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Tolerate ID token time errors
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rayluo committed Jan 26, 2024
1 parent d7331f2 commit d7d63e6
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Showing 2 changed files with 92 additions and 13 deletions.
80 changes: 67 additions & 13 deletions msal/oauth2cli/
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Expand Up @@ -5,9 +5,13 @@
import string
import warnings
import hashlib
import logging

from . import oauth2

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

def decode_part(raw, encoding="utf-8"):
"""Decode a part of the JWT.
Expand All @@ -32,6 +36,45 @@ def decode_part(raw, encoding="utf-8"):

base64decode = decode_part # Obsolete. For backward compatibility only.

def _epoch_to_local(epoch):
return time.strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S", time.localtime(epoch))

class IdTokenError(RuntimeError): # We waised RuntimeError before, so keep it
def __init__(self, reason, now, claims):
super(IdTokenError, self).__init__("%s Current epoch = %s. The id_token was: %s" % (
reason, _epoch_to_local(now), json.dumps(dict(
iat=_epoch_to_local(claims["iat"]) if claims.get("iat") else None,
exp=_epoch_to_local(claims["exp"]) if claims.get("exp") else None,
), indent=2)))

class IdTokenTimeError(IdTokenError):
_SUGGESTION = "Make sure your computer's time and time zone are both correct."
def __init__(self, reason, now, claims):
super(IdTokenTimeError, self).__init__(reason+ " " + self._SUGGESTION, now, claims)

class IdTokenIssuerError(IdTokenError):

class IdTokenAudienceError(IdTokenError):

class IdTokenNonceError(IdTokenError):

def _log(error):
assert isinstance(error, IdTokenTimeError)
# Influenced by JWT specs
# and OIDC specs
# We used to raise this error, but now we just log it as warning, because:
# 1. If it is caused by incorrect local machine time,
# then the token(s) are still correct and probably functioning,
# so, there is no point to error out.
# 2. If it is caused by incorrect IdP time, then it is IdP's fault,
# There is not much a client can do, so, we might as well return the token(s)
# and let downstream components to decide what to do.

def decode_id_token(id_token, client_id=None, issuer=None, nonce=None, now=None):
"""Decodes and validates an id_token and returns its claims as a dictionary.
Expand All @@ -41,41 +84,52 @@ def decode_id_token(id_token, client_id=None, issuer=None, nonce=None, now=None)
`maybe more <>`_
decoded = json.loads(decode_part(id_token.split('.')[1]))
err = None #
# Based on
_now = int(now or time.time())
skew = 120 # 2 minutes
TIME_SUGGESTION = "Make sure your computer's time and time zone are both correct."

if _now + skew < decoded.get("nbf", _now - 1): # nbf is optional per JWT specs
# This is not an ID token validation, but a JWT validation
err = "0. The ID token is not yet valid. " + TIME_SUGGESTION
_log(IdTokenTimeError("0. The ID token is not yet valid.", _now, decoded))

if issuer and issuer != decoded["iss"]:
err = ('2. The Issuer Identifier for the OpenID Provider, "%s", '
raise IdTokenIssuerError(
'2. The Issuer Identifier for the OpenID Provider, "%s", '
"(which is typically obtained during Discovery), "
"MUST exactly match the value of the iss (issuer) Claim.") % issuer
"MUST exactly match the value of the iss (issuer) Claim." % issuer,

if client_id:
valid_aud = client_id in decoded["aud"] if isinstance(
decoded["aud"], list) else client_id == decoded["aud"]
if not valid_aud:
err = (
raise IdTokenAudienceError(
"3. The aud (audience) claim must contain this client's client_id "
'"%s", case-sensitively. Was your client_id in wrong casing?'
# Some IdP accepts wrong casing request but issues right casing IDT
) % client_id
% client_id,

# Per specs:
# 6. If the ID Token is received via direct communication between
# the Client and the Token Endpoint (which it is during _obtain_token()),
# the TLS server validation MAY be used to validate the issuer
# in place of checking the token signature.

if _now - skew > decoded["exp"]:
err = "9. The ID token already expires. " + TIME_SUGGESTION
_log(IdTokenTimeError("9. The ID token already expires.", _now, decoded))

if nonce and nonce != decoded.get("nonce"):
err = ("11. Nonce must be the same value "
"as the one that was sent in the Authentication Request.")
if err:
raise RuntimeError("%s Current epoch = %s. The id_token was: %s" % (
err, _now, json.dumps(decoded, indent=2)))
raise IdTokenNonceError(
"11. Nonce must be the same value "
"as the one that was sent in the Authentication Request.",

return decoded

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25 changes: 25 additions & 0 deletions tests/
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@@ -0,0 +1,25 @@
from tests import unittest

from msal import oauth2cli

class TestIdToken(unittest.TestCase):

EXPIRED_ID_TOKEN = "eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJpc3MiOiJPbmxpbmUgSldUIEJ1aWxkZXIiLCJpYXQiOjE3MzE3NDE1MDUsImV4cCI6MTcwNTMwMzEwNSwiYXVkIjoid3d3LmV4YW1wbGUuY29tIiwic3ViIjoiYWJjZDEyMzQiLCJHaXZlbk5hbWUiOiJKb2huIiwiU3VybmFtZSI6IkRvZSIsIkVtYWlsIjoiam9obmRvZUBleGFtcGxlLmNvbSJ9.hsLO_xEImdyVrzwTSu8OYZrHToOyDyv2kDe6DQCmeWc"

def test_id_token_should_tolerate_time_error(self):
self.assertEqual(oauth2cli.oidc.decode_id_token(self.EXPIRED_ID_TOKEN), {
"iss": "Online JWT Builder",
"iat": 1731741505, # 2024-11-16
"exp": 1705303105, # 2024-01-15
"aud": "",
"sub": "abcd1234",
"GivenName": "John",
"Surname": "Doe",
"Email": ""
}, "id_token is decoded correctly, without raising exception")

def test_id_token_should_error_out_on_client_id_error(self):
with self.assertRaises(oauth2cli.oidc.IdTokenAudienceError):
oauth2cli.oidc.decode_id_token(self.EXPIRED_ID_TOKEN, client_id="foo")

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