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Managing packages for Validation

John Haskin edited this page Mar 14, 2019 · 10 revisions



When using Package Validation workflow to validate a package, you will need to specify a package URI to an Azure Storage blob. An 'Azure Storage Blob' is hosted in the Azure public cloud (and not on your AzureStack environment).

Note: Please ensure that the zip contents are placed at the root of the zip file. There can be no sub-folders in the package.

Provision a storage account

To create a storage account, follow the "Create a storage account" steps ONLY in this link.

Make sure to select type of storage account as Blob Storage

Provision a storage container

  • Navigate to the storage account created in the above step (in Azure Portal) and select it
  • On the left blade look for Containers under Blob Service and click on it
  • Click on the "+ Container" option on the top menu and provide a name for the container e.g. vaaspackages

Note: The above steps need to be done only once. The same container can be re-used for later validations

Upload Package

  • If your package contains multiple files, compress it into a .zip file
  • Upload your package, to validate, by selecting the provisioned container and clicking the "Upload" menu item on the top menu bar
  • Specify the file to upload and keep defaults for Blob type (i.e. Block Blob) and Block size

Generate package blob URI link for VaaS

Option 1: Using public read container

Note: This option opens up your container for anonymous read only access.

  • Grant public read access for blobs only to container by following this link section Grant anonymous users permissions to containers and blobs ONLY
  • Then right click the uploaded package in the container and select "Properties..."
  • Copy the Uri from the opened blade
  • This is the URL to specify to VaaS

Option 2: Generating SAS connection string for container

  • Navigate to the storage account and select it
  • On the left blade look for Shared access signature under Settings and click on it
  • Check only "Blob" from Allowed Services options (uncheck remaining)
  • Check "Container" and "Object" from Allowed resource types
  • Check "Read", "List", from Allowed permissions
  • Select Start time as current time and End time as 1 hour depending on how long the test pass will go for
  • Click on "Generate SAS" and save the "Blob service SAS URL" string, which should look like this:
  • Modify the generated SAS URL to include the container name and the name of your package:
  • This is the URL to specify to VaaS
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