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Update existing Wekan installations on Uberspace 7 hosted domains.


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WeKan is an open-source kanban board. This script automates updating a bundle-based WeKan instance hosted on Uberspace 7. To install WeKan in the first place, see this guide.

NOTA BENE This script is work in progress as WeKan is frequently being updated. Some changes introduced to WeKan became problematic for bundle-installs on U7, this script provides some workarounds for that. Some extra features of the script currently are broken, I'll fix them when I have the time and knowledge to do so.

It might happen that WeKan introduces new features or dependencies and a new version won't run at first, needs some fixes to the startup-script or whatever 🤷🏻‍♂️. To prevent a failover, this script puts each installed version into its own subfolder ($HOME/wekan/wekan-{release version}/)and creates a symlink called current to be referenced elsewhere (ie. for Document Root). In case a new WeKan version is troublesome, run ln -sfn "$HOME/wekan/wekan-[your prior version no. here]/bundle" "$HOME/wekan/current" to activate your preferred prior version.

Getting started


A working WeKan instance to be found at ~/wekan/ running as a supervisord service, using Node.js 14.21.4, which is a sepcial Node.js version supplied by WeKan as a requirement to run recent versions of WeKan. Node.js 14.21.4 is expected at ~/opt/node14.21.4 (see below for installation instructions if it isn't). Instead of building Node.js fibers (which will fail at startup time), update_wekan copies fibers over from a prior version v6.86 — for your convenience, download the supplied bare v6.86 containing said fibers and place it at ~/wekan/.

Copy the startup-script into $HOME/wekan/. As a working WeKan instance is a requirement, it is expected that a wekan.ini is present at ~/etc/services.d/.

Install Node.js v14.21.4

Copy and paste this line-by-line into your shell:

mkdir --parents "${DEST}"
wget "${SOURCE}"
tar zxvf "node-v${VERSION}-linux-x64.tar.gz"
mv "node-v${VERSION}-linux-x64/"* "${DEST}/"
rm -rf "node-v${VERSION}-linux-x64" "node-v${VERSION}-linux-x64.tar.gz"

Now you should have a working copy of Node.js v14.21.4 ready to be used with WeKan >= v7.02.

Install update_wekan

  • Download the current version update_wekan, or clone this git and enter the directory:

    git clone && cd $(basename $_ .git)
  • Copy the script and make it executable:

    cp update_wekan ~/bin && chmod +x ~/bin/update_wekan


SSH into your Uberspace shell. Type update_wekan, the script will ask for your permission to stop a running WeKan instance initiated by tmux (any prior WeKan instance would have to be initiated using 'tmux new -s wekan ~/wekan/'). After this step, update_wekan does the fiddly update process automagically. Finally, the script asks whether it should start your new WeKan version in a new tmux session. To leave that session gracefully, type CTRL-b then d to return to the shell—WeKan is up and running the most recent version.

More information available by asking the script for help, but please remember for the time being, unfortunately any extra feature outside of a standard update process is non-functional:

update_wekan --help


In its current state, the script does not provide its prior extra features beyond its main job—which is automating the update procedure. Inactive code exists for those extra features, waiting to be fixed one of these days. Post your issues when you have any, pull requests are welcome.


Related Projects


Initially kindly coded by Kim Diallo, though abandoned long ago. Translation and ongoing development by BabyFnord


Tested working since v5.8x.


Update existing Wekan installations on Uberspace 7 hosted domains.






