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v1.3.0 Updates

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@BNMetrics BNMetrics released this 28 Sep 20:13
· 37 commits to master since this release

1.3.0 (2018-09-28)


  • Allowing configuration of datefmt, and style for master level formatters in logme.ini.
    • This change does not break the previous version, you can still specify only the fmt
    • Does not apply to logme init or logme add {config_name} command for generate automatic
    • Default style will still be { if none specified
  • example:

.. code-block:: ini

level = DEBUG
formatter =
    fmt: {asctime} - {name} - {levelname} - {message}
    datefmt: %Y/%m/%d
    style: {
stream =
    type: StreamHandler
    active: True
    level: DEBUG
file =
    type: FileHandler
    active: True
    level: DEBUG
    formatter: {name} :: {funcName} :: {levelname} :: {message}
    filename: mylogpath/foo.log