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MSAL migration guide 0.3.2 1.0.0

Shane Oatman edited this page Sep 30, 2019 · 4 revisions


There are a number of changes introduced by MSAL 1.0. Including:

  • New factory methods
  • New sub-types of PublicClientApplication
  • Synchronous methods callable from worker threads
  • UIBehavior Enum - Renamed to "Prompt"
  • Reduction in overloads (replaced by parameters objects to methods)
  • Additional Configuration
  • New Exception Types

New Sub-Types & Factory Methods

Single account and multiple account public client applications were introduced in MSAL 1.0. This allows you as the developer to tell us whether you app is designed to allow a single account to be in use at a time or multiple accounts at a time.

Users migrating from 0.3 can use the default type which is MultipleAccountPublicClientApplication. The interface for this sub-type is the same (currently) as PublicClientApplication in MSAL 0.3.


New Synchronous Methods

MSAL 1.0 adds support for synchronous methods that can be called from worker threads. For an example you can refer to getAccount: Sync Method

In general whatever used to be returned via a callback is now the return value and exceptions are thrown rather than returned from onError callback.

The code will throw an exception if you attempt to invoke these methods on the UI/Main thread.

UIBehavior - Renamed to Prompt

The UIBehavior enum was renamed to "prompt" to more accurately associated the parameter with its equivalent in the OpenId Connect 1.0 spec. The value Prompt.WhenRequired was added to support not sending a prompt parameter to the authorization endpoint at all. When this value is used the service will use what it believes is the current account to complete the request. If a prompt is required (consent, policy, etc...) then it will be shown. Otherwise the request may automatically complete.

AcquireTokenParameters & AcquireTokenSilentParameters

Parameter objects with builders have been added to simplify the use of acquireToken, acquireTokenSilent and other methods. These functions allow many parameters and we've chosen to require their usage rather than simply continuing adding additional overloads to existing methods.

More complete application configuration for MSAL