, non-preview version.
    • detect_languages now takes a parameter country_hint which allows you to specify the country hint for the entire batch. Any per-item country hints will take precedence over a whole batch hint.
    • recognize_entities, recognize_pii_entities, recognize_linked_entities, extract_key_phrases, analyze_sentiment now take a parameter language which allows you to specify the language for the entire batch. Any per-item specified language will take precedence over a whole batch hint.
    • A default_country_hint or default_language keyword argument can be passed at client instantiation to set the default values for all operations.
    • A response_hook keyword argument can be passed with a callback to use the raw response from the service. Additionally, values returned for TextDocumentBatchStatistics and model_version used must be retrieved using a response hook.
    • show_stats and model_version parameters move to keyword only arguments.
  • New return types

    • The return types for the batching methods (detect_languages, recognize_entities, recognize_pii_entities, recognize_linked_entities, extract_key_phrases, analyze_sentiment) now return a heterogeneous list of result objects and document errors in the order passed in with the request. To iterate over the list and filter for result or error, a boolean property on each object called is_error can be used to determine whether the returned response object at that index is a result or an error:
    • detect_languages now returns a List[Union[DetectLanguageResult, DocumentError]]
    • recognize_entities now returns a List[Union[RecognizeEntitiesResult, DocumentError]]
    • recognize_pii_entities now returns a List[Union[RecognizePiiEntitiesResult, DocumentError]]
    • recognize_linked_entities now returns a List[Union[RecognizeLinkedEntitiesResult, DocumentError]]
    • extract_key_phrases now returns a List[Union[ExtractKeyPhrasesResult, DocumentError]]
    • analyze_sentiment now returns a List[Union[AnalyzeSentimentResult, DocumentError]]
    • The module-level, single text operations will return a single result object or raise the error found on the document:
    • single_detect_languages returns a DetectLanguageResult
    • single_recognize_entities returns a RecognizeEntitiesResult
    • single_recognize_pii_entities returns a RecognizePiiEntitiesResult
    • single_recognize_linked_entities returns a RecognizeLinkedEntitiesResult
    • single_extract_key_phrases returns a ExtractKeyPhrasesResult
    • single_analyze_sentiment returns a AnalyzeSentimentResult
  • New underlying REST pipeline implementation, based on the new azure-core library.

  • Client and pipeline configuration is now available via keyword arguments at both the client level, and per-operation. See README for a full list of optional configuration arguments.

  • Authentication using azure-identity credentials

  • New error hierarchy:

    • All service errors will now use the base type: azure.core.exceptions.HttpResponseError
    • There is one exception type derived from this base type for authentication errors:
      • ClientAuthenticationError: Authentication failed.

0.2.0 (2019-03-12)


  • Client class can be used as a context manager to keep the underlying HTTP session open for performance
  • New method "entities"
  • Model KeyPhraseBatchResultItem has a new parameter statistics
  • Model KeyPhraseBatchResult has a new parameter statistics
  • Model LanguageBatchResult has a new parameter statistics
  • Model LanguageBatchResultItem has a new parameter statistics
  • Model SentimentBatchResult has a new parameter statistics

Breaking changes

  • TextAnalyticsAPI main client has been renamed TextAnalyticsClient
  • TextAnalyticsClient parameter is no longer a region but a complete endpoint

General Breaking changes

This version uses a next-generation code generator that might introduce breaking changes.

  • Model signatures now use only keyword-argument syntax. All positional arguments must be re-written as keyword-arguments. To keep auto-completion in most cases, models are now generated for Python 2 and Python 3. Python 3 uses the "*" syntax for keyword-only arguments.

  • Enum types now use the "str" mixin (class AzureEnum(str, Enum)) to improve the behavior when unrecognized enum values are encountered. While this is not a breaking change, the distinctions are important, and are documented here: At a glance:

    • "is" should not be used at all.
    • "format" will return the string value, where "%s" string formatting will return NameOfEnum.stringvalue. Format syntax should be prefered.


  • Compatibility of the sdist with wheel 0.31.0

0.1.0 (2018-01-12)

  • Initial Release