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Package Basics Adding Your First Item

Konclan edited this page Sep 3, 2022 · 1 revision

Making packages [for beginners]

The package structure

Your folder should resemble something around the lines of this:

Package Name
│   info.txt
│   └───your_item
│           editoritems.txt
│           properties.txt
│           vbsp_config.cfg
    │   └───items
    │       └───clean
    │               your_item.png //this is the item icon displayed in the bee gui
    │   └───clean
    │       └───items
    │           └───your_item
    │                   your_item.vmf //this is what is added into the level wherever you place your item
    │   ├───BEE2
    │   │   └───models
    │   │       └───props_map_editor
    │   │           └───your_item
    │   │                   your_item.vmt //this is the texture used by the in-game editor
    │   │
    │   └───models
    │       └───props_map_editor
    │           └───palette
    │               └───bee2
    │                       your_item.vtf //this is the palette icon in the in-game editor
        │       your_item.dx90.vtx //these files are the model that is displayed in the editor
        │       your_item.mdl
        │       your_item.vvd
                selection_your_item.3ds //this file determines where the editor considers the model to be

What is info.txt?

info.txt is what tells bee what your package contains and where to find its contents. This file should be at the root of every package.

What is editoritems.txt?

editoritems.txt defines how your item will behave in the in-game editor as well as how it will turn out when in an actual map.

What is properties.txt?

properties.txt is a small file that gives bee a little more information about your item. The info put here will be displayed in the bee gui when your item is clicked on.

What is vbsp_config.cfg?

vbsp_config.cfg lets bee give your item more flexibility by allowing you to change how your item will behave in levels. This allows for things such as rotation-based variants, random variants, and different items for different portalability.

How to make an info.txt

More information can be found here

To start off your info.txt, you are going to want to define the id, name, and description of your package.


"Name"	"My Package"
"Desc"  "An example package."

After these lines, you will want to add a list of your items, styles, music, and more. (see next section)

How to add an item

Adding your item to the info.txt

For your item to be included in BEE, you will have to add it to the info.txt file.

Usually, items will follow the pattern of

			"BEE2_CLEAN"	"my_folder" // this is referencing the item folder inside the `items` folder of your package

info on items in info.txt can also be found here

How to make a properties.txt

Section by Baguettery, this has not been reviewed.

The properties.txt file will usually consist of something like this:

	"Authors"		"My Name" //authors can be separated by any of **,** , **;** , or **/**
	"Description"	"This is my cool item, and the text describing what it does."
	"Icon"		"clean/my_icon.png" //this refers to the png image located relative to *resources/BEE2/*
			"all"	"icon_all.png" //the png variant of all_icon
			"0"	"icon.png" //there should be an icon for every variant of your item

Here is a list of the flags and what they do:

Index: tags, authors, ent_count, infoURL, all_name, all_icon


Defines what attributes your item can be filtered by in BEE. This can be separated by ,, ;, or /


	"Tags"	"MyTag,OtherTag"

Sets the authors displayed in BEE. This can be separated by ,, ;, or /


	"Authors"	"MyName,OtherName"

Allows to link to a webpage to show any additional information on your item.


	"infoURL" "myURL"

This determines the name of your item when dragged into the palette if it has multiple variants.


	"all_name" "my generic item"

This determines the icon of your item in the editor if your item has multiple subtypes. This should be a VTF.


	"all_icon" "my generic icon"

How to make an editoritems.txt

Not done yet

How to add subtypes

The Different Subtypes

Not done yet

When vbsp_config.cfg is needed

Not done yet

How to make a 3d model for the editor

Making models

Not done yet

Exporting models

Not done yet

Compiling models

Not done yet

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