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Setting Up Environment

Most of the steps below can be done via the Azure Portal

  • Create Resource Group
    az group create -n kube -l eastus
  • Create Azure Container Service
    az acs create --orchestrator-type kubernetes --resource-group kube --name myK8sCluster --generate-ssh-keys --agent-count 1
  • Get Azure credentials to be able to use the Kubernetes Cli (kubectl)
    az acs kubernetes get-credentials -g kube --name=myK8sCluster
  • Confirm Kubernetes cluster by Checking Dashboard
    az acs kubernetes browse -g kube -n myK8sCluster
  • (Optional) Create secret for private Registry
    kubectl create secret docker-registry regsecret --docker-server=[SERVER] --docker-username=[USERNAME] --docker-password=[PASSWORD] --docker-email=[EMAIL]

Setting Up Elastic Search

I'm using a set of scripts available here to create an instance of Elastic Search

  • Create Service Account
    kubectl apply -f .deployment/elastic/service-account.yaml
  • Create Replication Controller
    kubectl apply -f .deployment/elastic/es-rc.yaml
  • Create Service
    kubectl apply -f .deployment/elastic/es-svc.yaml

Building and Publishing

  • Build solution
  • Navigate to AzSp.Products folder and Publish it
    dotnet publish .\AzSp.Products.csproj -c Release -o ./obj/Docker/publish
  • Create Image
    docker build -t azsp.products .
  • (Optional) Login to private registry
    docker login [Registry URL]
  • (Optional) Tag Image
    docker tag azsp.products [Registry URL]/azsp.products
  • Push Image docker push [Registry URL]/azsp.products

Deploying to Kubernetes

  • Creating Deployment workload
    kubectl apply -f .deployment\deployment.yaml
  • Creating Service workload
    kubectl apply -f .deployment\service.yaml
  • (Optional) Watch for Service to be finalized
    kubectl get services lbproducts --watch