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  1. Setting up the app
    • 1.1 Adding customers to project
    • 1.2 Setup Authentication
      • 1.2.1 Backend
      • 1.2.2 Frontend
    • 1.3 Build and start the app
  2. Used Technologies
  3. Getting started with create react app
  4. Fronted - Available scripts
  5. Backend - IntelliJ
  6. Liquibase

1. Setting up the app

1.1 Adding customers to project

To add a list of customers to Diversity Lunch, you have to edit the file customers.txt located in Diversity-Lunch-App. Take your list and paste it into the file, with one customer a line.

Afterwards start AddCustomersToProject.js. This file takes care of adding the customers to all necessary files.

You can start the script with the console by typing node AddCustomersToProject.js. Assure that you are located in Diversity-Lunch-App where diversity-lunch-be and diversity-lunch-fe are located.

Be aware to leave an entry Sonstiges in customers.txt. The reason for this is that the tests need this entry to work properly.

If you dont want to have an entry like this you have to edit the tests in diversity-lunch-fe in profile-overview.test.tsx. Under projects:'Sonstiges' you have to replace Sonstiges with one customer/ project thats inside customers.txt.

1.2 Setup authentication

1.2.1 Backend Configuration

A `.env` file is required for the local installation of the backend. A sample file is located in the subfolder `docker`. Creates the `.env` file in the same place and populate it with the following content:
DB_HOST=IP-Address of DBHost eg. localhost
MAIL_HOST=IP-Address of MailHost
TENANT_ID=your Tenant ID
CLIENT_ID=your Client ID
CLIENT_SECRET=your Client Secret
DIVERSITY_LUNCH_USER_ID=your Diversity Lunch User ID

How to set the Ids?

We use azure active directory for authentication. To get the required ids you have to go into your azure account to your application. You have to copy and paste the application-id to CLIENT_ID, directory-id to TENANT_ID, and your private key to CLIENT_SECRET. To get the ISSUER_URI you have to concatenate the TENANT_ID to

Example: ISSUER_URI=

The DIVERSITY_LUNCH_USER_ID is required to send emails to users after a match. You have to create a technical user in your azure app. The technical users task is to send notification-mails to each user of a match.
To get the DIVERSITY_LUNCH_USER_ID just copy the Object-Id from your technical user and paste it to DIVERSITY_LUNCH_USER_ID.

With the plugin EnvFile IntelliJ can set the file as an environment for the run time configuration: image.png

1.2.2 Frontend Configuration

To configure this, the file 'app-config.js' must be created in the folder 'Public/config' and the following content must be added:

    window.appConfig = {
       REACT_APP_OIDC_CLIENT_ID: 'your Client ID',
       REACT_APP_OIDC_SCOPE: 'your Client ID/.default openid profile email',
       REACT_APP_OIDC_CONFIG_ENDPOINT: 'Microsoft Endpoint Configuration',
       REACT_APP_OIDC_AUTHORIZATION_ENDPOINT: 'Microsoft Endpoint Authorization',

The client-Id ist the id from your App that you already used for the backend.


REACT_APP_OIDC_SCOPE: REACT_APP_OIDC_CLIENT_ID/.default openid profile email


REACT_APP_OIDC_REDIRECT_URI: URL to your Diversity-Lunch-App


1.3 Build and start the app

1.3.1 Frontend

Go to the diversity-lunch-fe directory and run ```npm run build-fe-win``` on windows or ```npm run build-fe``` otherwise.

1.3.2 Backend

Using the Maven tool window or via `./mvnw package` the project can be compiled, tested and packaged.

1.3.3 Running the app


Docker Compose

The Docker compose 'docker/docker-compose.yaml' can be used to start the database, mailhog and backend locally. Inside the folder DiversityLunch/diversity-lunch-be/docker you can run docker-compose build, then docker-compose up.

In order for the containers to be configured correctly, there must be a file with environment variables under the path 'docker/.env', in which the variables 'POSTGRES_USER', 'POSTGRES_PASSWORD' and 'POSTGRES_DB' are set.

Locally the app runs on http://localhost:8080


We recommend a Kubernetes cluster to deploy.

2. Used Technologies

ReactJS, TypeScript, SwaggerUI, Jest, JavaScript, Redux, Sass, EsLint, Lombok, ModelMapper, H2 Database, Material, Java Spring Boot, Postgres, Docker, Kubernetes, Azure, Git

3. Getting Started with Create React App

This project was bootstrapped with Create React App.

4. Frontend - Available scripts

In the project directory, you can run:

npm start

Runs the app in the development mode.
Open http://localhost:3000 to view it in the browser.

The page will reload if you make edits.
You will also see any lint errors in the console.

npm test

Launches the test runner in the interactive watch mode.
See the section about running tests for more information.

npm run build

Builds the app for production to the build folder.
It correctly bundles React in production mode and optimizes the build for the best performance.

The build is minified and the filenames include the hashes.
Your app is ready to be deployed!

See the section about deployment for more information.

npm run eject

Note: this is a one-way operation. Once you eject, you can’t go back!

If you aren’t satisfied with the build tool and configuration choices, you can eject at any time. This command will remove the single build dependency from your project.

Instead, it will copy all the configuration files and the transitive dependencies (webpack, Babel, ESLint, etc) right into your project so you have full control over them. All of the commands except eject will still work, but they will point to the copied scripts so you can tweak them. At this point you’re on your own.

You don’t have to ever use eject. The curated feature set is suitable for small and middle deployments, and you shouldn’t feel obligated to use this feature. However we understand that this tool wouldn’t be useful if you couldn’t customize it when you are ready for it.

Learn More

You can learn more in the Create React App documentation.

To learn React, check out the React documentation.

5. Backend - IntelliJ

1. build

Using the Maven tool window or via ./mvnw package the project can be compiled, tested and packaged.

2. resources

Via the Docker Compose file, a database and SMTP server can be started for development. The command docker-compoise up -d db can be used for the database and the command docker-compose up -d mailhog for the SMTP server.

The application.yml under src/main/resources must be adapted for local development. For this the commented out part under <h1> Mail Settings Local must be inserted and the part under <h1> Mail Setting Sendgrid must be commented out. must be commented out.

!Important!: For the Dev environment SendGrind must be inserted again.

Disclaimer: A local application.yml still needs to be introduced.

3. run / debug

A new Spring Boot Config must be created, which points to the class en.brockhausag.diversitylunchspringboot.DiversityLunchSpringBootApplication. To start, the database must be running (can be started via Docker Compose). In order for the backend to connect to the DB, the environment variables must be set in IntelliJ Config as they are entered in the file docker/.env. Additionally the environment variable DB_HOST=localhost must be set.

4. Testing

Unit und Integration Tests

The tests are found under ''src/test/''.
For coverage, the coverage runner in IntelliJ should be converted to JaCoCo.

6. Liquibase

More information at:


For existing databases:
liquibase changelog-sync
More helpers to use Liquibase at
liquibase --help
Rough overview:
liquibase validate validate
liquibase XXXX-sql Test variant of the command. Always recommended to run beforehand:
liquibase update-sql -> liquibase update
liquibase status returns the status
liquibase rollback rollback of changesets.

Liquibase should be used as in Example Migration file.

  1. One change per changeset.
  2. Changesets as commented in example
  3. Added rollback plan
  4. Always write new migration files even if something is deleted from the db. -> Update, Age, Insert etc.