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All (Limited Time) Event Spawns Active

CJ Kucera edited this page Jan 26, 2023 · 13 revisions

All (Limited-Time) Event Spawns Active

Author: Apocalyptech


Last Updated: August 01, 2022

Most Recent Version: 1.1.0

In Categories: Enemy Changes, Seasonal Events

License: Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International (CC BY-SA 4.0)

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All (Limited-Time) Event Spawns Active
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OHL (web loading): Create a shortcut by dragging into a folder
B3HM (web loading): Right click and "Copy Link"


This mod makes it so that all event spawn modifications will be active at once. This means that you'll have haunted enemies (from Bloody Harvest), floating hearts (from Broken Hearts), and Cartels operatives (from Revenge of the Cartels) appearing alongside each other. It is possible for an enemy to be both haunted and a Cartel operative!

This mod does not require that the associated events be actually active, and it does not unlock the missions themselves (or the event-specific maps). You'll have to enable the event of your choice from the main menu for that.

View whole README on Github

Description (from inside mod)

Enables Bloody Harvest, Broken Hearts, and Revenge of the Cartels spawn
modifications at the same time.  This does *not* enable the full event;
you'll still have to enable a single event of your choice from the main
menu for that.  Enemies *can* be both Haunted and Cartel, fwiw!

Generated by


Aug 1, 2022 (no version number change)

v1.1.0 - Jul 4, 2021

  • Fixed to work again after June 24th's Endless Seasonal Events update

Jun 16, 2021 (no version number change)

  • Added contact info to mod header

v1.0.0 - Sep 26, 2020

  • First versioned release
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