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pip install khquizgen


If using from commandline prefix with -m flag and use the built-in inputs and oputputs path. If you want to use different input/output dirs you will need to make a settings.toml file and set INCLUDES_FOR_DYNACONF=path\to\settings.toml Or you can set envars directly: set DYNACONF_OUTPUT=path\to\output\dir and set DYNACONF_INPUT=path\to\input\dir and maybe logs set DYNACONF_LOGS=path\to\logs\dir If you are importing it you can set a settings.toml and set os.environs['INCLUDES_FOR_DYNACONF'] or each of the individual settings like above in your script before import. It is important that you set the envar before importing khquizgen, otherwise it will use its PACKAGEDIR instead of your settings.


  • Takes your notes and intelligently generate random Multiple-Choice sets formatted in a spreadsheet ready to upload straight to Kahoot.

Root-Trunk-Branch-Leaf Schema

  • Notes should follow the Root-Trunk-Branch-Leaf schema. An example can be found in the source input folder.
  • Roots are your overarching topics. When the script randomly generates questions, it first randomly selects a root, and then attempts to make a question, answer, and four multiple choices from within that Root.
  • Trunks are your specific subtopic. If your Root was Vehicles your Trunks could be Car, Train, Airplane
  • Branches are the defining characteristics of your Trunk. These should be generalizeable to all of the Trunks for the widest spread of useable questions, but they do not -need- to be. If your Trunk was Car your branches could be Speed, Mass, Fuel
  • Leaves are the values for each branch. You can have multiple leaves by separating them with a comma. If Car was your trunk, and Mass is your branch, a leaf could be 2 tons

Question Generation

  1. The code first randomly selects a Root and makes a set from all of the available Trunks.
    roots = [Vehicles, Dinosaurs, France] root = Vehicles
  2. It randomly selects a Trunk from this set and then makes a set from all of the avaiable branches. Vehicles:[Car, Plane, Train] trunk = Car
  3. It randomly selects a Branch, and its Leaf. If there are multiple leaves, it will select one randomly. Car:[Mass, Speed, Fuel] branch = Mass
  4. Branch and Trunk are parsed together and become a potential question. trunk = Car branch = Mass Q1 = "Car Mass"
  5. Your leaf is also a potential question. Q2 = "2 Tons"
  6. Coin toss decides which question remains as the question, the other becomes the answer. coin = rand.choice[1,2] = 1 question, answer = Q1, Q2 if coin == 1 else Q2, Q1
  7. Code then loops through steps 2-5, references the coin toss, and discards the corresponding option. potQ1 = Train Speed potQ2 = 200mph potA = potQ2 if coin ==1 else potQ1
  8. It compares the new potential answer against the original answer using Jaro-Winkler Similarity formula. If the potential answer scores 0.45 or less, or 1.0 (identical), the answer is discarded and the cycle begins again. In this case, 200mph would be discarded, and the cycle starts again.
  9. After four suitable multiple choices are found, the cycle begins at step 1.
  10. This loop cycles until 100 questions are formed, since that is the limit imposed by Kahoot.


		A1C: >6.5%
		Fasting Glucose: >126mg/dL
		2hr Glucose Tolerance: >200mg/dL
		Hyperglycemia or crisis: >200mg/dL
		A1C: 5.7-6.5%
		Fasting Glucose: 100-125mg/dL
		2hr Glucose Tolerance: 140-199mg/dL
		A1C: 4.5-5.6%
		Fasting Glucose: <100mg/dL
		2hr Glucose Tolerance: <140mg/dL
			Preprandial Glucose: 70-99mg/dL
			Postprandial Glucose: <140mg/dL
			A1C: 4.5-5.6%
		Diabetic Goal::
			Preprandial Glucose: 80-130mg/dL
			Postprandial Glucose: <180mg/dL
			A1C: <7%
			MOA: Decrease heaptic glucose by inhibiting gluconeogenesis
			Use case: Always unless contraindicated by kidney disease
			Efficacy: High efficacy
			Advantage: Promote weight loss, hyperglycemic, affordable
			Disadvantage: GI side effects, lactic acidosis, increased risk in PT with CKD, requires adequate GF, vitamin B12 deficiency
			MOA: Close K+-ATP channel and force Beta-cell insulin release
			Use case: Cost is primary concern
			Efficacy: High efficacy
			Advantage: Affordable
			Disadvantage: Hypoglycemia, weight gain, waning efficacy
			MOA: Close K+-ATP channel and force Beta-cell insulin release
			Use case: SUR hypoglycemia are concerns
			Efficacy: Low efficacy
			Advantage: Short half-lfe, reduced hypoglycemia
			Disadvantage: Frequent administration, hypoglycemia, weight gain
			MOA: Improve insulin sensitivity by increaseing GLUT4 translocation in muscle and adipocytes
			Use case: Cost or hypoglycemia main concerns
			Efficacy: High efficacy
			Advantage: Affordable, anti-hyperglycemic, decrease ectopic lipids, decrease inflammatory cytokines from adipose cells, increase adiponectin, decrease lipolysis
			Disadvantage: weight gain, increased fluid retention (edema), increased risk of heart failure, anemia
		GLP-1 Agonist::
			MOA: Enhance glucose-stimulated insulin secretion and paracrine effect on glucagon
			Use case: Cardiovasccular risk or hypoglycemia are main concerns
			Efficacy: High efficacy
			Advantage: Anti-hyperglycemic, weight loss, decreases risk for cardiovascular disease, increases satiety
			Disadvantage: GI side effects, expensive, increased risk for pancreatitis, increased risk for thyroid cancer
		DPP-4 Inhibitor::
			MOA: Prolongs lifespan of endogenous incretins
			Use case: Hypoglycemia is main concern
			Efficacy: Low efficacy
			Advantage: Anti-hyperglycemic, well-tolerated, oral administration
			Disadvantage: Expensive
		SGLT-2 Inhibitor::
			MOA: Blocks reabsorption of glucose in kidneys
			Use case: Weight management, cardiovascular risk, or hypoglycemia are main concerns`
			Efficacy: Low efficacy
			Advantage: Anti-hyperglycemic, decreases risk of cardiovascular disease, decreases risk of heart failure, slows progression of diabetic nephropathy, weight loss
			Disadvantage: Increased risk of UTI, increased risk of osmotic diuresis, increased risk of ketoacidosis in T2D, not effective if eGFR <30ml/min


Autogenerate Kahoot quizzes from your notes!








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