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Diagnostic Data Collection

Dome Pongmongkol edited this page Jun 21, 2021 · 1 revision

In order for us to be able to effectively debug your issues, please follow the steps below

1. Set up MSAL logs collection

Please follow the steps here to hook up your logger. If possible, please print this to a separate file (as opposed to printing to logcat).

If you can reproducing the issue in-house, it would be ideal to turn on VERBOSE logging, by setting the log_level property in your configuration file:

  "client_id" : [YOUR_CLIENT_ID],
  "authorization_user_agent" : "DEFAULT",
  "redirect_uri" : [YOUR_REDIRECT_URI],
  "authorities" : [YOUR_AUTHORITIES]
  "logging": {
    "log_level": "verbose"

You can also do this by calling the following method AFTER initializing PublicClientApplication. It's critical that it happens after the initialization, or it will be overwritten by the configuration initialization.


2. Reproduce the issue

  • If you can reproduce the issue,
    • If possible, uninstall everything, re-install everything, and reproduce the issue from scratch.
    • Reproduce the issue in one go.
    • Collect logs right away.
  • If you cannot reproduce the issue in-house, please specify the (estimated) timestamp and/or correlation ID, so that we can pinpoint the issue.

3. Upload logs and the information regarding the issue.

  1. Details about your scenario - what you're trying to achieve.
  2. The steps to reproduce the issue.
  3. Version of ADAL/MSAL you're currently using.
  4. Your MSAL configuration file.
  5. MSAL logs.
  6. Company Portal AND Authenticator Logs (if installed).