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3. Problem Definition

Srinidhi Kulkarni edited this page Jan 24, 2022 · 6 revisions

Automatic Trash Can


To maintain and manage the waste generated in the city, design a 'Smart Trash Can' which automatically detects and segregates dumped wastes.

1.1 QUESTIONS TO THE CLIENT: Questions Answers Objective/Function/Constraint
1. Should it be public use or home use ? Public use Objective
2. What will be the capacity of the trash can? 10 liters Constraint
3. Should it be movable or fixed? It must be movable Objective
4. Should it send alert after it fills up? Yes Function
5. Should there be different compartments for wet and dry waste? Yes Objective
6. How should be the trash can powered? Battery Objective
7. What is the budget? Rs.4000 Constraint
8. What should be the delivery time? 4 Months Constraint
9. What must be the dimensions of the trash can? 2ft2ft2ft Constraint
10. Should it be Aesthetic? Yes it must be minimally good in appearance Objective
11. Should the trash can separate wet and dry wastes on detection? Yes the trash can must separate waste on its own Function
12. Should it show the level of trash filled in? Yes, we need a display of level. Function
13. Should it be fully automated? Yes it must be fully automated Objective
14. As it must be fixed, what approximately must be the weight? The weight must not exceed 2kgs Constraint
15. What must be the shape of the trash can? Shape needs to be cuboidal. Objective
16. Should the Trash Can automatically dispense sanitiser for user? It must dispense sanitiser if the user needs. Function

1.2 Basic Survey and Requirements

1. It must be for Public use.
2. It must be movable.
3. It must have different compartments for wet and dry wastes.
4. Decently good in appearance.
5. It must be fully automated.
6. It must be cuboidal in shape.
7. It must be battery operated.

Problem Definition 1.1:

Design a Smart Trash Can that is for public use and must be portable.It must be fully automated and have different compartments for wet and dry wastes.It must be cuboidal in shape and must be battery operated.It must have good aesthetics.

1. It has to be of 10 litres capacity.
2. The budget is Rs.4000
3. Delivery period is 4 months.
4. Dimensions are 2ft* 2ft* 2ft
5. Weight must not exceed 2kgs

Problem Definition 1.2:

Design a Smart Trash Can which is basically for Public use and portable.It must be fully automated and have different compartments for wet and dry wastes.The budget for the device is Rs.4000. Weight must not exceed 2kgs and have good aesthetics.The capacity should be 10 litres and dimensions of 2ft* 2ft* 2ft. The weight must not exceed 2 kgs and delivery period is 4 months.

1. Trash must get segregated on its own.
2. Display of level filled up.
3. Automatically dispense sanitiser to user to maintain hygiene and user-safety.

Problem Definition 1.3:

Design an Automated Trash Can that is able to identify the types of waste and segregate it according to the need. The cost of the can should not exceed more than Rs.4000. It must be portable and aesthetically pleasing. It must be battery operated.The total capacity must be 10litres and dimensions must be 2ft* 2ft* 2ft.The total weight must not exceed 2kgs.It must be able to indicate levels of can filled up. It must sense and dispense the sanitiser automatically according to the need of the user.The delivery time is 4 months.